Plume shapes can be influenced by flow in the ambient fluid (for example, if local wind blowing in the same direction as the plume results in a co-flowing jet). CFD is often undertaken for rocket plumes, where condensed phase constituents can be present in addition to gaseous constituents. : something (such as smoke, steam, or water) that rises into … ] Pure jets and pure plumes define flows that are driven entirely by momentum and buoyancy effects, respectively. ...broad straw hats decorated with ostrich plumes. ( D Flume definition is - an inclined channel for conveying water (as for power). ) x 0 A plume often spreads in the environment due to the action of wind, currents, or gravity. Definition, Rechtschreibung, Synonyme und Grammatik von 'plump' auf Duden online nachschlagen. a … When high accuracy is required, computational fluid dynamics (CFD) can be employed to simulate plumes, but the results can be sensitive to the turbulence model chosen. is the diffusivity “To get salt particles lofted, you actually need tiny droplets of water to carry the salt. Definitions Related words. noun A token of honor or achievement. [ + of] ...the volcano's towering ash plume. plastische Schicht des oberen Erdmantelbereiches von 100-200km Tiefe) aufsteigende, sehr heiße, langlebige, pilz- bis diapirartige geringviskose Körper (Magmenaufströme, Manteldiapir) von wenigen 100 bis weit über 1.000 km Durchmesser aus Mantelmaterial, welche die Lithosphärenplatten in Bewegung setzen. The plume is generally smaller and weaker in winter but large and strong in summer. 2 Giga-fren. Gaussian distributions are established by Fickian diffusion, and follow a gaussian (bell-shaped) distribution. = Our new online dictionaries for schools provide a safe and appropriate environment for children. = The plume of the Pearl River, a constant and major hydrological feature of the Guangdong coastal waters, is also variable with the seasons. A nuclear explosion can generate a mushroom-shaped thermal plume. Pollutants released to the ground can work their way down into the groundwater, leading to groundwater pollution. {\displaystyle D} noun A large feather, cluster of feathers, or similar ornament worn on a helmet, hat, or horse's harness. & Hunt, J. C. R. (2006). noun A mass or stream of material that resembles a long feather. geogr. The Pearl River plume shows two basic flow patterns. m Last 300 years, any feathery part, such as the structure on certain fruits and, an ornament made of a large feather or feathers, or of a feathery. Gratis Vokabeltrainer, Verbtabellen, Aussprachefunktion. Kaminski, E. Tait, S. and Carazzo, G. (2005), Bibliography of atmospheric dispersion modeling,, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, It is usually sufficient to assume that the pressure gradient is set by the gradient far from the plume (this approximation is similar to the usual. Amaze your friends with your new-found knowledge! These types of simulations can become quite complex, including afterburning and thermal radiation, and (for example) ballistic missile launches are often detected by sensing hot rocket plumes. [>>>] Plume - An area of chemicals moving away from its source in a long band or column. Last 10 years This usually causes a plume which has initially been 'buoyancy-dominated' to become 'momentum-dominated' (this transition is usually predicted by a dimensionless number called the Richardson number). ( urspr. [>>>] Plume -- See contaminant plume. L0870 Looping Formation of a pollution plume which is distorted by large vertical eddies in an unstable atmosphere. is the mass released at time Copyright © 2010 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. t D ) If you just took water that went from a liquid to a vapor, it would leave the salt behind.” The salt would then build up on the surface as it does in salt flats. (plume) thistles [genus Cirsium] Kratzdisteln {pl}bot.T African plume [Bauhinia galpinii] Rote Bauhinie {f}bot.T brindled plume [Amblyptilia punctidactyla] Akelei-Federmotte {f}entom.T feather plume hydroid [Aglaophenia latecarinata, syn. = The first pangs start early in December with the nostalgia rush I get upon spotting dinky net bags of mixed nuts for sale. Also, if the plume were being produced by water vaporizing, it wouldn’t be able to carry the salt with it, according to Spilker. [2], Pollutants released to the ground can work their way down into the groundwater, leading to groundwater pollution. . [6], Gaussian plume models can be used in several fluid dynamics scenarios to calculate concentration distribution of solutes such as a smoke stack release or contaminant released in a river. 2 n-count A plume is a large, soft bird's feather. plume - WordReference English dictionary, questions, discussion and forums. This will give the following equation:[11], C 0 WikiMatrix. t English Language Learners Definition of plume. pollution plume. Jump to: General, Art, Business, Computing, Medicine, Miscellaneous, Religion, Science, Slang, Sports, Tech, Phrases We found 48 dictionaries with English definitions that include the word plume: Click on the first link on a line below to go directly to a page where "plume" is defined. An area or section of air, water, or soil containing pollutants released from a point source. A thermal plume is one which is generated by gas rising above heat source. ( Morton, B. R., Turner, J. S., and Taylor, G.I. Another example is an urban thermal plume, which is the term applied to the heated air above an urban area created by conditions in an urban environment. dust plume: Staubwolke {f} hydrothermal plume: hydrothermale Rauchfahne {f} hydrothermal plume: hydrothermale Spalte {f} hydrothermal plume: Total water treatment at the inlet to an entire building or facility. 4 something that resembles a plume. A plume, for example, can be a column of smoke from a chimney or chemicals moving with groundwater. The resulting body of polluted water within an aquifer is called a plume, with its migrating edges called plume fronts. Jr 1998 Contaminant Hydrogeology. 4 All the latest wordy news, linguistic insights, offers and competitions every month. Usually there is a transition from laminar to turbulent as the plume moves away from its source. Another phenomenon which can also be seen clearly in the flow of smoke from a cigarette is that the leading-edge of the flow, or the starting-plume, is quite often approximately in the shape of a ring-vortex (smoke ring). Definition von plume. {\displaystyle C(x,t)={\frac {M}{\sqrt {4\pi Dt}}}\exp \left({\frac {(x-x_{0})^{2}}{4D(t-t_{0})}}\right)}, where Example sentences with "pollution plume", translation memory. x t plume (plural plumes) 1. plume. 5. Eight Gaelic words from the Collins English Dictionary. Other articles where Plume is discussed: marine ecosystem: Seasonal cycles of production: …can result in nutrient-rich turbid plumes (i.e., estuarine or riverine plumes) that extend into waters of the continental shelf. A plume often spreads in the environment due to the action of wind, currents, or gravity. Wörterbuch der deutschen Sprache. 2 The river brings enough sediment from its 3,250,000 square km (1,250,000 square mi) basin to extend the coast of Louisiana 91 m (300 ft) each year. t x 6. M An example of a thermal plume may include hot water moving upward from a heat source in a body of water, such as an underwater volcano. Flume definition, a deep narrow passage or mountain ravine with a stream flowing through it, often with great force: Hikers are warned to stay well clear of the flumes, especially during the … "Buoyancy is defined as being positive" when, in the absence of other forces or initial motion, the entering fluid would tend to rise. Find more ways to say plume, along with related words, antonyms and example phrases at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. The resulting body of polluted water within an aquifer is called a plume, with its migrating edges called plume fronts. , and The Plume website and emails use cookies and similar technologies to analyze your interactions with our website and emails, enhance your experience and allow us … Sediment plumes can be so extensive, they sometimes spread all the way to the outer reef. Aus dem Erdmantel in die Asthenosphäre (Fließzone unter der 70-100 km dicken, starren Lithosphäre (folgende zähflüssige bzw. 4 plume definition: 1. a large feather: 2. a decoration that looks like several large feathers tied together, worn by…. 3 (Biology) any feathery part, such as the structure on certain fruits and seeds that aids dispersal by wind. Situations where the density of the plume fluid is greater than its surroundings (i.e. x {\displaystyle x=x_{0}} : a feather or group of feathers on a bird. And best of all it's ad free, so sign up now and start using at home or in the classroom. t Definitions. 1764, Horace Walpole, The Castle of Otranto, I: 1.2.1. I don’t know about you, but I’m already salivating at the prospect of Christmas food. Vulkane wie Hawaii, Piton de la Fournaise und der Yellowstone-Vulkane verdanken ihre Existenz einem Mantelplume. A plume of smoke, dust, fire, or water is a large quantity of it that rises into the air in a column. All Free. An area in air, water, soil, or rock containing pollutants released from a single source. Plume (fluid dynamics), a column consisting of one fluid moving through another fluid Moisture plume, a narrow corridor or filament of concentrated moisture in the atmosphere. ; Eruption column, or volcanic plume, a column of volcanic ash and gas emitted into the atmosphere during an eruption; Mantle plume, an upwelling of hot rock within the Earth's mantle that can cause volcanic hotspots Science. geol. translation and definition "sediment plume", Dictionary English-English online. All rights reserved. ( Example sentences with "sediment plume", translation memory. 0 plume: Abgasfahne {f} geol. ) [3], Plumes are of considerable importance in the atmospheric dispersion modelling of air pollution. Giga-fren. It is a plume-like object that extends from the Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ) northward or southward into the higher latitudes. Mantelplume, bzw. (pluːm ) Wortformen: plural plumes. The groundwater in this area is generally 25-55 feet below land surface. Similarly, spacecraft managers are sometimes concerned with impingement of attitude control system thruster plumes onto sensitive subsystems like solar arrays and star trackers. In hydrodynamics, a plume or a column is a vertical body of one fluid moving through another. Create an account and sign in to access this FREE content. Conservation equations for mass (including entrainment), and momentum and buoyancy fluxes are sufficient for a complete description of the flow in many cases, This page was last edited on 14 December 2020, at 15:45. Download our English Dictionary apps - available for both iOS and Android. The first thing that struck Manfred's eyes was a group of his servants endeavouring to r… The rising plume of black smoke could be seen all over Kabul. {\displaystyle x} x s exp 0 Another word for plume. M Learn more. [10] For calculating the expected concentration of a one dimensional instantaneous point source we consider a mass A classic work on the subject of air pollution plumes is that by Gary Briggs.[4][5]. The rising plume of black smoke could be seen all over Kabul. {\displaystyle \left[{\frac {{\text{m}}^{2}}{\text{s}}}\right]} A further phenomenon of importance is whether a plume has laminar flow or turbulent flow. from The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 5th Edition. translation and definition "pollution plume", Dictionary English-English online. We have almost 200 lists of words from topics as varied as types of butterflies, jackets, currencies, vegetables and knots! Suggest new translation/definition. 1. zählbares Substantiv. released at an instantaneous point in time, in a one dimensional domain along Oberhalb der Mantle Plumes können sich Hot Spots bilden (a… Which, despite the negatives, saw a healthy increase in good-neighbourliness and kindness as demonstrated, for instance, by caremongering. Lernen Sie die Übersetzung für 'plume' in LEOs Englisch ⇔ Deutsch Wörterbuch. View usage for: Flows between these two limits are usually described as forced plumes or buoyant jets. plume [short for: mantle plume] Manteldiapir {m} 2 Wörter: Verben: to plume [dress] sich fein machen [Redewendung] 2 Wörter: Substantive: tech. usu N of n. The rising plume of black smoke could be seen all over Kabul. For summer, during the southwest monsoon, the low-salinity buoyant water from the plume spreads eastward, and in winter … „Helmbusch“) steht für: Plume (Geologie), senkrechte Ströme heißen Materials aus dem tiefen Erdmantel, die sich aufgrund der Mantelkonvektion einstellen Plume (Atmosphäre), aufsteigende Gasmassen in der Atmosphäre eines Planeten in der Planetologie Plume (Brandschutz), thermisch aufgeladene Aerosole über einem Brandherd Quite simple modelling will enable many properties of fully developed, turbulent plumes to be investigated. Plumes are used to locate, map, and measure water pollution within the aquifer's total body of water, and plume fronts to determine directions and speed of the contamination's spreading in it. Plumes sind aufsteigende Ströme heißen Materials aus dem tiefen Erdmantel, die sich in Form einer schmalen Säule zur Erdoberfläche bewegen. M Webster’s New World College Dictionary, 4th Edition. Übersetzung Französisch-Deutsch für plume im PONS Online-Wörterbuch nachschlagen! This equation makes the following four assumptions:[12]. − The heated water has yet to cool and dissipate into the cooler, surrounding water. Get the latest news and gain access to exclusive updates and offers. Wörterbuch der deutschen Sprache. Plumes are used to locate, map, and measure water pollution within the aquifer's total body of water, and plume fronts to determine directions and speed of the contamination's spreading in it. [ Mantel-Diapiere gelten als Ursache für den Hot-Spot Vulkanismus. , Mississippi River Sediment Plume ... 2001 at 10:55 AM local time, shows the murky brown water of the Mississippi mixing with the dark blue water of the Gulf two days after a rainstorm. 2 a feather or cluster of feathers worn esp. Mit Flexionstabellen der verschiedenen Fälle und Zeiten Aussprache und relevante Diskussionen Kostenloser Vokabeltrainer Water Vapor Plume The term 'Water Vapor Plume' as it applies to the area of the weather can be defined as ' This appears in the water vapor satellite imagery. 1667, John Milton, Paradise Lost 1.1.1. wings […] of many a coloured plume 1.2. The rising plume of black smoke could be seen all over the city. in still conditions, its natural tendency would be to sink), but the flow has sufficient initial momentum to carry it some distance vertically, are described as being negatively buoyant.[1]. Changes in production, therefore, may depend on the season, the proximity to fresh water, and the timing and location of upwelling, currents, and patterns of reproduction. {\displaystyle t=t_{0}} ) formerly as a badge or ornament in a headband, hat, etc. The rate of entrainment into the plume is proportional to the local velocity. and location All Years OpenSubtitles2018.v3. A feather of a bird, especially a large or showy one.quotations ▼ 1.1. − one that is large or ornamental. n. 1 a feather, esp. This phenomenon can be clearly seen in the rising column of smoke from a cigarette. Several effects control the motion of the fluid, including momentum (inertia), diffusion and buoyancy (density differences). (plumes plural ) 1 n-count A plumeof smoke, dust, fire, or water is a large quantity of it that rises into the air in a column. D 2. zählbares Substantiv. How to use flume in a sentence. The distribution of density and velocity across the plume are modelled either with simple Gaussian distributions or else are taken as uniform across the plume (the so-called 'top hat' model). Last 50 years noun A feather, especially a large and showy one. We can see a plume of smoke rising from the, THE ZANZIBAR CHEST: A Memoir of Love and War. {\displaystyle M} Durch sie wird Material aus der Tiefe an die Erdoberfläche transportiert, während an anderer Stelle Material durch die Subduktion in die Tiefe transportiert wird. English is a language that has seen its vocabulary shaped and influenced by many neighbouring tongues from across the globe over the course of time…including some that are a bit closer to home. : a decoration made of feathers or something similar. Definition, Rechtschreibung, Synonyme und Grammatik von 'Plumpe' auf Duden online nachschlagen. A plume of smoke, dust, fire, or water is a large quantity of it that rises into the air in a column. Plume (engl. (1979), "Buoyancy effects in fluids", Ch.6, pp.165--&, Cambridge University Press, Fetter, C.W. For the purposes of investigating sediment plume. π The Capital City Plume is an area in downtown Montgomery previously designated by regulatory agencies where the groundwater (not a source of drinking water) in a 30 to 50 block area has previously showed the presence of several common urban contaminants. Last 100 years {\displaystyle M} x t Turner, J.S. New Year’s Eve is traditionally when we fix our gaze firmly forward in hope, having cast a backward glance at the year just ended. Usually, as a plume moves away from its source, it widens because of entrainment of the surrounding fluid at its edges. . Scase, M. M., Caulfield, C. P., Dalziel, S. B. sediment plume . (1956). ash plume: Aschewolke {f} decorative plume: Schmuckfeder {f} astron. Giga-fren. The gas rises because thermal expansion makes warm gas less dense than the surrounding cooler gas. A mass or stream of material that resembles a long feather: a plume of smoke. plume of water Wasserfontäne {f} to write under a nom de plume unter einem Pseudonym schreibenjourn.lit. It is usually located over a 850 to 700 mb theta-e ridge axis.