The remainder of this article is premium content. Scripture quotations marked NRSV are taken from The Holy Bible : New Revised Standard Version / Division of Christian Education of the National Council of Churches of Christ in the United States of America. Their typical rhetoric and often-simplistic arguments may score points with popular audiences, but their assertions present a lopsided picture of OT ethics and Yahweh’s character. When God created Adam, he collected dirt from the ground. God is love, and God loves every person and every creature. here for audio: Paul Davies, Are We Alone? About the Author      Chapter 14 Warrant for Trafficking Humans as Farm Equipment Making Sense of the Old Testament God. The Genesis creation narrative is the creation myth of both Judaism and Christianity. I have attempted elsewhere to address at both scholarly and popular levels the various OT ethical questions — slavery, the Canaanite issue, killing Canaanites vs. Islamic jihad, “harsh” moral codes and “strange” levitical laws, Abraham’s offering Isaac, the imprecatory psalms, divine jealousy, divine egotism, and so forth.4, I only offer a broad overview here. Thus, a proper response calls for greater attention to a range of relevant factors the New Atheists’ crass hermeneutic and left-wing fundamentalism completely ignore. Does Religion Cause Violence? take for granted the practice of prostitution (e.g., ¶ 27,30). Were they totally destroyed? What’s more, at the end of the book David is fighting an army of Amalekites, and over 400 soldiers escaped (30:17). I have argued that Christians can readily acknowledge that the Mosaic Law is not the ideal, ultimate ethic. Isaiah 5:4; 65:2,3; Ezekiel 6:9). Christopher J. Wright, Old Testament Ethics for the People of God (Downers Grove, Illinois: InterVarsity Press, 2004), 310. Was His reaction to the sins of the Canaanites and the Amalekites a vicious form of “ethnic cleansing”? Paul Copan is the nation’s leading apologist regarding problems with the biblical text, and Is God a Moral Monster?                          (I): Slavery in Israel The model of Yahweh’s character and saving action is embedded within and surrounding Israel’s legislation — a “compassionate drift” in the Law, which includes protection for the weak, especially those who lacked the natural protection of family and land (namely, widows, orphans, Levites, immigrants and resident aliens); justice for the poor; impartiality in the courts; generosity at harvest time and in general economic life; respect for persons and property, even of an enemy; sensitivity to the dignity even of the debtor; special care for strangers and immigrants; considerate treatment of the disabled; prompt payment of wages earned by hired labor; sensitivity over articles taken in pledge; consideration for people in early marriage, or in bereavement; even care for animals, domestic and wild, and for fruit trees.20. Sixth, God’s difficult command regarding the Canaanites as a limited, unique salvation-historical situation is in some ways comparable to God’s difficult command to Abraham in Genesis 22. One of the most strident charges of the New Atheists is that the depiction of God in the Old Testament makes him out to be an immoral, blood-thirsty, horrible, petty and provincial deity. According to some estimates, 200,000 people were killed and over 3,000,000 were displaced. Second, despite Dawkins’ moral outrage, his metaphysic disallows it, admitting that a universe full of electrons contains “no evil and no good, nothing but blind pitiless indifference.”21 Indeed, science “has no methods for deciding what is ethical.” Individuals and society decide.22 Naturalism does not have the metaphysical resources to move from valueless matter to value (including rights-bearing human beings and objective morality/moral duties). Created for free using WordPress and, Yoga and Christianity: Are they Compatible? Jack This article is taken and abridged from chapter 9 of God Is Great, God Is Good: Why Believing in God Is Reasonable and Responsible edited by William Lane Craig and Chad Meister. Copan is clearly preaching to the sorely convinced (despite his desire … (II) For one thing, there are no “flight” verbs in this letter, and this “runaway slave” interpretation did not emerge until the fourth century. Deuteronomy 17:17; 1 Kings 11:3). Second, this principle served as a useful guide for exacting proportional punishment and compensation; this was designed to prevent blood feuds and disproportionate retaliatory acts. In their zealous preoccupation with the negative in OT ethics, New Atheists neglect these warm undertones in the Law of Moses itself, exemplified in Yahweh’s gracious, compassionate character and His saving action. After the seduction of Israel by Midian, “every male” Midianite was killed (verse 7). When the Monster is driven to crime by frustration and rage, he does not justify himself morally.                          (II): Challenging Texts for Slavery After all, God begins with an ancient people who have imbibed dehumanizing customs and social structures from their ANE context. Second, as I argue elsewhere,15 we have strong archaeological evidence that the targeted Canaanite cities such as Jericho and Ai were not population centers with women and children, but military forts or garrisons that protected noncombatant civilians in the hill country — namely, soldiers and political/military leaders — although occasionally female tavern keepers (e.g., Rahab) could be found in these citadels. In Etruscan, the Minotaur had the name Θevrumineś. attempts a bold apologetic of the Judeo-Christian God's moral status in light of the recent attack on the biblical Old Testament by the so-called new atheists. 7. Is God a Moral Monster? 11. After Israel’s 400-year wait, including bondage in Egypt, until the sin of the Amorites reaches full measure (Genesis 15:16), they became a nation. Clearly, no “total destruction” was in view. Love is not reducible to the Law’s restraining influence, and enjoying God’s presence is not identical to idol-avoidance. I have noted the shift from an ancestral wandering clan to a theocratic nation, then to a monarchy/institutional state/kingdom, an afflicted remnant, and finally a post-exilic community/ assembly of promise. “Slavery (Old Testament),” in Anchor Bible Dictionary, vol. Polygamy, Concubinage, and Other Such Questions According to this accusation, God is a “moral monster” since He “created” evil—or because He neglects to do anything about evil. What of Scripture’s emphasis on lex talionis — an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth? In Isaiah 43:28, the Lord uses this term herem (“[consignment to the] ban”) in an exaggerated fashion: “So I will pollute the princes of the sanctuary, and I will consign Jacob to the ban and Israel to revilement” (NASB). Etymology. However, the greater stringency of the ensuing laws is the result of three things: (a) Israel’s refusal to approach God at the mountain as a “kingdom of priests” (Exodus 19:6), instead sending Moses as their mediator; (b) Aaron’s failure as high priest in the golden calf incident (Exodus 32), resulting in a tightening of priestly restrictions (Exodus 35 through Leviticus 16); (c) the people’s worship of the goat idols (Leviticus 17:1–9), resulting in more severe laws for the community (Leviticus 17:10–26:46).14 Consider how a rebellious child will often need external rules, severe deadlines, and close supervision to hold him over until (hopefully) an internal moral change takes place. Additionally, the increased complexity and stringency of Mosaic regulations is a divine response to Israel’s disobedience. Free shipping for many products! Even many Christians struggle to understand some of the Old Testament laws, as well as God’s commands to destroy the Canaanites. is a welcome entry to the literature with twenty short, engaging and informative chapters that provide a first-rate apologetic treatment of a broad range of issues from curious biblical dietary laws to the Israelite relationship to slavery and genocide. John Barton, Ethics and the Old Testament (Harrisburg, Pennsylvania: Trinity Press International, 1998), 7. While negative aspects of slavery are retained, slaves achieve astonishing rights in contrast to the rest of the ANE. Sam Harris, Letter to a Christian Nation (New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 2006), 18,19,23,24. Making Sense Of The Old Testament God, High Quality, Excellent Content,Great community, Copyright © Books At a Glance | P.O. In the simplest terms, … St. Paul observes as much in 1 Corinthians 10. He does this rather than risk their repudiating a loftier ethic — a moral overhaul — that they cannot even understand and for which they are not culturally or morally prepared. Unlike other ANE cuneiform legislation, God ultimately instructs Israel, not by laying down laws or principles, but by telling stories of real people as they relate to their Creator and Covenant Maker. As the Anchor Bible Dictionary’s essay on “Slavery” observes, “We have in the Bible the first appeals in world literature to treat slaves as human beings for their own sake and not just in the interests of their masters.” By comparison, “the idea of a slave as exclusively the object of rights and as a person outside regular society was apparently alien to the laws of the ANE,” where slaves were forcibly branded or tattooed for identification. The primary mode of attack is to use the Old Testament (“OT”) stories to accuse God of being irrational and immoral. The word Minotaur derives from the Ancient Greek Μῑνώταυρος, a compound of the name Μίνως and the noun ταύρος "bull", translated as "(the) Bull of Minos". Part 3: Life in the Ancient Near East and in Israel As we will see below, the critics’ assumption that Israel’s holiness code offers an ultimate, universal ethic is misguided. Punishments and Other Harsh Realities in Perspective Behind both of these hard commands, however, is the clear context of Yahweh’s loving intentions and faithful promises. Is the God of the Old Testament a “moral monster” who arbitrarily commands genocide against innocent men, women, and children? Although the New Atheists belittle the Mosaic Law for its ruthless strictness, it is an accommodation to a morally undeveloped ANE cultural mindset — with significant ethical improvements — as well as a response to the rebellious, covenant-breaking propensity of the Israelites. Richard Dawkins, River Out of Eden: A Darwinian View of Life (New York: Basic Books/Harper Collins, 1995), 132-33. God “threatened to stretch out My hand against you and destroy you” (Jeremiah 15:6, NASB; cp. 6, ed. "Paul Copan is the nation's leading apologist regarding problems with the biblical text, and Is God a Moral Monster? Much has been written in recent years on the moral problems with the depiction of God in the Old Testament. 23. 21. First, like Narnia’s Aslan, gracious and compassionate Yahweh (Exodus 34:6) is not to be trifled with. Not only do we find morally inferior cuneiform legislation, but also its attendant harsh, ruthless punishments. Thus, Christopher Hitchens’ remarks about “the ungrateful and mutinous children of Israel” are accurate. As Goldingay puts it: “God starts with his people where they are; if they cannot cope with his highest way, he carves out a lower one.”8 This kind of progression, as we shall see, is not biblical relativism, as some allege. Richard Dawkins, The God Delusion (Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 2006), 248,242,243,247,241. As Leviticus 18:28 declares, the land would “spew out” its inhabitants, and Israel itself was subject to the same judgment. Christian members please remember to read the Statement of Purpose threads for each forum within Christian Congregations before posting in the forum. First, we are not to equate Mosaic legislation with the moral.                        Jesus as the Fulfiller of the Old Testament The Mosaic Law, Human Sin, and Divine Ideals. He is good, but not “safe.” The New Atheists resist the notion of Yahweh’s rightful prerogatives over humans; they seem uncomfortable with the idea of judgment or cosmic authority. 11/1 (2009): 73–90. 22. Copan begins by attempting to make sense of the story of Abraham sacrificing Isaac. Harris’ attempt to “demolish the intellectual and moral pretensions of Christianity” is quite ironic for a several reasons: (a) biblical theism has historically served as a moral compass for Western civilization’s advances despite historical deviations from Jesus’ teaching (e.g., the Crusades, Inquisition). Gordon J. Wenham, Exploring the Old Testament: A Guide to the Pentateuch (Downers Grove, Illinois: InterVarsity Press, 2003), 137. Even many Christians struggle to understand some of the Old Testament laws, as … Episode 277/278 – Is God a Moral Monster? Part 4: Sharpening the Moral Focus Paul Copan is the Pledger Family Chair of Philosophy and Ethics at Palm Beach Atlantic University in Florida. The same applies throughout the Book of Joshua. Our focus, though, is on the varying ethical demands on God’s people. ): 3. Later in the New Testament (NT), referring to this language that was being used as a pretext for personal vengeance outside the lawcourts, Jesus himself did not take such language literally (Matthew 5:38,39) — no more than He took literally the language of plucking out eyes and cutting off hands if they lead to sin (Matthew 5:29,30). In Crete, the Minotaur was known by the name Asterion, a name shared with Minos' foster-father.      Chapter 12 Warrant for Trafficking Humans as Farm Equipment 20. In this book, Copan interacts with the likes of Dawkins, Hitchens and Harris in a gracious but firm way, seeking to put the record straight about the God of the Old Testament.      Chapter 19 Morality without a Lawgiving God? Dawkins’ claims that biblical characters are often deeply flawed may win him points in the “rhetoric” category, but he is not saying anything with which Christians disagree. (                          (III): Slavery in the New Testament Introduction : Making Sense of the Old Testament God by Paul Copan (2011, Trade Paperback) at the best online prices at eBay! Used by permission ( to continue reading. Published on January 15, 2015 by Steve West, Members click This is a point lost on, or ignored by, those who compare slavery in Israel to that in the antebellum South. The text is very clear about this.”16. One of the most strident charges of the New Atheists is that the depiction of God in the Old Testament makes him out to be an immoral, blood-thirsty, horrible, petty and provincial deity. Indeed, God said, “I will completely destroy them and make them an object of horror and scorn, and an everlasting ruin” (Jeremiah 25:9, NASB). 14. 10. Rules, though a stop-gap measure, are hardly ideal. Fifth, we should take seriously the numerous references of “driving out” the Canaanites (e.g., Exodus 23:28; Leviticus 18:24; Numbers 33:52; Deuteronomy 6:19; 7:1; 9:4; 18:12; Joshua 10:28, 30,32,35,37,39; 11:11,14) or “dispossessing” them of their land (Numbers 21:32; Deuteronomy 12:2; 19:1; etc.). Its Relevance ( Lanham, Maryland: University Press of America, 2004 ) dehumanizing... Richard Dawkins, the increased complexity and stringency of Mosaic regulations is a righteous, patient merciful! Problems with the biblical text, and Divine ideals from the ground, God begins with an ancient people have! Free ebook download as PDF File (.pdf ) or read book online free! 192,194,195,205 ) laws, as well as God ’ s commands to destroy the Canaanites ( )! “ Old Testament warfare passages ( Leiden: Brill, 1977 ), ” Anchor! True of the Midianites in Numbers 31 years on the New Atheists and Amalekites... 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