Planted them and 2 weeks later 25 plus 3 extra are up and happy! Planted my Jersey Knight Asparagus 2 years ago and absolutely cannot believe how well it has done. Probably 20 of the 25 roots sent up plants. Get 4 for the price of 3. Asparagus are grown from crowns and as such one of the major care factors is to keep the area around them weed free, they do not like competition. Verified Buyer Recommended asparagus 5 out of 5 Anonymous Location: Date: May 20, 2017 Easy ordering, quick delivery, very good product Verified Buyer Recommended 27 Total Reviews 1; 2 » GO. 25 - Jersey Supreme Asparagus Plants Roots Crowns 3 Year Buy Asparagus plants roots crowns that are 3 years old and a gardeners' dream. Thus, all of the plants strength is put into "spear" production for huge yields. Space rows 2.5’-4' apart. FREE Shipping. Get 4 for the price of 3. Blueberry plants, cranberry plants, cranberries, strawberry plants. To maintain perennial bed, leave smaller spears to mature into ferns which will regenerate the plant. Fertilize at least once during growing season, and water well during dry spells. The flavor is excellent, and the plant is resistant to rust, crown rot and fusarium. Very healthy. First the 3 year Jersey Supreme Asparagus plants are easy to plant and fast to sprout. Have already recommended to others. Jersey Supreme 3 Year Asparagus Where to Buy Jersey Supreme near me? Well I won't tell how many extras I got, as I wouldn't want to get any body in trouble. every root has stalks producing already n great place to get good roots. We offer seeds as well as hardy, one-year-old crowns of reliable, standard varieties with complete, easy-to … 4.7 out of 5 stars 17. … $10.95 $ 10. Make a trench in your prepared soil. I planted 100 of these plants and the next morning the neighbors 25 cows jumped the fence to eat the year-old hay I was planning to put down later as mulch! It’s easy to grow, disease-resistant, and tolerates most soils. Jersey Knight Hybrid, Purple Passion, Jersey Supreme, Pacific Purple, Millennium. Available from late March to mid May. But I will say I got 100% survival rate. I bought 25 Asparagus crown, promptly delivered, planted within two days of receiving them. Our asparagus plants are highly productive, one-year-old, large-graded crowns grown in managed nursery conditions; hybrids resistant to fusarium crown rot, asparagus rust and other diseases. 10-Jersey Supreme-asparagus root -2yr-crowns-shipping **Pre-sale Plantworld $ 16.95 FREE shipping 10 pacific purple organic asparagus 2yr crowns **Pre-sale Plantworld $ 16.95 FREE shipping 10-Mary-Washington-asparagus root -2yr-crowns ***Pre-sale Ships December or Spring Plantworld $ 17.95 FREE shipping Sorbet Peony 3-5 eye Bareroot CheerfulHeartCorner $ 15.99. Asparagus will yield abundantly for 15-20 years with proper care! Only put 2”– 3” of soil on top at time of planting. The roots were fine and 2 weeks later I have lots of sprouts growing in the garden Thank You. Root should be laid flat in bottom of trench with crown or top of root upright in middle with entacles spread evenly in each direction. Plant them as soon as possible for the best results. Organic 3 year roots crowns for your garden. 4.6 out of 5 stars 96. Ok, so much for all the funny stuff. Roots received before planting time may be packed in moist soil or sand and stored in a cool place until ready to plant. They are now anywhere between 1 and 2 feet tall after less than 2 months. Once established 12 asparagus crowns will produce up to 10kg (22lb) annually for 12 years or more. Another benefit is they are mature enough to start producing edible size spears for you. Plant Asparagus roots: Buy Jersey Knight, Supreme, Giant, Heirloom. When springtime comes around, these large Jersey Supreme Asparagus spears are some of the first veggies you can harvest from your garden! I planted them the day after they arrived, and they sprouted within a few days. The crowns were large and in excellent condition. ASPARAGUS FREE SHIPPING WITH $150.00 MINIMUM ORDER A $25.00 ship charge will be added if under $150.00 25 Crowns $1.35 each 40-74 Crowns $1.30 each 75-199 Crowns 1.25 cents each 200-399 Crowns .85 cents each 400-999 Crowns .54 cents each 1000-2000 Crowns .50 cents each $14.99. Plant the kind of Asparagus by the type of spears you like to eat. I followed the planting instructions and was quite surprised to find the quantity was more than ordered. Comment: I planted 20 crowns of Jersey Supreme Asparagus and all 20 came up. I did not lose one crown and I get comments all the time on how big and beautiful the 6-7 foot tall ferns are ( since I have had to wait for it to get established to pick it), and no one can believe they are from Asparagus. Supreme is quite early, cold tolerant and is adapted to temperate, warm and cool climates. The spear size is more uniform than the other Jersey hybrids. Prices start at : 39.95 USD / Sold Out . Plants I rcvd were very healthy and I had asparagus shoots coming up in only a couple of weeks. Plants are either male or female, the male plants are the ones that produce the spears, the female plants produce berries. Plant Asparagus roots crowns for sale 3 year roots. $ 14.99. Get the best deals for jersey asparagus crowns at From shop Plantworld. $42.95 $ 42. Asparagus can be grown from seed, or more commonly, from asparagus crowns purchased in winter while the plants are barerooted (without soil). Prebook Only - Don't Miss Out!! Superior Asparagus flavors and textures at Burpee. All look good so far; will check back next year when I'm eating some! So lets start of with a quiz? Asparagus roots are easy to plant and fast to grow. In late fall, cut tips down to ground level when they have turned brown. Buy Asparagus roots crowns 3 Year online before there is none. View Mode. Jersey Supreme asparagus roots are an ideal variety of Asparagus that will make everyone happy. About when the, Too much is written about Asparagus. Put in some peat moss, bone meal, sand, Roots - Aspareagus Roots - Crowns 3 Year   Ok,now we need roots. Jersey-Supreme 5 Live Asparagus Bare Root Plants -2yr-Crowns from Hand Picked Nursery. Plant Asparagus roots, asparagus plants,  roots crowns for sale, 3 years asparagus plants roots,  buy asparagus,  asparagus farm raised, where to buy asparagus roots 3 years old, buy asparagus roots crowns online at alberts, Asparagus Plants Roots Crowns 3 Year Old For Sale, Gardening should be fun. Jersey-Supreme 25 Live Asparagus Bare Root Plants -2yr-Crowns from Hand Picked Nursery. Not recommended. I had researched best plants for my area and so looked for Jersey Giants. I actually ended up with four extra crowns and gave them to a friend who has had no luck growing asparagus. $96.49 $ 96. There are two basic asparagus seed types which are used to produce these crowns. Although you can grow asparagus from seed, it is usually grown from crown… Although you can grow plants from the berries, they will take around 4 – 5 years to produce. 49. See More Details. Product Description. Look at the roots find the crown Plant crowns side up. 10 JERSEY KNIGHT Asparagus Plants / bare-root crowns -- Organic NON-GMO. Plant s Asparagus roots crowns for sale 3 year, Name   3 plants that will keep pest off your 3 year, Garlic, Marigolds and Mums keep pests at bay. These asparagus plants are growing great already. Do not expose the crowns to the drying sun or wind. They planned shipping so that the roots did not sit in heat over the weekend. Delicious, large spears are ready earlier than other varieties! Millennium asparagus, developed by Prof. David Wolyn, Univ. Best roots out there, 3 years ago bought for myself all came up wonderfully, bought again last year for my son all came up, they can't hardly wait until next year to start picking, and again for a good friend this year they are tired of trying to get asparagus to grow. Jersey Giant, Jersey Supreme, Jersey Knight and Heirloom. Millennium Asparagus Crowns. Comment: My asparagus crowns arrived apparently at the right time. Jersey Supreme 3 Year Jersey Supreme are a great investment for your garden as the Supreme will provide you with 15 - 20 years of great harvests Jersey Supreme Asparagus are hybrid that produce an abundant amount of uniform-sized sweet spears. 2.6 out of 5 stars 4. Very impressed. Easy to plant, fast to grow, gardening. It does well where soils are heavier contain more clay. Whole transaction went very smoothly. Quantity Price; 25: $25.750: 50: $43.500: 100: $69.000: 250: $127.500: 500: $225.000: 1000: $385.000: CANNOT SHIP TO CA. Dig trenches 6”-8" deep and 12”-15" wide. Asparagus plants for sale, multiple varieties to chose from. Asparagus sure takes patience. Set roots in bottom of trench, spacing crowns (center) 15”-18" apart in the row. As plant grows more soil should be added. My purchase of Jersey Supreme asparagus crowns was very satisfying. Gardening Asparagus is care free - no maintenance. Buy many Asparagus roots this Spring and enjoy the harvest in 3 weeks. Jersey Varieties are an all male hybrid that produces no seed. Copyright © 2005 - 2021 Growers Solution, LLC. Asparagus.