It is in a pot with bark. Suvarna, The roots on this Phalaenopsis orchid are dry and ready to be watered. Bourdet Answer: Note that in the following answer, I’m presuming your orchid is a phalaenopsis (Phalaenopsis cv), by far the most commonly sold orchid. The bulbs of the plant turned yellowish brown and the leaves are falling off. I watered once a week according to directions which I understand now is not right. Here’s another option: instead of wool rock, just substitute it for a bit of sphagnum moss. It has stems that are strung together by a woody middle vein, and these stems grow anywhere from 18 to 30 inches (46 to 76 centimeters) long and about two inches (five centimeters) wide. Light: bright, indirect light – an east-facing window When growing phalaenopsis orchids, keep the potting media barely moist – never soggy. Now that you know what unhealthy and healthy roots look like, you will be able to identify potential problems before they get out of hand. I gently lifted the orchid out of the potting mix and the roots are dead. There was no way they would ever dry out without rotting the roots, so I carefully pulled them out of their pot and laid them sideways on the counter to try to dry them out a little bit. After learning out how to spot watering problems, and how to prevent them, my orchids began to flourish. Anna. 5 out of 5 stars (2,826) 2,826 reviews $ 20.00. I under watered my plant, am back on a track with watering…newer leaves are good but older leaves still limp and wrinkled. So far because of this unpredictable Winter weather and being that my apartment’s heat is never consistently running, it’s been cold in my apartment so they both suffered bud blast and flower drop?. I like to mix in a bit wool rock in phalaenopsis potting mix as these orchids like their toots to be barely damp, but not wet. I’m soaking the pot in water for 15 min once a week. It’s also a good idea to check the potting mix. Anna. Hi, I brought my first orchid two months back, a phal. Hi thank you so much for the great information. If you are growing Phalaenopsis orchids, keep an eye on the root color. If your orchid is over-watered, reduce the frequency between watering and increase watering if the roots seem dry. I just removed my orchid from its pot, and found a dark matted mess.I don’t know if all the roots are dead. It is important to keep the soil moist at all times during its growth period from spring throughout the fall. With a lot of sunlight, this cactus will continue to burst with flowers for months, but each flower lasts only a couple of days. Mary, However I have some difficulty with one orchid . Your indoor temperature 20-25 C is great for growing most orchids. Anna. Place the section in a cool, dark and dry place for about a week until the severed end of the cutting has healed over. When an orchid cactus doesn't flower at all, it could indicate a problem or imbalance in the environment. From shop ThePlantHall. If none of my tips are seem to fit what’s wrong with your orchid, you could definitely check out the roots, as that seems to be the difference between that orchid and the others. Scale like to hide anywhere and everywhere, so be diligent. Healthy roots are green when watered and white or silvery-green when dry. are silvery-green to green or white and are plump and firm with bright green or even magenta tips. If the orchid isn’t draining well, I am guessing it is potted in sphagnum moss. Pooja, When Do I Need to Repot My Orchid Cactus? I have three suggestions, the first is a just a way to make the orchid look prettier, the third suggestion is more extreme. I moved mine to a couple of different locations to see where it seemed happiest. You can spray your orchid cactus with a mist of water in case the humidity level dips too low. Even its leaves are beginning to shrivel. But the leaves are really sagging. If the potting media is damp, wait to water until it has dried out. 3.4 out of 5 stars 6. It also hasn’t bloomed in about 2 years. Why is my orchid’s foliage changing colors? A fertilizer that is high in phosphorus will encourage more blooms during the plant’s flowering season. Best, Jeri, They might think the plant doesn’t like to be watered a lot and that one should wait for the soil to go completely dry before watering.