There's still tons of stuff I want to do like add more variations for each firing sound and re-do the internal no atmosphere firing sounds. ※MWOスレ以前の過去スレはPCゲーム板の総合スレ参照 3 名も無き冒険者 (ワッチョイ dfc5-Hp8P) 2020/01/12(日) 07:09:06.16 ID:A5CBlqb90 Sound変更MODまとめトピック Then you might have a reason to keep hanging out here. /u/HauntedOcean, i got that link from your modding guide. What have I done wrong? The default MWO .FDP files are already set up to plug in your sounds with only minor tweaks needed. New logos added regularly, so please check back. Uploading this video because i … This mod will also change the in game unit icon from Chloe's to the selected logo. They interfere with other sound mods like the MW2 and MW3 music paks, which cause the game to lag out, and there to be a time delay between an action and its' sound effect. You can go here for every functional sound mod (and to partake in … i suspect the files are no longer there. Cool thanks for updating the list I will update the link in the resources drop down to this tread. This is just a simple port of my old post. I'll be working on this pack and then continuing on to stuff like physics and mech sounds now that the delay bug is finally gone. delay fixed, Updated versions will be linked on my twitch page here. Mechwarrior 4: Mercenaries is a battlemech piloting simulation and part of the Mechwarrior and Battletech universe unleashed by FASA Studios. Finally, here's an update for the MLG Betty sound mod. So many people are running Haven Kendricks sound mod for both mech and weapon sounds and the command wheel. feedback, questions, and tips for sound modding are appreciated! The JJ files are iflagged as a conflict but they don't. If the issue persists, it's in the other half. Zaku's mods are pretty garbo, tbh. Cookies help us deliver our Services. Gundam Versus Mod 1.4 May 17 2019 News Regular update after my notebook death. MechWarrior 2 Sound FX + Bitching Betty for MWO, MechWarrior 3 Sound FX Mod for MechWarrior Online, Bitchin' Betty Voice and Language/Accent Mod (Part 1), Bitchin' Betty Voice and Language/Accent Mod (Part 2), Bitchin' Betty Voice and Language/Accent Mod (Part 3), No bumpers/Faster loading to reach Login Screen. This gameplay tutorial for Mechwarrior Online shows you how to utilize your Mech to it’s best extend. Outreach HPG is a discussion hub for Mechwarrior Online and Mechwarror 5 Mercenaries, stompy robot games by PGI. The original sound effects for these weapons felt kind of weak to me, plus Uploading this video because i want to know what you, mwo players, think about it. the gauss charging sound needs some work, there is not a distinct charging -> ready to fire sound at all. The PPC shots are fantastic. If you run into issues post them here or message me. 269KB In April 2010, MekTek received permission from Microsoft to release the game for free using their MekMatch torrenting program. This is so good I might even reinstall mwo. Now with turreted Magellans!! See more ideas about Gundam model, Gundam, Mech. Im just glad windom player start realize balance gameplay is more fun instead infinite beam, missile, funnel spam... Gundam Versus This is a weapons replacer pack I put together as a sound design project over the period of about a month. PLEASE SEND CORRECTIONS AND THEY WILL BE APPLIED AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. Haven Kendrick also has a comms pack replacement as well. i love mw3 weapon sounds but the one from shivaxi doesnt work completely with civil war weapons. Never noticed it before, added to the list. Gauss Rifle actually sounds mean also! Time to strap yourself back into that walking nuke reactor kid this audio mod is going back to Mechwarrior 2 mercs, a full sound overhaul of the game to bring the sounds of the classic to the new, weapons, mechs, UI, BB, Music I went from complete noob at doing any sound modding for cryengine and just trying to bassboost and upgrade the mechwarrior 4 weapons pack to designing my own weapon sounds with audacity and free sound libraries. I also love gundam. Whatever is loaded last (named with a later letter) will over-write any conflicting sound files. If you know of a more updated or official version of the sound packs I'm posting here, feel free to let me know in the comments and I'll gladly correct it! this mod has a slight issue with sound delay at times, but it's useable for now. Welcome to the 8.1.2 Hotfix! My personal bets are either Zaku's new sound mod or Haven's command wheel, as both are very new. This is great. Haven also made a [comm wheel pak] ( Googling for FMOD designer also doesn't yield anything useful. This mod aims to improve the AI of your lancemate companions. Kappa. Could be wrong though. It's really popular and as with the warhorn mod it does not do any harm nor May be used with my AI mod. By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. Press J to jump to the feed. 3. My original intent was to fix the "weapon jammerino" spam but I felt like adding more stuff and refining it a bit. This is slick. New logos added regularly, so please check back. Odd. I can't get the download to start even though I signed in first and tried both links. i suspect the files are no longer there. Mar 30, 2019 - Explore Jack Guan's board "Zaku" on Pinterest. Browse Mechwarrior 4: Mercenaries addons to download customizations including maps, skins, sounds, sprays and models. [MOD] v1.02 Timothy Seals Mechwarrior 2 music covers mod for Mechwarrior Online [with download] - Duration: 8:48. It's a shame that the Inner Sphere weapon variants aren't as exciting though, but that's me talking from a Steiner cockpit. If the issue persists, it's in the other half. I don't know about missile sounds, but all the others sound great. They interfere with other sound mods like the MW2 and MW3 music paks, which cause the game to lag out, and there to be a time delay between an action and its' sound effect. just do it and reanimate your channel pls! I want to ask - default MWO IS ac5/uac5 uses only one sample which lead to 6 dB increase for each weapon instance fired simultaneously and make it extremely loud on mauler/black widow/cyclops. I have no idea which to get, You mean like in the top menue bar under resources and tools -> Sound Mod List? Jan 29 2020 MWO SPANISH TRANSLATION FAN PROJECT Patch There are installation instructions and a link in description to get the constantly updated file mod, thanks. I have the opposite problem in this pack where the more of one type of weapon you fire, the lower the volume is. You can go here for every functional sound mod (and to partake in … Please let me know any issues you encounter besides the sound delays, I'll be messing around trying to figure those out tomorrow. Wish I saw this a few months ago when I was trying to make my own sound pack. There's tons of sound mods out there. Now MercTech Roles compatible, but requires the MW5 compatibility mod. if you listen carefully, it works, but if you don't, it is harder to hear than the default. Complete Sound Mod List for MWO V3 THIS POST IS CURRENTLY OUTDATED AND IS BEING USED AS A REPLACEMENT FOR AN UN-EDITABLE OLDER ARCHIVED POST. this is the link i am talking about. These really ought to be the sounds they use for the actual game itself, they're so thick and punchy! About this mod This is a small file that replaces the sound effects of PPCs, ACs and MGs, using Mechwarrior 4 sound effects to add to the game. As Scifi fan i made this small sound mod for myself. The clan UACs only have one sample each except for the UAC20, so you might run into that problem with them. this mod has a slight issue with sound delay at times, but it's useable for now. Complete Sound Mod List for MWO V3 THIS POST IS CURRENTLY OUTDATED AND IS BEING USED AS A REPLACEMENT FOR AN UN-EDITABLE OLDER ARCHIVED POST. I'd remove half of your sound packs, see if that fixes it. View Distance/LOD Tweak:, All IS huds replaced with clan hud:, * = Assumed to be first version, no version number listed, ** = Assumed to be version 2, an updated version was found but not numbered. ご覧頂きありがとうございます。プレミアムバンダイ限定品です。新品未開封ですが、自宅、冷暖房完備、窓のない部屋で暗所保管ですが、、輸送箱未開封ですが箱に多少のスレがあるかもしれないので画像をご覧頂き入札お願いします。 Sounds very cool and authenthic, very nice job! Thanks to everyone who's given me feedback and tried the mod out, I really appreciate it. You can go here for every functional sound mod (and to partake in the forums, if you'd like) Lock that sizzle on the large lasers! Have you checked the game's file integrity? Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Press J to jump to the feed. Presenting the first official release of the Battle Enhancement mod for Mechwarrior Online! Sounds like you were going for a 'realistic' sound? They interfere with other sound mods like the MW2 and MW3 music paks, which cause the game to lag out, and there to be a time delay between an action and its' sound effect. am i doing something wrong? My personal bets are either Zaku's new sound mod or Haven's command wheel, as both are very new. Now basically, this is a very silly sound mod, where I replaced all the weapon sound effects with a recording of my voice going "pew!" Should be stickied / sidebar. Thanks. Since it is now archived and I can no longer keep it updated. Any idea? I end up downloading a 1KB json file. 新しい規約って、MW5のMODをMWOで使用できるって意味なのか? 良いMODって知ってる? 71 名も無き冒険者 2020/02/15(土) 00:01:56.14 ID:Jrtcj4bx =), would be cool if there was another column with videos demonstrating mods, Has anyone done any mw3 sound pack with civil war update ?? delay fixed Updated versions will be linked on my twitch page here feedback, questions, and tips for sound modding are appreciated! only thing I'd suggest is videos that showcase the packs. do it! Did you fixed that? PLEASE SEND CORRECTIONS AND THEY WILL BE APPLIED AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. Odd. This .fdp in addition to your mod folder structure are what make your sound mod work. The rest of Zaku's mods have I’ll give you a rundown of the build and what it is made for and show you the actual combat role in two games on the battlefield. Your sounds are very satisfying. Can someone clarify if music sound packs can be mixed and matched or can you only run one at a time? as the following video … The link for FMOD Designer seems broken in the Sound modders guide. MWO - zaku's weapon soundmod 1.0 - Duration: 3:21. nʞɐz uoᴉʇod 8,268 views 3:21 [MechWarrior Online] MechWarrior 2 Sound FX Mod + Bitching Betty - Duration: 3:25. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, More posts from the OutreachHPG community. i went through the IS first, by the end of designing the clan side I learned a ton and had a lot more sample libraries and synth bases to work with. I definitely want to re-visit the IS regular lasers since those are the first ones I worked on., New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, More posts from the OutreachHPG community. Especially fan of the laser and pulse laser sounds. this should be fucking stickied these are glorious, This sounds super awesome, I may have to put this in. Zaku's mods are pretty garbo, tbh. yes I think I did but not on purpose, IS AC/UAC have 3 samples each with pitch randomization on top of that. edit: this is the link i am talking about. EDIT #2: v1.01 can be downloaded right here, made a small revision pass on IS UAC/5, AC/5, LRMs, and SRMs, made a small revision pass on gauss charging+holding sound. The rest of Zaku's mods have been around a long time and this is the first I've heard of it. Thanks to /u/shivaxi, /u/eldorito-117, /u/Kornstalx, /u/Haven_Kendrick, /u/HauntedOcean, /u/rakgitarmen, /u/johntiler, /u/Arjohann, /u/Metamoth741 and any others out there who make sound packs! I went ahead and installed all of Zaku's mods as well as Haven's Commwheel mod, but now Betty's dialog is all delayed by ten or more seconds. Hey-Pi-Ron the hedgehog 2,556 views (It's now archived as the post is 6 months old). the mod will be updated pretty regularly, and I'll also be doing a pass of the physics and mech sounds when I can. Mobile Suit Gundam: Stellaris Mod This is a continuation of the original Zeon Mod, made by Lupin-test. yeah i really liked the sound design in the mw5 teaser demo at mechcon, the medium laser sound and the SRM fire was cool as hell. Zaku's mods are pretty garbo, tbh. Pew / Acapella Mod for MWO 2.0** Here Newest download at bottom of page Shivaxi MechWarrior 3 Sound FX Mod for MechWarrior Online 1.0 Here Kornstalx Bitchin' Betty Voice and Language/Accent Mod (Part 1) 1.0* Here