It’s totally worth a try. Wouldn’t it be better if we could just stop flies from entering our home and invading our gardens in the first place? Cut off the top third (generally, where the top of the label used to be) and set aside. It does work. Apple Cider Vinegar Fruit Fly Traps – If you spot fruit flies buzzing around your fruit bowl, indoors or outdoors, whip up one of these simple, non-toxic traps and eliminate your fly problem quickly and smoothly. Your email address will not be published. ð¤, Letâs talk about something super sexy today...UT, I really like this quote. And to empty the kitchen food bin at least daily. Thanks for the tip! This old trick from Latin America disorients flies and keeps them well away from you. Learn how to keep flies away from your house with these easy tips. Don’t know how accurate that is, but, hey! “One tip is to keep fruit in the fridge if it's warm, to avoid fruit flies. 1. It totally works! And letting flies in. You can make a mix of Sugar Water to get a few flies to the trap. 4. A fly swatter is a cheap method to keep flies at bay in your house. Fly Swatter. Thank you though. Plant it in pots near doorways to keep house flies out of the house, and use it in your cooking to benefit from its anti–bacterial and anti–viral properties. and yes, it is effective. My theory is that it works better when the sun is out. And I’m not so sure about the penny either! It has totally worked for us! Make a DIY house fly trap Erlich Pest Control recommends starting with an empty plastic two-liter soda bottle. Just to make sure i covered ALL bases!! But then again, we even have flies inside our house if when we leave the door open for longer than 2 seconds, they dart in. The woman's hack will help keep flies out your home this summer - and it won't cost you a penny. (Too lazy to slide it open & close all the time!). To make a vinegar trap all you need is a some apple cider vinegar or malt vinegar, a glass, a plastic bag and a rubber band. Pesky creatures! Or worse yet, have a fly light on your face just as you are about to nod off? Using a Pole Fan to Keep Flies Away: If flies become a huge problem when you are cooking outdoors or having a barbecue party with your friends, then this is perhaps the best and hassle-free home remedy for flies. It's not just an urban legend. Flies come into our home every summer and drive us crazy. Thanks for finally writing about >How to Keep Flies The simplest way to keep flies away from your food is to not let them near it. You can also plant mint, lavender or marigold to get rid of flies outside. I just came across your site trying to find a way to keep the flies out & yes the fly population coming in is much less I truly wish it did!!!!!!! Since fly traps actually attract flies the best way to use a fly trap to repel flies is to place them as far away from where you don’t want the flies as possible.  Ewww. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment.  But, I’m telling ya….it works. I live in South Africa and tried this “fly-away” plan. 6. LOL kind of!!!! Use a Fan Outdoors, a fan can keep flies away from an area. Crazy, I know.  Their eyes are especially good at picking up movement. Plant Fly Repelling Herbs & Plants – There are a number of plants and herbs that have fly repelling properties.  When I first did this, my husband and son thought I was punking them. So always make sure your open windows have screens to keep flies from entering. HomemadeHomeIdeas is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to No less than 60 different diseases can be transmitted by filth flies, from salmonella to dysentery. Flies don’t like the smell of lemongrass just like lavender and many other plants and oils. The scent is pleasant for your guests, but flies hate it, and will steer clear. I find it works amazingly well, too! ð It sure works.and re the negative responses it strikes me that a lot might depend upon how “bright” your fly chaser actually appears. Use Fly traps. First I try to usher them out of an open window, but when that fails, I normally have to resort to the fly swatter. You know my eye went STRAIGHT to that gorgeous yarn ð Ok. We’re trying this!!! I first heard about this when I was reading a David Sedaris book. My theory is that the reflection of the sun makes an impact. Over on my FB page, several people have commented on how this has worked for them, too. Your email address will not be published. To keep your home fly free, you can try liberally spraying essential oils throughout your house as flies are said to hate the smell. One of my focuses this year is to SPE, Believe that His plan is always better. I waste hours of my life chasing after flies. I don’t think it will work well in heavy shade however; you need bright sunlight near at hand, even if not directly on the bag itself. However, if these DIY efforts keep the flies coming back, we recommend speaking with a specialist to make sure you are treating the whole issue. Luckily, Ehrlich Pest Control is there for you to keep flies where they belong – outside. Honestly, it’s not that effective on flies but it does work on other flying pests. Thanks for stopping by. Rosalind, someone on my FB page said that she used colored glass stones.  Fill a plastic sandwich bag about 1/3 full of water. I used an ordinary sandwich bag for the “inner” and an oven cooking bag for the “outer”, resulting in an apparently multifaceted-glinting end product. Kids are running in and out of the house, forgetting to close doors. Have you ever laid in bed and had a fly buzzing nearby? Yarn was just handy. 3.  One theory is that when a fly sees the reflection of the sun off of the water, they perceive it as movement and stay away.  But it does. Warm homes even allow drain flies to live throughout the winter. I hope you’ll be back today to link up again! Vinegar attracts flies so it is a great way of luring them in and away from the rest of the house. Plant some of these around your patio or garden and keep flies from ever entering your garden!  Basically, you hang a little plastic bag of water and a penny above your doors, outside of your  house. Some say that it doesn’t but it totally works for us! For those of you who are fiber buffs, please ignore my yarn of choice. Maybe enough for a pair of socks. Plant some of these around your patio or garden and keep flies from ever entering your garden!  It was handy and it didn’t take too much. The flies have no fear of it and no it doesn’t make their vision go funky. You can try planting herbs and flowers such as basil or marigolds around the house… You can buy fly papers in store or easily make your own, hang them anywhere, inside and out to attract the flies and stick them to the paper strips. Do you have to have a penny? Instead of putting up with the flies, or constantly shooing and swatting, try one of these clever fly repellent ideas. Anyway thanks for the tip! Large Black Flies in the House. I work at a ski resort and tried this in our operator shacks. You are entitled to your own opinion but, around here, it works! I haven’t put up the “fly bags” in front of our doors yet and guess what? Well, when we do this, our home is free of flies. It actually works.  This means that I might make enough money to purchase more yarn. Suspended with silver curling ribbon. You won’t see a single fly! To keep fly populations under control, you … I need to do this!  Well, I have a great solution that actually works. I have no idea HOW it works. But I’m sorry it doesn’t work for you! I’ve wondered about the penny as well. I thought he was kidding, but when my daughter was plagued with flies when a nearby farmer fertilized his fields, I remembered it and went on line when your website popped up. My family has been using this with what they say are a reduction of flies. The flies are still there, you’re just not noticing them. This method works best for house flies. Be sure to label your fly repellent, so that others know what it is, and store it out of the reach of children and pets.  Hang over doors on the exterior of your home. Doesn’t work at all.  We also keep a few fun little Venus fly traps in the house. I will admit, having little bags of suspended water above your doors does look slightly odd. Best to you! Water and Penny Trick – It wouldn’t seem like putting water and a few pennies into a cup or baggie would help repel flies, but it does! What are your thoughts on this crazy little creation? Here’s another natural way to keep flying insects out of the house. Flies in the house or on business sites are a nuisance and a health risk. This is great for if you have a really awful fly problem. Homes with livestock should always keep the manure picked up, and locate any compost piles away from the house. Have a fabulous week. I will definitely give this a shot! I have tried this SEVERAL times and it DOES NOT WORK!!! So, plant basil in your garden to keep flies at bay. Agree, Hugo, I think it has something to do with the bright sun. You need to take more steps to keep the flies out once they get into your house. Just a theory. Thank you so much for the advice.  It’s that simple. While it’s not that attractive, it’s certainly better than this option. Also I even put silver AND copper penny’s!!!! I did not do this last year and regretted it, my bags are going up tomorrow with the time change! I know this ‘bag of tricks ” works.  But definitely not enough for a sweater. Do you think it is because we live near a cattle ranch and the flies are immune to everything?! ð. This post has Amazon affiliate links. Simply text Wednesday Wellness to 470.625.2710 (my biz number). Every Wednesday, I’ll shoot over the latest info to help with stress & immunity. Plant Fly Repelling Herbs & Plants – There are a number of plants and herbs that have fly repelling properties. We moved a few months ago. You don’t have to have the penny, I have been doing this for years and it does work some say it’s because flies don’t like to fly around water! I even have a fan on the doorway (a trick that I learned at a cupcake place I worked at, which usually does work but, you need several fans! Before you can do anything about keeping flies out of the house, you have to know where they are and why they are there. Most filth flies can reproduce quickly in warm weather. Many flies, like cluster flies, love the sunlight and warmth, which is often why they buzz against windows. Use a pole fan set to blow approximately 4 to 6 feet high, or elevate a box fan to this height. 29. Fill a bowl or glass with apple cider vinegar, cover it with plastic wrap and then use a rubber band to secure it. Apple Cider Vinegar and Essential Oils Spray – This easy to make spray is non-toxic and safe to use around animals and children, and best of all, keeps all sorts of flies away, including biting flies. We show you how to make it and explain why it works. Seconds after hanging the bag & whilst standing outside near the door I personally witnessed two flies one after the other zigzagging towards the open door, then seeming to make a dash towards the bag and summarily making u-turns and literally buzzing off. Thanks so much for sharing on Natural Living Monday. Keep you and your family healthy & safe. Send that text now. Â, © copyright Stephanie Blue, Inc. PRIVACY POLICY. We have a sliding door at the kitchen which is normally slid about 60 cm (2 feet) open and lets in many flies in the course of the day. Thanks for verifying. The fragrance of basil repels house flies. Ya know, we go through, Red lipstick. Go figure! Any positive impact you are noticing is your own eyes playing tricks. Make small holes in the top of the plastic wrap so the flies will get trapped.  Sorry. We have a huge fly problem this year. Be sure to take preventative measures after flushing out your system to keep drain flies in check. Well, that stinks. Fly-Away How To: 1. To drive flies out of your yard: Plug in a fan. Promptly remove garbage from indoors and keep outdoor garbage sealed in cans. House Fly Inspection . I am most definitely putting one of these near all of my doors! I have seen flies fly right up to these bags filled with water and park themselves while they bathe in the sun. Out of Your House – Stephanie Blue