Homonyms Cyrtostachys renda Blume Common names carruthersii growing tightly between a walkway and a wall. Medicinal Uses. Published on the internet. For any queries, feel free contact us via mail. Le tronc devient rouge écarlate très vite. Heatubun. Prominent internodes green to brownish-gray as it matures. Image of palms, background, exotic - 95972876 Accessed: 2019 Jun 09. References. Areca erythropoda Miq. selon les recommandations du projet botanique. Cannot survive drought. Cyrtostachys renda Cyrtostachys renda Blume . Common Names: Sealing-wax Palm, Pinang Rajah, Maharajah Palm, Lipstick Palm, Red Sealing Wax. Naturally grows in peat -moss wetlands, so it is accustomed to being submerged. Ce palmier peut atteindre 3 mètres de haut, ou moins s’il est cultivé en pot. Cyrtostachys renda, also known by the common names red sealing wax palm and lipstick palm, is a palm that is native to Thailand, Malaysia, Sumatra and Borneo in Indonesia. If plant size is not mentioned, available big plants will be shipped. T ropPlant Accession Number (TPAN) : 0016 Botanical Name: Ficus microcarpa var. Add to cart. Il pousse aisément en régions tropicales et subtropicales. requires moist, loamy, sandy, organic, humid, well drained conditions. Shipping via Registered Airmail with tracking number. The actual size shown on the picture. This Palm tree is mainly used in landscaping and Gardening projects. Cherished for its incredible color, Cyrtostachys renda (Lipstick Palm) is a slow-growing tropical palm with a thin, bright green trunk adorned with white rings, and a long and glossy, crimson crownshaft (from which the fronds emerge), resembling a tube of lipstick. Plant Age: Clear: Cyrtostachys renda alba - Plant quantity. … Vente de graines à partir de 5.70 €. Frustratingly, they grow like weeds in Southeast Asia, yet are relatively rarely available elsewhere. La couleur de son stipe est verte, avec des cicatrices foliaires grises, annulaires, et le rachis et de la gaine des feuilles vont de l'orange au rouge. Cyrtostachys lakka var. carruthersii (syn. Foliage Color: Young/immature: Yellow Green. Read about company. Cyrtostachys renda, commonly called lipstick palm or sealing wax palm, is a tropical palm that is native to swampy rain forest areas of the Malaysian peninsula, Indonesia and Borneo. Cyrtostachys. Cyrtostachys renda (Palmae) Uses A special for Landscapers and Garden lovers. Cyrtostachys renda est une espèce de palmier de la famille des Arecaceae. In summer, keep soil humid, but make sure to place a plate under the pot to eliminate the excess of water. Cyrtostachys renda Blume se muliplie par ses graines, faire tremper les graines un à deux jours dans de l'eau chaude, utiliser des graines fraîches, la levée intervient en 4 à 8 semaines. crassifolia (Wax Fig), Pseuderanthemum carruthersii var. Stem about 6 – 10 cm in diam., green with greyish stripes or yellow with somewhat … Pseuderanthemum reticulata) Common Name: Variegated False Eranthemum, El Dorado, El Dorado False Eranthemum, El Dorado Eranthemum, Yellow Veined Eranthemum Variety: carruthersii (See Additional Notes at the bottom of the page) Family: Acanthaceae Pseuderanthemum carruthersii var. Bucida buceras 'Variegata' (Dwarf Variegated Geometry Tree), Ficus microcarpa var. Ganga Nursery - Offering Cyrtostachys Renda, सजावटी पौधा, डेकोरेटिव प्लांट, Medicinal Plant in Kolkata, West Bengal. Bucida buceras 'Variegata' (Dwarf Variegated Geome... Codiaeum variegatum 'Ram's Horn' (Ram's Horn Croton), Cyrtostachys renda (Red Sealing Wax Palm), Tabernaemontana divaricata (Crepe Jasmine). It is not a substitute for medical advice or treatment and NParks does not purport to provide any medical advice. Il est originaire de la péninsule Malaise, de Sumatra et de Bornéo[1], est grandement apprécié pour son côté ornemental et est planté ailleurs dans le monde. Missouri Botanical Garden. Cyrtostachys renda Photo by: Forest Starr & Kim Starr Habit at Lahaina, Maui, Hawaii (USA). Inconspicuous, tiny white flowers on an inflorescence spike. Cyrtostachys renda. The information in this website has been compiled from reliable sources, such as reference works on medicinal plants. La propagation est également possible par séparation des rejets, en veillant à ce que ceux-ci soient munis de racines. Grows very slowly, difficult to propagate rendering it a high value plant. Cyrtostachys renda grows in lowland peat swamp forest, especially in coastal areas, but more rarely occurs in peat swamps in uplands from 0 – 500 m above sea level. Get contact details and address| ID: 4483892491 Plant Division : Angiosperms (Flowering Seed Plants) (Monocotyledon) Plant Growth Form : Palm (Cluster Palm) Lifespan (in Singapore) : Perennial. 66. Light Preference: Shade to Full Sun; Soil Preferences: Loam, Sand, Organic, Moist, Well-Drained. Family: Phyllanthaceae Breynia disticha Photo by Matthew Gaston Native To: Vanuatu and New Caledonia Landscaping Information Plant Type : Treelet, Shrub Texture: Dense Form: Upright-broad to even Weeping/Irregular, but usually seen trimmed into a hedge Height (on average, in landscape use): 2'- 4' (can reach 10' in ideal conditions) Height to Spread Ratio: 1:1 to 1:2 Growth Rate: Medium to Fast Landscape Values: Accent, Background, Border, Color, Edging, Facer, Filler, Foundation, Framing, Hedge, Mass, Quick Effect, Specimen Outstanding Quality: Foliage Color Breynia disticha between a fence and. I soaked the seeds for a couple of days, changing the water daily, then I put it into a ziplock bag in damp peat moss. 2 LIPSTICK PALM (Cyrtostachys renda) seedling 1 year old. Le tronc se sépare à la base en plusieurs pousses. TropPlant Accession Number (TPAN) : 0083 Botanical Name: Bucida buceras 'Variegata' Common Name: Dwarf Variegated Geometry Tree, Variegated Madagascar Almond, Spiny Black Olive, Oxhorn Bucida Cultivar: 'Variegata' Family: Combretaceae Native To: Mexico, Central America, The Caribbean, and Northern South America Bucida beceras ' Variegata' growing in a Malaysian neighborhood parkway Photo by Mahmud Yussop of Laman Kambatik Plants List Landscaping Information Plant Type : Broadleaf Evergreen Tree Texture: Fine, Open Form: Upright-Narrow to Spreading, somewhat Irregular Height (on average, in landscape use): 5'-8' (As a house plant), 30'-60' (Outdoors) Height to Spread Ratio: 1:1 to 2:1 Growth Rate: Fast Landscape Values: Accent, Street Tree, Color, Framing, Indoor, Lanai, Patio, Sculptural Form, Specimen, Windbreak, Erosion Control, Shade Outstanding Quality: Foliage Color, Variegation. No. Les fleurs, petites et blanc sale, sont portées par des pédicelles pendants partant du stipe. A Growing Collection of Landscaping, Botanical, and Horticultural Information on Tropical Plants, T ropPlant Accession Number (TPAN) : 0002 Botanical Name: Graptophyllum pictum Common Name: Caricature Plant Cultivars: 'Igneum', 'Lurido-sanguineum', 'Tricolor'/'Waimea', 'Eldorado' Family: Acanthaceae (Acanthus Family) Graptophyllum pictum Photo by Matthew Gaston Graptophyllum pictum 'Igneum' Photo by Matthew Gaston Graptophyllum pictum 'Lurido-sanguineum' Photo by Matthew Gaston Graptophyllum pictum 'Eldorado' Photo by Matthew Gaston Graptophyllum pictum 'Tricolor' (believed to be the same as Graptophyllum pictum 'Waimea') Photo by Matthew Gaston Native To: New Guinea Landscaping Information, TropPlant Accession Number (TPAN) : 0151 Botanical Name: Breynia disticha 'Roseopicta' Common Name: Snowbush, Snow bush, Ice-Cream Bush, Calico Plant, Sweetpea Bush, Foliage Flower Shrub, Laukalakoa (Hawaiian) Cultivar: 'Roseopicta' is likely the cultivar seen in the images on this page. Neerl. 3 Tree, Shrub, Plant MAVU Gadoa Botanical Name & Family Macaranga harveyanna (Euphorbiaceae) Uses A softwood tree, firewood, box making, best feeding spot of Doves No. USDA, ARS, Germplasm Resources Information Network. Family Name: Arecaceae (Palmae) Synonyms: Cyrtostachys lakka. This heat loving, evergreen palm is native to the hot, lowland swamps of Thailand, Malaysia and Indonesia. Published on the internet. Mature: Yellow G, Too Many Plants! Bentinckia renda (Blume) Mart. As a clumping palm, the arrangement of mature stems often reminds one of. A medium-sized … Mode … Tolerances:. 3A Tree, Shrub, Plant . Cyrtostachys renda in the Germplasm Resources Information Network (GRIN), U.S. Department of Agriculture Agricultural Research Service. 'Hybrid' growing in Jeff Searle's yard, as we toured it during the traditional 'Post Tour' after the Fall 'Ganza a couple weeks ago.I was looking through my photos and thought it could use its own topic before the regular topic is started. Link to post Share on other sites. A striking palm indeed. Note the bronze to bright yellow-green young leaves. Phymatosorus grosus ) Common Name: Musk Fern, Maile Scented Fern, Laua'e Cultivar: N/A Family: Polypodiaceae Microsorum scolopendria Photo by Matthew Gaston Native To: Oceana, Tropical Africa, Asia, and Australia Landscaping Information Plant Type : Rhizomatous Fern Texture: Dense Form: Mat Height (on average, in landscape use): 0.5'-1.5' Height to Spread Ratio: irrelevant: spreading groundcover. ship with media in pot ready to transplant. https://fr.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Cyrtostachys_renda&oldid=177768294, Taxobox utilisant une classification non précisée, Catégorie Commons avec lien local identique sur Wikidata, licence Creative Commons attribution, partage dans les mêmes conditions, comment citer les auteurs et mentionner la licence. Submerged Roots, Humidity, … 2009)/Palmweb. Top it with a good layer of humus. Cyrtostachys renda est une espèce de palmier de la famille des Arecaceae. Il est très beau et surtout très unique, un des plus colorés. Cyrtostachys renda . Leafyland can bring you this Cyrtostachys renda to beautify your house or garden. Click here to chat in WhatsApp. It is perhaps best known for its glossy scarlet red crown shafts and leaf stalks which bring stunning accent and contrast to landscapes or indoor areas. Readers should always consult his/her physician before using or consuming a plant for medicinal purposes. Cyrtostachys renda This photo was taken at the San Francisco Conservatory of Flowers in Golden Gate Park. NOT BARE ROOT! Accessed: 09-Oct-10. Cyrtostachys renda Name Synonyms Areca erythrocarpa H.Wendl. Plant Common Name. Accessed: 2019 Jun 09. carruthersii Photo by Matthew Gaston Native To: Melanesia Landscaping Information Plant Type : Shrub Texture: Dense Form: Upright-broad Height (on average, in landscape use): 4'- 6' Height to Spread Ratio: 1:1 Growth Rate: Medium Landscape Values: Background, Border, Color, Edging, Facer, Filler, Foundation, Framing, Hedge (large one really), Mass, Screen, Space Division Outstanding Quality: Foliage Characters Pseuderanthemum carruthersii var. TropPlants began as a digital plant portfolio for TPSS/ARCH 634 (Fall '18) course at the University of Hawaii at Manoa. Bark and Trunk: Prominent internodes green to brownish-gray as it matures. 21 oct. 2017 - Cyrtostachys renda - acheter des semences à rarepalmseeds.com Growth Rate: Medium Landscape Values: Border, Filler, Foundation, Framing, Groundcover, Indoor, Lanai, Mass, Patio, Quick Effect, Erosion Control Outstanding Quality: Foliage Characters Microsorum scolopendria at UH Manoa Photo by Matthew Gaston Botanical Descriptions Flowers: None, a non-flowering plant Fruits: None, not a flowering plant. Cover Image of Lana'i by Katherine Gaston. Add to Wishlist. Plant your seeds at ½ inch deep. Cyrtostachys renda : Family: ARECACEAE/PALMAE Citation: Cyrtostachys renda Blume, Acta Bot. USDA, ARS, Germplasm Resources Information Network. Lipstick Palm, Sealing Wax Palm. Le stipe fait jusqu'à 10 cm de diamètre[réf. We are updating Cyrtostachys renda alba – Plant information frequently. crassifolia Common Name: Wax Fig, Taiwan Ficus Variety: crassifolia Family: Moraceae Native To: Southern Taiwan Ficus microcarpa var. Features: Cyrtostachys renda, a species of the genus Cyrtostachys, is an evergreen clustering or clumping palm like Ptychosperma macarthurii. Shipped in special package with planting instructions. De manière assez frustrante, ils poussent comme de la mauvaise herbe en Asie du s Mature: Bright Medium Green to Dark Green with Red. This is one specimen of the Cyrtostachys sp. Renda est le nom le plus commun de cette plante dans sa région d'origine. As a clumping palm, the arrangement of mature stems often reminds one of bamboo. Photo by Matthew Gaston Landscaping Information Plant Type : Shrub Texture: Dense Form: Mound, Cushion Height (on average, in landscape use): 1.5' - 4' Height to Spread Ratio: 1:2 Growth Rate: Fast Landscape Values: Border, Color, Edging, Facer, Filler, Foundation, Framing, Hedge, Indoor, Lanai, Patio, Space Division, Groundcover, Specimen Outstanding Quality: Foliage and Form; often used for Bonsai Ficus microcarpa var. Quote; Share this post . Zeeth 2,243 Zeeth 2,243 Rank: SETTING SEED; … How to say cyrtostachys renda in English? It can scale as high as 9.1 m (30 ft) tall in its native range, but generally grows to only half that height in cultivation. Cyrtostachys renda: Cultivar: No: Therapeutic uses: No: Germination: Fill the bottom of your pot with gravel and add garden soil. Does anybody have any recommendations or tips? Photo about Clumping lipstick palm or Cyrtostachys renda. Cyrtostachys renda (Lipstick Palm, Sealing Wax Palm) Lipstic palm is a tropical palm that has a showy red trunk, which is the reason of its common name. Photo by Matthew Gaston. 2 plants/package can not combine ship. Qui n'a pas désiré cette beauté tropicale, avec sa couronne foliaire et ses pétioles écarlates, aussi rouges que de la cire à cacheter ? nécessaire], les pétioles jusqu'à 15 cm de long[réf. nécessaire], de couleur noir bleuâtre. Photo by Matthew Gaston, T ropPlant Accession Number (TPAN) : 0037 Botanical Name: Microsorum scolopendria (syn. TropPlants is a reference with landscaping, botanical, and horticultural information on plants that grow in tropical and subtropical climates. 1838; Charlie et al., Kew Bull. Our new book Edible Shrubs is now available. & Binn. Species record last updated on: 20 April 2020. The brilliant red trunk and leaf stems of the lipstick palm make it a must-have for any lover of tropical plants. Image of leaves, beautiful, exotic - 35367721 Young/immature: Light Green. Edible Shrubs provides detailed information, attractively presented, on over 70 shrub species. Les fruits sont ovoïdes, de 1,4 cm de diamètre[réf.