With both of these devices, I learned and receive instance feedback on increasing my swing speed. I like what I feel when I swing it and it definitely gives me the feedback I’m looking for to smooth out my transition and tempo. The reason for incorporating the sliding weight and spring is to accurately teach the principal of zero-max-zero (zero at the top of the backwing, max through impact and zero in the top of the follow-through) as it relates to clubhead speed. MagnoliaGolfer I’m a one man company, hand make every PowerStik, and have limited resources. Scott Edward. Orange Whip/ SKLZ Trainer Orange Whip/ SKLZ Trainer. They do not weigh the same and the grips are different. It works like a pendulum. I brought it outside and started to swing it like you would the orange whip or SKLZ golf swing trainer. It gives you a strong suggestion about what you should be doing with your swing without threatening to rip your shoulders out of their sockets if you don’t do it. Frankly, it’s TOO heavy for someone such as myself who’s getting over a wrist injury. Selected as the #1 Golf Training aid by PGA.com, here are some of the features that made it the best golf swing trainer: By Scottk, June 13, 2013 in Instruction & Academy. All orders over $70 ship free! Pros: Easy to use; Less expensive than very similar Orange Whip training aid; Can be used along with other training aids/methods; Cons: Not as comprehensive a solution as other options ; The Bottom Line. For everyone that has the Orange Whip, do you swing it right handed and left handed? With all this in mind, a swing trainer that is designed to help golfers with their weight shi… This one is gettng a lot of use. And obviously, your size would dictate what you consider “heavy.” And the other thing is that at no time did my teacher EVER directly quote Mr. Penick, only giving me instructions according to his beliefs, so I assumed, and I know what they say about assume, lol, but I assumed that he got that number from Mr. Penick, though who knows, it could’ve been his guidelines and not Mr. Penick. I was in golf galaxy today and saw both of these trainers but didn't … Full-Sized Golf Swing Trainer Aid . Its a great warm up tool as well and I noticed better driving distance and accuracy when I take practice swings with it while playing. PS. Definitely recommend the orange whip first and yes I also had to pay freight which brought the price for both up a little bit. Golf Training System ... SKLZ. (Written By: Matt Saternus) One of the very, very few things in the golf swing that is not debatable is that good players have their weight forward, or towards the target, at impact. Secondly, I like the majority of the weight in the head—rather than the shaft–because it feels much smoother when you swing it and does not put extra strain on your shoulder sockets. No less an authority than Harvey Penick said that a heavy club is the one training aid that every golfer should have. Using either the SKLZ Gold Flex or the Orange Whip are superior methods to warming up your muscles through a fuller range of motion than warming up in any other way. If you whip the club back, need help with tempo and or balance the SKLZ Gold Flex Strength and Tempo Trainer is a product you should consider. SKLZ. These training aids fit perfectly in the theory and execution of the Age Defying Golf Rx System for golfers between the ages of 50-75 years old (although these training aids are very beneficial for golfers of all age ranges). Pure Path Golf Swing Trainer . I think their website has some suggested routines. The Orange whip is heavier and more balanced from this article. It's an inexpensive training aid for those who want to work at home or the practice green to improve their putting. The Orange Whip provides all of that and more. Orange Whip | $109 orangewhiptrainer.com. Taylormade SIM : Ventus Velocore Blue 6XTaylormade SIM : AD-IZ 7X The Putting Wand combines OWT flexible shaft with a heavy putter training head. This thread is archived. Thus, when considering the “correct” heft of a weighted club, I believe it important that one Consider The Source. Join the orange grove. PING G410 5-U w/DG 105sCallaway Apex CF19 5-A w/KBS $-Taper 120 I have the sklz gold flex trainer that I will sell you. Posted on April 28, 2013 by seniorswingdoc. The bigger this force the more the stick bends. It will help you build muscle memory and strengthen your swing with a 2.5-pound weighted head. I have both the gold flex and orange whip and have to say the orange whip is far better then the gold flex. I use the Gold Flex & Orange Whip for tempo and for pre-practice stretching. Taylormade MG 50/54/58 : PX LZ 6.5 The orange whip is a bendy stick with a mass on the end (the orange ball). SKLZ Gold Flex Improves swing tempo, strength, and flexibility. I tried the Skilz and felt it was just way cheaper and didn't accomplish what I was looking for (increase strength/flexibility, groove a smooth and repeatable swing, provide something I can train with at home). Golf Tempo Trainer for Right-Handed Golfers . If your an LDer, obviously your goals are different for the individual who wants to strengthen their “golf” muscles for a better more consistent swing. [url="http://www.orangewhiptrainer.com/products-putting-wand.php"]http://www.orangewhi...utting-wand.php[/url] Promo discount PuttDoc will save you a few bucks. Or maybe you are learning to swing a golf club again after an injury? The Putting Doctor “Retired!” A few years ago I ran into a competitor on the Long Drive circuit and asked if he had any particular training methods he could share. Going up to “moderately fast” and this I would use to warm up. This is a frickin golf blog, not a board room. When I lived in Austin from 1978 to 1986, through my association with Ben Crenshaw and Tom Kite, I had on numerous occasions the opportunity to speak with Harvey Penick at first the “old” Austin Country Club and then the “new” course designed by Pete Dye. Practice swinging without swaying, keeping the left arm straight, etc. Orange Whip Light Speed - Golf Swing Speed Trainer in Swing Trainers. You should swing it both left and right handed. It actually hurt my shoulder. … Check out this video on the how your game can improve with the Gold Flex from SKLZ Golf. If you plan to use your heavy club indoors, the 48” long clubs probably won’t work. Before looking at the Orange Whip Golf Swing Trainer, I always wondered if there is a training aid that suited my “wish list” needs: I’ve always believed that one should not be too focused on deconstructing the backswing, but to simply focus on the motion of a golf swing. Gold Flex Golf Swing Trainer. I’m a 7 handicap and my major swing fault is rushing the transition so the Gold Flex was perfect for me. TaylorMade M4 3HL 16.5* fairway stiff Atmos I got mine lact Oct and never hit the driver better. While I will not speak for Mr. Penick, I will speak for one of his longest tenured proteges, who was my teacher for 36 years, and while he just passed a few years ago, when he had me swing his “weighted” club, a 26+ ounce 3FM, he would repeat, ad nauseam, “Tempo Richard, Temmmpo,” and though we did not have the benefit of these aids at the time, I have no doubt that he would have found either the Orange Whip or the Gold Flex to not only serve the purpose of strengthening the “golf” muscles, but also creating the tempo so critical to a good golf swing. Copyright 2021. The Orange Whip and SKLZ Gold Flex training aids teach you this motion because the whippy shaft and weighted ends drag behind the hands making it more difficult to release the wrists early. Scott Edward. You should be able to find both the Orange Whip and the Gold Flex at any big box golf store, so I would recommend a demo session before you purchase either one. That last comment was for Drew on a smaller model–. Register Your Product Here. Billed primarily as a strength and distance trainer, the PowerStik has a greater percentage of weight in the head than any other club tested. Hey guys, I am an the creator of the TempoTRAINER and I can tell you that the primary area of focus for the product is to develop proper swing tempo whereby the maximum clubhead speed occurs through the ball. Have had it for over a year and use it to help stretch before every range session. [/quote] So, Matt was spot on in his description of these as “weighted” clubs?aids, and especially for the average amateur, their multi-benefit features would be much more beneficial in both strengthening the “golf” muscles neccessary & creating the tempo that is manditory for a good, consistent golf swing. This looks to be a great tempo trainer and impact feedback device. If you're watching you'll see that OWT is now joined by The Putting Wand which I'll be testing tomorrow. chest, back, etc.). Does the gold flex help with over the top?? I think the Orange Whip is patented, and the SKLZ training got around that by not adding a counterweight — that white ball on the handle of the OW is a metal ball. My teacher too was smaller(5’8″, 145-150 lbs). Sort by. I believe if you swing with weighted clubs you also need to counterbalance it by holding the club head and swining for speed as well. This aid lets the golf swing catch up with you to create maximum lag in the power slot. You Gotta Feel It! I’m not sure golf is that much harder than any other sport – it’s just a sport that is hard to practice at home, and it’s practice that makes you better. I bought an Orange Whip training aid at the recommendation of a friend who is a former college golf coach. SuperSpeed. I am still considering the Orange Whip to keep in my bag. Pro Golf Swing Arm Band, Wrist Brace for Beginners . They do not weigh the same and the grips are different. Scottk. Whether you're a Tour player or a beginning golfer, swinging the Orange Whip allows you to feel if your swing is in rhythm and balanced. I tried it out briefly at the store and the feel seems similar. There is indeed scietific evidence that is you are training for speed, you go lighter and faster, not heavier. If you are too quick at accelerating the golf club the stick will bend a lot. I've tried the orange whip but nothing comes close to my whippy tempomaster as a training aid. Share this: Twitter; … To answer your question, the baseball trainer will work just fine. The weights on the whippie shafts allow you to swing the club naturally in a rhythm that is difficult to fight. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Shaun Webb. First off, let’s make one thing clear: none of the training aids featured here are the “heavy clubs” of which Harvey Penick spoke. Posted on April 28, 2013 by seniorswingdoc. Ease of Use: All of these devices are simple to use, no assembly required. Too many golfers either decelerate through the ball or do not complete the swing at the top in a smooth fashion. SKLZ Golf Open Box: No Model: 40" Gold Flex Trainer SearchCategory1: Accessories Abstract: COURSE LEGAL!! Clear editor. All the swing trainers mentioned here will do that–the biggest difference between them is the balance, weight and feel of the club. Find the natural feel of lag, and develop core golf muscles with the SKLZ Gold Flex Trainer.Correct the path and develop a flatter swing plane that is initiated from the lower body, allowing you to fight slices. You’re not a playing partner anyone here would care to get stuck with for sure. This is not necessarily a bad thing, but it makes the Gold Flex FEEL quite a bit heavier than the Orange Whip … + Options: with 3 sizes, there’s an Orange Whip for every age and fitness level. We tested the SKLZ Gold Flex on golfers of different ability levels with good results. Useful for building tempo and technique, as I’ve explained, but NOT designed for a significant uptick regarding arm and hand strength. I have good lag and a solid release so I use the aid for tempo/speed training and just put the ball at the bottom to start with. Http://puttingdoctor.net. SKLZ. I bought it and love mine. Reply. Please do not take that as a contradiction to what Mr. Penick stated (I do not pretend for a moment to have golfing knowledge on par with his). Our team at Age Defying Golf is enthusiastically recommending the SKLZ Gold Flex and the Orange Whip as our training aids of the year.. I was grooving a nice swing and it really forced me into a very good tempo and being very patient at the top. Any device that you can use to stretch those muscles out and increase flexibility will help you increase your swing speed. The Putting Wand combines OWT flexible shaft with a heavy putter training head. SKLZ Gold Flex vs Orange Whip golf training aid. You can post now and register later. Apologies if this has been posted elsewhere already. I’m glad that there’s someone else out there that used the 22 ounce number, lol. Check Out the Bags. I also use it to strengthen my wrist (loweing and raising the club) when just sitting around watching tv. It's an inexpensive training aid for those who want to work at home or the practice green to improve their putting. That should be a testament to how much I believe that they are a “must-own” for your golf game. [quote name='jamie' timestamp='1371173752' post='7236294'] Creator of Perfection Platforms On a side note I should mention that SKLZ has a product very similar to the Orange Whip called Gold Flex Strength and Tempo Trainer. save. So what should you buy? SKLZ Gold Flex 40 vs 48. 7 Iron Swing Trainer . shaft give it a natural rhythm.Personally I struggle with my rhythm and tempo. Having read the above comments on Penick and his advocation of using a “heavy practice club and swing it daily through the winter”, and having just read his Little Red Book for the first time in which he talks at length about practicing the feel of the swing very, very slowly (the Slow Motion Drill), I have formed the opinion what the great man was advocating was to swing a heavy club very very slowly (“A slow-motion swing develops the golf muscles”) during the winter to build up the golf muscles. GForce. The Gold Flex, much like the Orange Whip, works like a pendulum of sorts.The weights on the ends of the flexible shaft give it a natural rhythm. It is half the price and seems very similar. Making just one model allows me to sell that one as inexpensive as possible. So let me start by saying I was torn between this product and the Orange Whip. [/quote] I got a used OW on eBay for $60, and I love it. The Gold Flex, much like the Orange Whip, works like a pendulum of sorts.The weights on the ends of the flexible shaft give it a natural rhythm. The Skilz product is exactly that, a knock off. Here you can't see the bestselling swing trainers 2019, 2017 or 2018, but the top sellers in 2020, the favorite golf products right now. The Orange Whip Golf Swing Trainer is ideal for improving golf balance, tempo, and strength.