inestimable est employé comme adjectif singulier. Legg til. Top synonyms for solicit (other words for solicit) are request, seek and petition. Synonyms for Invaluable: adj. 14 synonyms for invaluable: precious, valuable, priceless, costly, inestimable, beyond price, worth your or its weight in gold, costly, inestimable, precious. inestimable synonyms and antonyms in the French synonyms dictionary, see also 'instable',inescomptable',inévitable',indemnisable', definition. By using our services, you agree to our use of cookies. Inestimable definition is - incapable of being estimated or computed. Synonymes et antonymes du mot inestimable. 0 antonymer for inestimable. adj. Synonyms for of inestimable value include beyond price, incomparable, invaluable, irreplaceable, priceless, choice, costly, dear, expensive and fine. Inestimable is a 11 letter word, used as a adjective satellite, an SAT word with Middle French origins, and has the letters abeeiilmnst (abeilmnst). inestimable (adj.) inestimable: Impossible to estimate or compute: synonym : incalculable . See more. I do not make sure which word is synonym of "inestimable"., c'est plus de 44800 synonymes, 15000 antonymes et 8600 conjugaisons disponibles. Inestimable definition, incapable of being estimated or assessed. Encore de de synonymes pour le mot inestimable: . It seems to me Japanese nuance of "inestimable" is different English one. Synonyme für inestimable auf Englisch, Definition, Siehe auch 'inevitable',inimitable',insatiable',inescapable', biespiele, konjugation Find inestimable synonyms list of more than 3 words on Pasttenses thesaurus. 1. Les synonymes de inestimable sont donnés à titre indicatif. See more. Une suggestion pour le synonyme du mot Inestimable peut être indiqué en commentaire. Conditions générales d'utilisation INESTIMABLE. 1. beyond calculation or measure "of incalculable value" "an incomputable amount" "jewels of inestimable value" "immeasurable wealth" Advertizing Popular synonyms for Valuable and phrases with this word. Synonymes inestimable; Synonymes inestimable; Synonymes inestimable Define inestimable. The synonym priceless synonymous definition words: costly, expensive, inestimable, dear, invaluable, precious Cookies help us deliver our services. Find more similar words at! Find all the antonyms of the word inestimable presented in a simple and clear manner. des deux genres. Cherchez inestimable et beaucoup d’autres mots dans le dictionnaire de synonymes anglais de Reverso. Estimable definition, worthy of esteem; deserving respect or admiration: What an estimable young woman; a renowned neurosurgeon at 26. Legg til synonym. thesaurus inestimable: incomputable immeasurable incalculable (similar term) This program is based on the thesauri dictionaries of OpenOffice according to the LGPL license. 0 relaterte ord for inestimable. L'utilisation de notre dictionnaire des synonymes est gratuite et réservée à un usage strictement personnel. I am Japanese. Legg til synonym. •amusing (adjective) comical. Synonyms for invaluable in Free Thesaurus. Citation inestimable Citation sur inestimable Poèmes inestimable Proverbes inestimable Quels sont les synonymes de Inestimable? Synonyms for Priceless: adj. Ces synonymes du mot inestimable vous sont proposés à titre indicatif. Synonymes valeur inestimable dans le dictionnaire de synonymes Reverso, définition, voir aussi 'de valeur',en valeur',avoir valeur',attribuer une valeur', expressions, conjugaison, exemples Employé comme adjectif. Learn more. •all (adjective) priceless. Understand inestimable meaning and enrich your French vocabulary Words with similar meaning of Valuable at Thesaurus dictionary Hvis du vil legge til flere synonymer kan du gjøre det ved å separere dem med komma.