You’ll need to be able to quickly move around the map using the Waypoints outside each entrace, so having the area discovered is very important. Flame Jet: The autoattack has a deceptively large cone, hits 5 targets 10 times in 2.25 seconds, deals a decent amount of power damage (+10% when your target is on fire, which should be always) and a bit of fire damage at the end of it. Guild Wars 2 Path of Fire 50% Off for Limited Time Posted on 13 November, 2020 by Jen Starting Today until November 23, the Standard and Deluxe editions of Guild Wars 2: … Sure, perfect! A flamethrower can melt even the coldest of hearts. Instead of Scrapper line we will pick Alchemy. The Engineer’s Flamethrower is extremely fun, bit sadly underpowered. Scrapper: The Scrapper’s gyros act … - Thermal Vision: Most of your skills cause burning, so this should be up pretty much non-stop. - High Caliber: While Chemical Rounds makes the pistol 4 (Blowtorch) suuuper sexy, this trait works for pretty much everything you do. While underwater, the breathing apparatusreplaces the headgear, so that characters would need a seventh and matching rune to maintain the same bonuses. Scrapper Flamethrower Build GW2 PvP - Engineer. Inventions and Firearms line remains same as at first build so check it there. These builds share the widest ratings and can lead to wildly differing levels of success. Secondly and certainly the successful events I’ve participated in all had 4 Commanders … Yep, lame joke is lame. Do you have any recommendations for simple screen-recording software? This Engineer - Scrapper [OW PvE] build is close to my heart. Gw2 Mesmer Please Help Me Pick Weapons For My Mesmer 2020 01 17. It has many hours of thought and put into it, continually altering it in small ways until it became the thing it is today. No one likes ads, we know that, but this website is made possible by displaying ads. There are three tiers of runes, Minor, Major, and Superior, each with its own minimum level requirement, and providing respectively two, four, or six bonuses; to obtain the full potential of the rune, yo… Top 5 Guild Wars 2 Best Solo Class 2019 Solo Profession Guild Wars 2, or GW2, offers many different game modes such as dungeons, wvw, and solo play. Main hand: Pistol. My playstyle is to swap back and forth between hammer and flamethrower. This also means more vigor uptime. Crazy. The whole package just adds so much CC, which in turn adds Superspeed, which in turn adds +5%damage that its too good to pass up. Permanent stability is super convenient and easily makes you forget how many mobs with CC are in Open World.Oh, and permanent stability also means permanent +5% damage from Object in Motion. It appears above the profession's skill bar, granting each equipped utility, elite and healing skill a corresponding extra skill. But how could we pass that up? I normally ran either a scrapper, or more frequently a weird attack speed Flamethrower build. The build: Make sure not to cancel it. Can someone with more knowledge than me comment if the force sigil is a good idea? But with only a 30% uptime, I found the reliability of this trait too spotty. Feel free to offer feedback! It also makes Hematic focus and Static Discharge more consistent, and allows you to pump out just a little more shield with Impact Savant. This trait adds 6 stacks of Might with considerably less ramp-up time as Juggernaut. Top 10 Gw2 Fashion Finalists Opinions Of A Finalist Guild Wars 2. A word on Applied force: Quickness is amazing, especially with the long autoattack. Note on tooltip damage numbers: The damage numbers are level 80 while wearing exotic Berserker armor/accessories with Runes of the Scholar. Now for the fun part. By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. I do like it though, because I can spend my time not resurrecting allies without feeling like a complete butthole. A detailed guide on the Power Holosmith in Guild Wars 2. 2020-12-10 2:50:14 PM 45 views 26:27. It isn't mind-blowingly original, but its mine, and I love it. Heart of Maguuma: 165 mastery points. I wouldn't look down on choosing Chemical Rounds though. - Streamlined kits: This build will be switching from flamethrower to pistol every 12 seconds (for Blowtorch), so this trait will grant almost permant swiftness. - Function Gyro: In terms of power, the Function Gyro is nothing really interesting. No Scope is an option too, but the 50% uptime makes it a bit undependable. Since 2012 we are providing the Guild Wars 2 community with our website and our build editor, and we hope that you are satisfied with the quality of our resource. The premise is to run around with flamethrower, dropping to hammer occasionally. The bounce only adds to this build's already impressive mob-tagging skills. I play something similar in WvW - so much fun. This change renders the explosives tree mostly useless for this build now which hits its effectiveness hard. your win condition is to time your lockdown combo for u to unload your damage and/or for your team to capitalise on damaging the CCed enemy. - Mass Momentum: Free Might? Incendiary Ammo: Three stacks of burning at no cost to use? Minor bonus? It is a perfect fit. It is the product of 5+ years of mucking about on my main character. So there you have it. This page was last edited on 17 May 2020, at 22:31. (2333 power, 1095 toughness, 1095 vitality, 1852 precision, 952 ferocity, 95 condition damage). Engineer is an incredibly versatile class with meta condition and power builds. Rocket Boots & Incendiary Ammo: Incendiary Ammo is the initial eye-catcher here, as it is a super easy buff for some nice damage. The absolute core of this build. Its easy access to superspeed grants it the ability to stay at the front of zergs so that it can tag well; this makes up for its very short range. Engineer Weapons. Cookies help us deliver our Services. Basic builds are anywhere from downright bad to just shy of being good enough to showcase. All the skills in this kit are useful, and most of the core interactions evolve around it. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. It makes the AED so much easier and safer to use while also adding CC to it. - Impact Savant: The rework does hurt a little bit, but is still a great trait none the less. Still - this build has its merits. This is about as good as it gets when tagging with Engineer. A complete set of armor can hold up to six runes, one rune in each armor piece. This one might as well have been empty, as this build barely uses any of the weapon skills. Hail, allies, and welcome! The sigils of force and smoldering follow the same line of thought – max out burning at as little cost for power damage as possible. For example, when paired with the Grenade Kit, the tool belt allows a Grenade Barrage; with the Med Kit, it adds a Bandage Self and with th… - Static Discharge: Adds a nice bit of punch to your spammable toolbelt skills, which in turn grants you more shield from Impact Savant. The closest thing I’ve come to fighting other players is WvW, where I’d use this build to roam. Lovely. AED & Static Shock: AED can be a bit awkward to use at first, but once you get the hang of it its incredible. You can run any gear that grants a little crit chance but doesn't increase your damage much. Superior rune of the Flame Legion does just that: it gives a whopping +50% burning duration, and everything else just goes towards delivering power damage. - Object in Motion: By now, we pretty much have non-stop Stability, Swiftness and Superspeed. Because the flamethrower auto-attack hits 10 times and this trait has no internal cooldown, it adds a little bit of damage. This means you’ll spend roughly 95% of your time wielding the flamethrower. This build started out as a way to combine as much power damage with as much damage from the Burning condition. Guild Wars 2 offers its players nine Basic professions to choose from, and then further two elite professions available for each basic one at a level 80 (one of them requires the Path of Fire expansion pack, and the second comes with the Heart of Thorns expansion pack). Great. Thanhe Path of Fire expansion, solo play is one of the most rewarding and fun mode to play. I found that is was really easy to get used to such high mobility, and made other characters feel sluggish in comparison. This Holosmith build is a offmeta damage variant of the Engineer with around 38.1k DPS on small hitboxes. Guild Wars 2 Power Mesmer Wvw Build Shorts Youtube Gw2 Power Shatter Mesmer Build Combos And Guide 12 5 18 Build And Equipment Templates Are Live Guildwars2 ... Gw2 Scrapper And Holosmith Sir Vincent Iii ... Review Mmos Com. Flame Blast: Great burning damage on a low cooldown. The Explosives Scrapper supports its allies with gyros and superspeed while doing massive damage with the grenade kit combined with the vision sigil. This Engineer - Scrapper build is close to my heart. This build only really uses one condition, which allows us to focus and a get really high duration for it without dipping in the other conditions. Nothing fancy, just a straight up 2.5 second stun, but that's just what this build likes. The auto-attack, launch personal battering ram and the normal one, static discharge and blowtorch all have solid power ratios. Condi-cure for all damaging conditions, a Shocking Aura and a heal to near-100% is crazy good. Not only that, but Fury is a very common boon to be granted if you ever go near any event with other players. You should mention it is a open world pve build right at the beginning. Flamethrower, Rocket Boots and Mortar remains same as in previous build and 3rd utility should be Elixir Gun what helps you stack might and remove condis when needed. There are some good builds I have that are effective and it actually makes me a bit happy when I’m running in WvW groups and people admire how engi can fill multiple roles at the same time (say power scrapper but running Elixir Gun for group cleanse) since a lot of WvW players look down upon medium armored classes. But then I discovered Launch Personal Battering Ram. Make of that what you will. I'm curious how it performs compared to the power builds from people like Nike and WP. Swiftness is generally nice to have in open world, but more importantly it also grants +5% damage with Object in Motion. Flamethrowers are bundles that can be purchased from Cogl, picked up around Fort Cadence or Glory's Steps, or retrieved from Charrzooka weapon barrels west of the flak cannons in Frostwalk Tundra. High damage, low cooldown, good range and 1.25 seconds of daze. 2020-12-11 11:00:13 AM 921 views 26:37. Guild Wars 2 Professions Guide The best builds for all the classes coming soon! An argument could even be made for the Supply Crate. It has many hours of thought and put into it, continually altering it in small ways until it became the thing it is today. I forgot what my exact build was I just remember I had a ton of auto buffs and ignored dot flame damage for just sheer number of attacks lol. Entirely too much text spent on a build that is simple, eyebrow-scorching fun. Note: Please note that builds will default to … Our guides strive for improving your knowledge of game mechanics, professions and fractals. ... Guild Wars 2 S Scrapper Turns The Engineer Into A Tank Massively. Napalm: Can it with a stack of burning up to 9 times, but is ground-targeted. The autoattack is the filler between skill usage. This build is very much a hybrid - it both has power and condition damage . Although it may take a vast amount more effort to achieve what other classes can, let alone surpass them, in my experience it is a very rewarding and satisfying class with probably the highest skill ceiling in PvE.This guide acts as an introduction to both the class but also to meta PvE builds and tactics. Got any video of it in practice? GW2. Though it is designed mainly for open wold PvE, I've also taken it for some WvW roaming. The +7% damage to burning targets should be up all the time. It doesn't have the range to really compete with Thief or Mirage, but it handles doors in Labyrinth well and can perform decently in most event farming situations. The Fire Aura is a nice little cherry on top, but mostly because it looks cool. For most groups, you should consider removing all trinkets other than your amulet. Still, if any skill should be dropped first, it'd be this one. Gadgeteer added cooldown reduction and a nice burn on top of that. - Mechanized Deployment: -15% cooldown reduction on toolbelt skills is absolutely great, as this build uses pretty much all of them non stop. Toss salvaged scrap to Overseer Braeden so that he can build barricades Destroy the Mordrem prisons and get the soldiers to their chopper alive [Group Event] Escort troops to the Mordrem spitfire Thanks for finding a way to make my favorite playstyle even better! It is phenomenal for tagging mobs, has great mobility, butt-loads of CC, solid damage and survivability. If nothing else, it can be a nice 'oh shit'-button to escape a fight. Scrapper - Flamethrower Farmer The Official API is experiencing issues; skill, trait and item data cannot be loaded at the moment. I don’t, but I certainly wouldn’t mind making some. Maybe it never coalesced into something brilliant. - Serrated steel: ensuring that the crit bonus sticks around longer, and adding a tiny bit of damage is solid. I also kind of like to use Glue Shot every so often, but in general this build has better CC's. Thanks for this! Today I’d like to speak with you about the new engineer elite specialization coming with Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns™: the scrapper.This mechanical master brings damage and disruption to the profession through a variety of … Build Breakdown. ... We provide up-to-date character builds which contain all the information needed to play the desired profession to perfection. The only thing I don't like is that the AED has a bit of anti-synergy with creating shield continually, but the duration increase from 5 to 8 seconds makes up for that. Off-Hand: Pistol. But the boots need not to be underestimated. I switch to pistols every 12 seconds (every second cast of Flame Blast) just because of this skill. Personal Battering Ram: Initially I chose this skill because just because it makes mobs fly in a delightfully rude fashion. Discretize is a high-end Guild Wars 2 fractal guild. However, it is useful for tagging mobs. You have no idea how happy this makes me. Though I've also used it to moderate success in WvW, it is indeed mainly a PvE open world build. Will do. A list of of some of the most crucial damage-modifiers:+25% crit chance (on top of 35% from gear), 11 stacks of might, +15% (object in motion), +10% (Excessive Energy), +7% rune of the flame legion. Elite: Honestly, this can be what you want. Still, I’m happy to know that there are some fellow pyromaniacs out there. Also: make no mistake, this is not a top-tier build. A flamethrower can melt even the coldest of hearts. Yes! And if it's not a good idea, what would you replace it with? I used to run Adaptive Armor for the longest time, but I've switched over to this one. Air Blast: A bit of CC and a stack of Burning, but probably the least important flamethrower kit of the lot. This reference guide breaks down the hard crowd control (CC) skills for each of the nine professions in Guild Wars 2. I like the Mortar Kit for its versatility (Heal + combo fields) and range, but often use the Sneak Gyro while farming nodes. All those tiny little bits of shield add up in the end, and make you feel a good deal tankier. Armor: all Grieving; Superior rune of the Flame legion. Here is my build. Dropping out of FT for that quick Blowtorch pop feels great, and this overall seems like an improvement over the Berserker FT farming build I was running. It removes a source of blast finishers, and a not-significant chunk of free damage. and it absolutely beat ass in open world. The engineer's profession mechanic is the tool belt. Maybe we based our better ideas off of it. This means we don’t have to spend any gear-stats on expertise, and can go all in on the - obviously - best stat in the game: Grieving. ... Guild Wars 2 Engineer Flamethrower And Fuel Pack Concept Art. Best when aimed slightly behind your target, so you get both the pass-through and the explosion damage. So we get a near continual +15% damage. 10% damage is a great addition. Recent changes have hit this build. This build has sooo much CC (8, 5 of which can trigger this, almost all on a medium- to low cooldown) that Superspeed uptime gets pretty close to 100%. I love this build and Juggernaut so much. Since 2012 we are providing the Guild Wars 2 community with our website and our build editor, and we hope that you are satisfied with the quality of our resource. All trademarks and copyrights on this site are owned by their respective owners. It is THE highest damage skill in this build. I think I may have fought you lol. As i said before this is a cc/combo heavy build. If, however, you are looking for a cheaper alternative, then superior sigil of accuracy is certainly an option. Recent Activity. Griever stats are basically 2/3rds berserker's with 1/3rd condition damage added. Engineer Elite Specializations. Hard CC skills inflict direct damage to a target’s Defiance Bar (also known as the “Break Bar”), whereas soft CC skills deal damage over time. It makes Rocket Boots go stupidly far while also giving superspeed afterwards (+5% damage). Tried this build last night in a mix of Grieving and Zerk (working on getting Grieving accessories, currently 1/6!) Yes, please. Please consider supporting us by disabling your ad blocker or upgrading to premium membership.Upgrade. I never tested it for dps, but I've certainly played builds crazier than this. Explosives Scrapper Roaming Build. Press J to jump to the feed. Maybe it never made it off the ground floor. For Guild Wars 2 on the PC, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Rifle Engineer vs Flamethrower Engineer vs Hybrid for PvE". - Optimized Activation: Nothing stellar in itself, but a bit of vigor is never bad - especially since this build does not have too much active defence. This can be considered on for the pillar traits for this build. Smoke Vent: One stack of blind so nothing too spectacular, but it its instant so it does not cost you a thing to use. With Launch Personal Battering (10 sec) and Rocket Kick (13 sec) triggering this frequently, it starts to add up nicely. Flame Scrapper. Achievement Description Video Avenger of the Pact: Slay Matthias and liberate the Pact squad leader. I would highly recommend that you unlock, at a minimum, the entire central area of Auric Basin. The Official API is experiencing issues; skill, trait and item data cannot be loaded at the moment. 7 seconds of superspeed is pretty darn long, especially when considering Static Shock’s 17 second cooldown. I occasionally throw in a Static Shot while using Blowtorch, as it barely has a cast time. Before i break down the traits and skills ill summarise the offensive play style. Introduction. Not only that, but it comes with the most suitable Toolbelt skill, Static Shock. When you finally learn how to control your character to how you wish to move it feels really rewarding but because of that there are many things to learn to improve your gameplay. - Juggernaut: One of the core pillars of this build. And this build uses skills that have a solid power-ratio. Today we're happy to reveal the engineer's elite specialization coming with Heart of Thorns: The Scrapper. The increase in duration on Launch Personal Battering Ram and Static shock are nice too. They add a blast finisher, superspeed, some niche condi-cleanse and a nice remedy for the relatively short range of the Flamethrower. Not to mention the fact that power damage gives you more shield through Impact Savant. Guild Wars 2 Engineer Guide Build Let S Use Some Crazy Machines. The Meta Event is held in the center of the map (Tarir) and uses each of the four entrances to the city. I love the flamethrower, it's been my favorite kit since forever. The main reason for Pistol/Pistol is skill 4, Blowtorch, which adds a massive amount of damage. Upgrade to premium membership and take advantage of all the premium benefits, including complete ad removal across the entire website, starting from only $1.99!Upgrade. So it is unlikely you faced me. It is a combination of Crusader armor and weapon with Assassin trinkets. This build offers a very relaxed playstyle for long farming sessions. - Kinetic Stabilisers: Perhaps the most contested choice. [&DQMGNhUWKy3ZEhQBkwGjAK4SAACNAQAA+RISAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA=],, The build spends a decent amount of time using skills and swapping stuff instead of autoattacking, which makes a small bursts of quickness a bit awkward to work around. With Bowl of Fire Meat Chili, we’re at 95%, which is close enough for me. However, recently aim-assisted rocket has been slapped with a minimum range of 450 which is out of the auto cast range for flamethrower. Central starting points were the Flamethrower Kit and the Juggernaut trait, but the whole evolved to be pretty darn coherent across the board. You will spend most of your time in which will make you virtually immune to crowd control and offer some small AOEs for tagging. - Gadgeteer: I've picked this one because it nicely cranks the utility skills I already wanted up to 11 while lowering their cooldown. World of WarCraft (2004) Category: Let's Play. Read all about it in our article on the Best Builds for Farming Mobs. Thank you! It is the product of 5+ years of mucking about on my main character. - Hematic focus: +10% crit is very nice, and because of sharpshooter, your targets will almost always be bleeding. Weapons: all Grieving; Superior sigil of Force, Superior sigil of Smoldering. - Speed of Synergy: This trait just got reworked, and I love it. - Excessive Energy: this makes the minor bonus of Vigor uptime suddenly much more significant. Today we're happy to reveal the engineer's elite specialization coming with Guild Wars 2 Heart of Thorns: The Scrapper. And it adds a nice bit of Burning to the Personal Battering Ram. No traits are selected. Trinkets, Rings, Amulet, Back: all Grieving. I think that's only going to buff the power damage, and this build does a lot of condi damage. Welcome to /r/GuildWars2 where we strive to be a place where you can share your Guild Wars 2 experiences and partake in discussions with players from around the world. So the power-aspect is not insignificant. If you use this off cooldown, you can use it as a cooldown indicator for Blowtorch. I was looking for a decent scrapper flamethrower build. Guild Wars 2 has without a doubt the most fluid and engaging combat system in any MMORPG. There’s really nothing special in terms of technique in playing this build, just simple common sense. At this point we’re at 80% burning duration. Guild Wars 2 Mesmer Pvp Builds N4g. Guild Wars 2 (2012) World of Warcraft Returning and New Player Play Through - Part 7: Quest time! This build has no issues covering the other 10 seconds. The ofensive side. - Sharpshooter: Not something to focus on, but not bad none the less. Might is always good. Its phenomenal on a stationary target, so it combos nicely with Glue Shot, and does great against a lot of bosses. It's also ridiculously easy to play. Did you ever play spvp with this build about 6 months to a year ago? Guild Wars 2 | It's Hammer Time - The Scrapper, Engineer's Elite Specialization | MMORPG. 'S profession mechanic is the product of 5+ years of mucking about on my main character sigil is a deal. It though, because i can spend my time not resurrecting allies feeling. Some small AOEs for tagging cause burning, but this website is made possible by displaying ads mechanic is product! Guide on the power Holosmith in Guild Wars 2 Engineer flamethrower and gw2 scrapper flamethrower build!: all Grieving ; Superior sigil of Smoldering the +7 % damage basic are. Other 10 seconds you are looking for a decent Scrapper flamethrower build character builds which all. High damage, and because of Sharpshooter, your targets will almost always be bleeding to use while also superspeed! 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