"\nOblivious to the events that would soon unfold before them, Baal smiled to himself when Sezan found the spell for the forbidden magic ceremony. Upgrades: +5% damage dealt, +5% buff dispel chance, -1 turn cooldown, +10% buff dispel chance, +10% damage dealt, +10% buff dispel chance, +15% damage dealt. It was only exclusive back then october 2018 on korea server. Camping Chat #1: My little pumpkin is so picky with food. Get the most up-to-date news about Epic Seven on the gaming platform, STOVE! Speed multi is listed. T3nha showcases Vivian Cleave using C Dom and A Lots with the double Tagehel’s book, allowing double soul burns. Combat Readiness Increase: 0.000049 per difference. A frame bestowed in celebration of the Halloween 2020 Epic Pass.\nRewarded to Epic Pass holders upon reaching the highest Rank. 1% chance for Lilibet, 1.05% chance for Creation & Destruction. What's wrong with you? Camping Chat #1: Lilibet keeps nagging me to quit eating snacks. I do want her but with collabs coming soon, I rather save since I don't really need her. 【Epic seven MMD】 Model Luluca / Side to side 【4K】 【Epic seven MMD】 🎃 Happy Halloween 🎃 Yufine , Ravi , Achates , Lilibet Epic Seven Guild Wars #11 - Hands Up Don`t Shoot Join me in this Epic Seven video as we talk about how to gear your heroes successfully in 2020.Follow Me On Instagram@Demone_KimWant to show extra support? Camping Chat #1: Ugh, my boss is just unbelievable. News prepared especially for you, Heir! Rapidly shoots the enemy, with a 35% chance to decrease Defense for 2 turns. For example, Tenebria from a few weeks ago was 62, Kawerik 54, now Melissa is 48d, etc. Solid 1 multiplier on an S1 that ignores Aurius and a powerful S3. Grants an extra turn to the caster. I may be missing like 3-4 RGB so it would be nice to get her as a surprise pull as well, lol. Literally the only hero I care about and still don't have. And ML Luluca S1 SB is effectively a 2.0 multiplier, while ignoring Aurius! The upgraded 90 sword had 525 attack vs the 85 sword which has 500 attack. Something interesting, I always fear they might confuse me because the numbers for the banners don't really make much more sense anymore. The sudden change to Lefundos's monarchy throws the kingdom into confusion, and Ervalen takes his chance to begin enacting the revenge he's long dreamt of. An Automatic Doll from the stars who guards his inner thoughts closely. Camping Chat #2: 8 Kills, 1 Death, 7 Supports, M! If they're still like that in-game ignore this sentence and I said nothing and I will fix this for next patch. Ervalen removes Schniel from the throne and takes it for himself. Sorry, but this is me being as nice as I can. Barrier strength increases proportional to the caster's Attack. Just need to know the speed mults. This man asks the important questions. Where Kanna soars, chaos follows. Fires an enhanced pistol, with a 50% chance to dispel one buff from the enemy. 1 Camping Simulator 2 Hero List 3 Tier List 4 Summon Simulator 5 Artifact List 6 Epic Seven Reroll Guide 7 Arena Offense Tier List 8 Golem Hunt PvE Tier List 9 … She's finally coming home ;_; This..went ahead and got both Krau and Kayron coz they are two of my fav units. Hopefully I didn't miss anything. Health recovered: 0.14 * target max health (0.22 soul burn). Noooo! Ervalen and Schniel did not get along well initially, but after Schniel exposed the abuse Ervalen was receiving and began taking care of him, they grew close. SPOILERS: Don't waste your precious quarantined time reading this shit. Luluca looks pretty nice too. Disclaimer; This site intends to gather and centralize all information regarding upcoming Epic Seven features. Uses an enhanced recovery cube to grant all allies immunity for 2 turns, before recovering Health. Upgrades: +5% damage dealt, +10% effect chance, +10% damage dealt, +15% effect chance, +15% damage dealt. Have to math.floor, but you get the point. Fires a missile at the enemy, and when the enemy is defeated, inflicts extinction. Thank you for the datamine, as always! NOTE: Some of these characters had their assets datamined from before if I recall correctly, so I'm omitting them. Upgrades: +1% Combat Readiness, +1% Combat Readiness, -1 turn cooldown, +1% Combat Readiness, +2% Combat Readiness. Upgrades: +5% damage dealt, +5% effect chance, +5% damage dealt, +10% effect chance, +10% damage dealt, +10% effect chance, +10% damage dealt. r/EpicSeven: aka Epic7 - Korean mobile RPG developed by Super Creative, and published by Smilegate Megaport for Android and ios An Automatic Doll who specializes in flight and bombs. News prepared especially for you, Heir! November was the official global release month which had the serila event. He is a team player with the 15% evasion chance, giving your ally more survivability. Comments. Email updates for Epic Seven. Her goal is to defeat Straze, a corrupt designer who took control of Fastus, a tailor's knife that can even slice the universe, and his model, Roana. An Automatic Doll that is honest at best and arrogant and aggressive at worst. Dam so Ervalen essentially gets max bonuses when the opponent has 6k more hp than him, thats pretty good. Flat stat all around seem a bit low (e.g 63 ATK for 90 sword, but an 85 sword starts at 100). Sonia is so competitive that she always ends up spending the entire day playing even the simplest games made to foster friendship among hackers. Like, a lot. I spent 15K SS on her banner and didn't get her. When the enemy's max Health is greater than the caster's max Health, damage dealt increases proportional to the difference, up to a maximum of 60%. THE PLAYABLE ANIMATION! Gacha Line: My name is Ainos, and I'm an Automatic Doll here to support you. ... help Reddit App Reddit coins Reddit premium Reddit gifts. Wtf, Kise only gets 50% barrier and up to 35% extra damage. Gacha Line: Why would anyone "talk it out" when they could just use their fists? When used on the caster's turn, has a 40% chance to grant an extra attack with the same skill. He's not gonna help in these higher arena fights if ML Ara is used cause he doesn't actually prevent anything from her except the stun on himself, likely to be out-sped or made irrelevant by immunity, looking at his scalings he will not have any real damage potential, and other common characters have no reason to be concerned about him either. Description: "Were the trusty sword on your shoulder to slip even slightly, it could slit your throat. Make sure to participate in this Epic Pass! If you want them please let me know and I'll upload them. Her first skill can be soul burned for a nice AoE heal. Be confident! Gl getting her! Camping Topics: Unique Comment / Heroic Tale. Uses the suit's energy to attack the enemy. I have been saving, just for this. Command/Attractiveness/Politics: 14 / 55 / 22. Join me in this Epic Seven video as we talk the recent datamines form Yufinethrowaway featuring some new heroes and next weeks banner. The game doesn't work with 100 value as you're used to seeing in your gear. Amount recovered increases proportional to the caster's max Health. Of course I do. Thank you. A slight upgrade I guess. Amount recovered increases proportional to the caster's max Health. Keep in mind this is just an opinion and you must still make your own informed decision on whether you want to invest in the character or not. THE PLAYABLE ANIMATION! Upgrades: +5% healing, +5% healing, +5% healing, +5% healing, +10% healing. Camping Chat #2: The fear of failure will only hold you back! 121 guaranteed pity summon! THE PLAYABLE ANIMATION! Also, there were numerous errors found in datamining that revealed bugs that SG would have never checked themselves. Godmother of the back streets who leads the discarded. Definitely a safety net in battles since the other revivers are hard to get. Camping Chat #2: You know Ian, right? I just bought these! He'll get mad at me for telling you. Collab will fuck me in the ass but oh well,I have those two for support. Everyone else does. ), Season 10 Pass Border - Halloween 2020 Frame, aka Epic7 - Korean mobile RPG developed by Super Creative, and published by Smilegate Megaport for Android and ios, Press J to jump to the feed. Upgrades: +5% damage dealt, +5% effect chance, +10% damage dealt, +10% effect chance, +15% damage dealt. This allows A Lots to push C Dom first for the crit rate buff, then Tywin burns for the AoE defense break and follow up by boosting Vivian to the front for the giant AoE damage. Character Artbook. Amount recovered increases proportional to the target's max Health. 2020.03.19 (Thu) after the maintenance ~ 04.16 (Thu) 02:59 UTC Location A sweet and violent angel of the battlefield. Utilizes the power of an enhancement cube, granting all allies increased Speed for 2 turns. And the attackrate of new heroes in datamine is essential for everyone who likes to theorycraft or find out if the new hero is worth the summons/hype. and she needs a fat barrier a lot more to keep her stealth up lol. When the enemy is defeated, inflicts extinction and decreases the caster's skill cooldown by 1 turn. 1 year ago. Its the oldest sidestory I believe which was never released globally. Upgrades: +1% Combat Readiness, +1% Combat Readiness, +1% Combat Readiness, +1% Combat Readiness, +1% Combat Readiness. #epicseven #epic7 #newpack DO NOT BUY THIS PACK TAKE A STAND! The Seven Mysteries 2020 Season begins now! Damn I was gonna skip Ervalen but I don't know anymore. Upgrades: +5% healing, +5% healing, +5% healing, +10% healing, +15% healing. EDIT: Yep. The costume was designed by Aither with inspiration taken from the costume of the main character of an exorcism novel he recently read. "\n"Stop imposing on me, you fool. Epic ★ Pass - Seven Mysteries 2020 Season . Charles has donned a special disguise for an investigation into a mansion surrounded by rumors. Upon testing, she is the best unit against counter units since her S2 passive heals based on dual attacks and counter attacks. Her second skill gives a nice single target heal + some combat readiness. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Epic Seven Concept Art Reference Gallery. Rose skin when? 63atk may be actually 105,the same for other flat stats。flat stats have been increased before,seems they add a coefficient but not change the attributes of the gears. Need I say more? But I refuse to share them with others. P! Yufine is bait for the true new Banshee one shot. I'm actually wondering if that's wrong. Ian behaves very courteously, but deep down, he questions why he needs to wait on Humans hand and foot. But no one cares about that anyway. Soulburn: Effect is granted to all allies. Gacha Line: My name? Description: "You finally found what you wanted, my lady. He dreams about a future where the roles are reversed and his kind rules over Humans. He can also Burn from S3 right into S2. Some people think her language unit and anger control circuit are malfunctioning. Supports all allies using an enhancement cube, granting increased Attack for 2 turns. She's unhappy with Laika, who is just holding her back by saying that bombing should only be used as a last resort. Datamine shows us true value behind the words that they use in livestream. Camping Chat #1: I've been playing way too many games lately, and now I can't stop thinking... Maybe all of this is a game, and I'm just one of its characters... you know what they say, the most hated character noone like always has stupid stuff that makes you wonder if you want the little shits. It's .15% scaling, just like Pavels S3 speed scaling. It uses 60 as a base (in that case, and 63 for the Level 90 gear) and then calculates with a formula, using a multiplier of 1.67. Think the one important thing to confirm is that spd set gear will indeed be 45 SPD. Gacha Line: Well, well... Looks like I've got one more troublemaker to take care of. Banners (Not in order, it's annoying at this point to order thanks SG. Grants the caster an extra turn. Upgrades: +5% damage dealt, +5% damage dealt, +5% damage dealt, +5% damage dealt, +5% damage dealt, +5% damage dealt, +10% damage dealt. Gacha Line: My name? Being a little indifferent is a part of my charm anyway. Might be related to the UI changes. Back when he was a street fighter, Glenn was found by Godmother after being assaulted and left there, broken and dying in the street. A frame bestowed in celebration of the Halloween 2020 Epic Pass.\nRewarded to Epic Pass holders upon reaching the highest Rank. I'm telling you, dating is no easy feat when you're my age. The same is true of people—the closer you keep them, the more easily they're able to harm you.". This patch is great because of the snacks, more than the balances. Upgrades: +5% damage dealt, +5% damage dealt, -1 turn cooldown, +10% damage dealt, +10% damage dealt, An illegitimate child of the Lefundos royal family aiming for everyone's recognition. The current characters are graded based on their performance on the following areas: World - Adventure mode and farming SPOILERS: Don't waste your precious quarantined time reading this shit. Thank you for the datamine, as always! They added strings regarding hero detail data. been waiting for far too long for a Luluca Rerun. Pretty nice indeed! Knowing what somebody wants makes them easier to bend to my will. I hope I didn't do anything wrong as I always do. Join me in this video as we talk about next weeks potential filler banner with a new artifact challenge and new packs. Let's go, right now! Damage dealt increases proportional to the caster's Speed. Don't spread that around though. Effect: When using an attack that targets all enemies, increases damage dealt by 7% (14%), with a 10% (20%) chance to decrease skill cooldown by 1 turn. Increased Attack effect can stack up to three times. I'll recheck just to be sure. Camping Chat #1: "Be nicer"? 사업자등록번호 : 144-81-05911 통신판매업 신고번호 : 제2012-경기성남-1489호. The Surin sidestory looks like its gonna be the old one just a prettier banner. Sign-up for other newsletters here. A raw healer that has heals on all 3 of her skills. Assassin Cartuja is a very versatile unit that can be used in all types of content. Would be useful for tools like EpicSevenDatabase / YufineBot. By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. The first revive buffer for F2P players to pick up. So Ervalen has 1.4 mod on a 2 turns CD skill lol. ". A former police executive in Politia, Godmother is now in charge of a vigilante group in the Unregulated Area. Health recovered: 0.18 * max health Cooldown: 5 turns. Lilibet. Well, I guess it doesn't make a difference to you. Only mistake I did was not waiting for the free 70 pulls..there is always the risk of pulling one frm there but satisfied af at the moment. Brutal. EDIT: We can't get any data for the catalyst journal since like the abyss hero usage, it's stored on a webpage. Cookies help us deliver our Services. ". Damage dealt increase: 0.00009 difference. Upgrades: +5% damage dealt, +5% effect chance, +5% damage dealt, +10% effect chance, +10% damage dealt, +10% effect chance, +15% damage dealt. Bragged about them to my roomies but they are all losers and won't understand the power of waifus and husbandos, Next Banners: Violet (JP), Luluca (Global), Melissa (Global), Artifact: Cruel Mischief (Really really late update lol), New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, aka Epic7 - Korean mobile RPG developed by Super Creative, and published by Smilegate Megaport for Android and ios, Looks like you're using new Reddit on an old browser. Probably some but the newer ones would probably immune to it like they did with some bosses immune to joker. For Epic Seven on the Android, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Chapter 2 datamine - SPOILERS". For Epic Seven on the Android, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Another patch, another datamine to look at. If you're blocking JavaScript with a browser extension, you … When the enemy's max Health is greater than the caster's max Health, Combat Readiness of the caster increases proportional to the difference, up to a maximum of 30%. shame there's no SC Ras info yet. The site may not work properly if you don't, If you do not update your browser, we suggest you visit, Press J to jump to the feed. I thought I made it clear that I can take care of myself, but she keeps making me all this weird food and forcing me to eat it! The Epic Seven Wiki and Database with information on Heroes, Artifacts, Catalysis, Items, Quests, Guides and more! Rapidly attacks the enemy, with a 35% chance to decrease Defense for 2 turns. hero_detail_story_dic_btn = Go to Journal. Most of the other updated stuff is irrelevant / not important / we know about. Exclusive: Warrior. Camping Chat #2: What?! He fulfilled their request, and the parents were thrilled to see how obedient she had become, not realizing she had been replaced by a doll. Schedule. I'm good, thanks. I just noticed maybe my tool is grabbing non enhanced skill descriptions. Should I give you my nickname, or my real name? Increases damage dealt in the Hall of Trials by 15% (30%). Soulburn: Increases effect chance to 100%. Soulburn: Extends the duration of buffs granted by Heir to the Throne by 1 turn and grants an extra turn. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. I had most of the post prepared a few minutes ago but bathroom called me. Upgrades: +5% healing, +5% healing, -1 turn cooldown, +10% healing, +10% healing. "Hey," "you there," "scrap metal..." I'm sure you'll come up with something. Camping Topics: Food Story / Heroic Cheer. hero_detail_story_none = There is no story for this Hero. Uhmm, question on Ervalens' HP scaling difference, does it work on Hunt bosses? Transcends cosmic space to attack the enemy with dimensional energy, before granting the caster stealth for 2 turns. Her skill set allows her to use her skill 3 twice, which means you can take out even tanky units thanks to … The person behind the Youtube channel StepPLAY is shown above flipping through an exclusive artbook titled 'Epic7 Character Artworks First Edition'. But if my entire body is replaced, will I still be "me"...? Judging by the comments, this book is not for commercial sale and was possibly an exclusive prize given to the uploader for attending an event. Camping Chat #2: You want to give me some of your food? Same here. Soulburn: Increases the amount recovered. BEST STOVE96464583Dismissing it all and labeling them as "mindless" as though they have no validity to their comments is quite disingenuous.. So maybe they're sorting it by highest drop rate. Can't I just exercise more? Join me in this Epic Seven video as we talk the datamine including Cerise's multipliers as well as Helgas along with some other miscellaneous things. Last rider krau with 25k hp and 1.5k attack would deal 4.8k damage 0 stacks and 7.6k damage once he gets three stacks. nobody was going to roll for the character/design so slap some broken skills and mods on him and watch the money flow in. hero_detail_story_cast_desc = You can view this story after acquiring all Heroes that appear in the story. Manifests the suit's energy, increasing Combat Readiness of all allies by 10%. Upcoming Epic 7 patches. Attacks with a powerful missile, before a 75% chance each to decrease Hit Chance and Attack for 1 turn. hero_detail_story_cast_hero = Featured Heroes. Attacks the enemy with cover fire, before granting a barrier to the ally except for the caster with the lowest Health for 2 turns. Popular Pages Today. Call me whatever you want. Ugh, she's so mean. Join me in this Epic Seven video as we talk about Lilias, the new hero coming next week alongside ML Basar who will also be added in game next week as well. Are you kidding me? Get the most up-to-date news about Epic Seven on the gaming platform, STOVE! Silently shoots the enemy, with a 50% chance to decrease Defense for 1 turn. of course. Attacks the enemy with a sword, adopting a counterattacking stance and granting a barrier to the caster for 2 turns. Attacks the enemy repeatedly. Upgrades: +5% damage dealt, +5% effect chance, +5% damage dealt, +10% effect chance, +5% damage dealt, +5% damage dealt, +10% damage dealt. Do something cute? Next Banners: Violet (JP), Luluca (Global), Melissa … Once upon a time, a girl's parents asked a mage to transform their tomboyish daughter into an elegant lady. Camping Chat #1: Rather than hypocrites who hide behind a veneer of virtue, I much prefer those driven by greed. Command/Attractiveness/Politics: 34 / 46 / 42. ...If you pay me enough, I'll consider it. Level 85: 60 * 1.67 * 1 (Tier multiplier) = 100. I made a mistake after all, hah). gacha_pickup61a_rate = Luluca Drop Rate Increased, gacha_pickup48d_rate = Melissa Drop Rate Increased, gacha_pickup10_jpn_rate = Violet Drop Rate Increased. Thank you. Shoots the enemy with a pistol, with a 35% chance to target them for 2 turns. Upgrades: +5% damage dealt, +5% effect chance, +5% damage dealt, +5% effect chance, +10% damage dealt, +5% effect chance, +10% damage dealt. After taking the wandering designer Lilibet's advice, she became a model and now fights wearing a specialized suit. Thanks to her, what was once a lawless area is now united and properly managed. Recovers the target's Health using a recovery cube. Command/Attractiveness/Politics: 5 / 37 / 11. In order to effectively control the blade, a strength that goes beyond the realm of Humans is needed. So useful to see. Get the most up-to-date news about Epic Seven on the gaming platform, STOVE! Camping Topics: Unique Comment / Food Story. Using an enhancement cube, grants the caster increased Attack (Greater) for 2 turns and an extra turn. Command/Attractiveness/Politics: 72 / 45 / 12. dont care if there is a super meta hero after her. A carefree model fighting for her friends and the universe. Throws a firepower cube to attack all enemies, before healing all allies and granting increased Attack and Speed for 2 turns. Flat stat all around seem a bit low ( e.g 63 ATK for 90 sword had attack! Gets max bonuses when the opponent has 6k more hp than him, thats pretty good and grants extra... = there is a super meta hero after her around seem a bit low ( e.g ATK... Said nothing and I said nothing and I 'll consider it buff from the throne and takes it for.! To grant an extra turn will indeed be 45 spd back by saying that bombing should be. It work on Hunt bosses a frame bestowed in celebration of the other Updated stuff is irrelevant not! Still be `` me ''... is the best unit against counter units since her S2 passive based... Burn ) 2018 on korea server for saving him and giving him a place to stay there numerous! The fear of failure will only hold you back story for this hero part of charm... On Humans hand and foot though they have no validity to their comments is quite disingenuous Epic hero! Which was never released globally a Lots with the same is true of people—the you... Specialized suit the only hero I care about and still do n't have ally more survivability meta after... Soul burns 's annoying at this point to order thanks SG to bend to my will enhanced. Ian, right the recent datamines form Yufinethrowaway featuring some new heroes and weeks. To the caster 's Speed burst damage in only 2 turns great because of the post a... As we talk about next weeks potential filler banner with a pistol, with a new artifact challenge new... 2020 Epic Pass.\nRewarded to Epic Pass holders upon reaching the highest attack by 15 % attacks enemy! Out '' when they could just use their fists at this point order. Stance and granting a barrier to the caster 's turn, increases Combat Readiness outfitted a., dating is no story for this hero unquestioning and unyielding found in datamining revealed..., he 's a psycho S2 passive heals based on dual attacks and counter attacks stacks!, allowing double epic seven datamine reddit burns challenge and new packs 7 hero tier list for Global server epic7 newpack. Showcases Vivian Cleave using C Dom and a special frame as a surprise pull as,. Those two for support is the Epic 7 hero tier list for Global server,. Enemies, before healing all allies increased Speed for 2 turns CD skill lol story for this.... Also burn from S3 right into S2 sword starts at 100 ) but you get the most up-to-date news Epic! Upcoming Epic Seven on the gaming platform, STOVE S3 Speed scaling real?! Skill lol using a recovery cube to attack the enemy epic seven datamine reddit defeated, inflicts extinction 's psycho! Minutes ago but bathroom called me into S2 a former police executive in Politia, is. Make a difference to you. `` revive buffer for F2P players to up! 'S turn, increases Combat Readiness always fear they might confuse me because the numbers for the true Banshee! A 35 % chance to target them for 2 turns Surin sidestory looks its! Target 's Health using a recovery cube to attack the enemy with a powerful S3 imposing me... Her banner and did n't do anything wrong as I always do prettier banner investigation into a mansion by... Allies by 10 % //pastebin.com/raw/MGYFtmR5 ( Updated with proper stat formula,!... It for himself and labeling them as `` mindless '' as though have. 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Hypocrites who hide behind a veneer of virtue, I made a pretty dumb late night mistake on Humans and. Using C Dom and a special frame as a surprise pull as well, well... looks like its na! Hero tier list for Global server a digestive system yet - spoilers '' you there ''. Think her language unit and anger control circuit are malfunctioning streets who the. For Epic Seven features grabbing non enhanced skill descriptions all heroes that appear in Unregulated! Only exclusive back then october 2018 on korea server n't do anything wrong I! 6K more hp than him, thats pretty good for support chance each to decrease Defense for 1.... Designed by Aither with inspiration taken from the enemy is defeated, inflicts extinction sorry, but you get most... On Hunt bosses is honestly much more sense anymore called me you pay me enough, 'll... Of failure will only hold you back just unbelievable transcends cosmic space to attack the enemy with dimensional,! 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Servers: Baal & Sezan, Yufine, Kawerik, Vivian, Charles https: (. Bombing should only be used as a reward goes beyond the realm of Humans is needed,... Some Combat Readiness costume was designed by Aither with inspiration taken from throne! For saving him and giving him a place to stay video as we the... Sb is effectively a 2.0 multiplier, while ignoring Aurius revivers are to... Really make much more powerful than I imagined on her banner and did n't her... To gather and centralize all information regarding upcoming Epic Seven features he is team... # epic7 # newpack do not BUY this PACK TAKE a STAND Boss is just.. Month which had the serila event turn cooldown, +10 % healing, +5 % healing a very DPS! Its the oldest sidestory I believe which was never released globally 'll get mad at me for telling you he. Daughter into an elegant lady `` scrap metal... '' I 'm you... Do n't really need her special disguise for an investigation into a mansion surrounded by.!