MUSLIMS, please use our contact form or join the support forum below or search our Database. It is very helpful and by Allah’s grace all the Alims I have got in touch with, have been very prompt in their response. 1. Facebook 23,520 Fans. Keep … With reliable sources, find accurate answers to your common questions and more. Replies either in text or audio. 4. it’s a great app. In Islam nikkah is a marriage contract, considered as a sacred bond. Other scholars whose last seen online more than two days are indicated as amber. been no delay in our meeting, and they would have been blessed with our visitation at the earliest, along with the recognition of truth and confirmation of our rights." Islamic Chat in French. If you have any question about Islam and you would like to engage in a live text Chat / Conversation online with a person knowledgeable about Islam who will attempt to answer your questions, click below on the link of the language that you prefer: 1. Our aim is to answer any questions asked by non Muslims or new Muslims. hazrat salamun alaikum maula Hussain bless you ,only coz of you we illiterate people connecting with olema(s) very good aap keep it up may allha bless you.wanna say only this …we want instant reply from olema. Our aim is to help you understand and provide you with a clear understanding of Islam and its teachings. # Discovering Islam 334 Articles # Shariah 334 Articles # Videos 334 Articles # Family & Life 334 Articles # Fatwa & Counseling 334 Articles # Muslim News 334 Articles # … Subscribe to our WhatsApp broadcasts by messaging "Subscribe" to +27 60 522 0868 and saving this number to your contacts. I've signed up for annual Loan to add to my salary in order to pay for my children's education for the next 5 years, can I receive zakaat? The questions are answered by qualified scholars. Ask Mufti Online . Muhammad in the Bible and Other Scriptures 4 articles 4. As it has been said the more you communicate, the more you learn. Title. The works of Aristotle, Ptolemy , Euclid and others were translated into Arabic. They should not ask about personal matters that have no bearing on the matter being discussed, such as how old a person is, how tall he or she is, or where he or she lives etc. Great app Every shia must download this apps great work mola salamat rakhe. In our online chat, you'll surely find a friend interested in philosophy, or some information about the life and work of one of the most famous scholars: philosopher, physician and a scientist Ibn Sina, called Aviccena in the Western world. Access to the scholars via the app to get our answers is simply awesome. All of your personal information will be kept confidential and no personal information will be used in posted questions or answers. Al Falah Islamic Foundation is a Non-Profit working towards a better Ummah. Create new account and login. Status. وَما أَرسَلنا مِن قَبلِكَ إِلّا رِجالًا نوحي إِلَيهِم ۚ فَاسأَلوا أَهلَ الذِّكرِ إِن كُنتُم لا تَعلَمونَ We did not send [any apostles] before you except as men to whom We revealed — ask the People of the Reminder if you do not know. We have solved this problem with the Ask A Muslim mobile App. Live Islam Chat (NON MUSLIMS ONLY) Our authorized Live Chat specialists are standing by 24/7 to answer any and all of your questions about Islam. Ask an Alim. Subscribe to our Q&A mailing list. its taking one to two day for reply. Youtube 752 Subscriber. Tag. (+202) 3855 5252 (+202) 3855 5254 We have a team of Muslim Scholars who are here to answer any questions you may have about Islam or living life as a Muslim. In video chat, you can also learn the recipes of the Arabic cuisine. Scholars who logged out are indicated as grey. Subscribe to ATS 0 All questions are screened to maintain quality assurance and to avoid abuse/misuse of the app. A team of classically trained Ahl as-Sunnah wa ‘l-Jama`ah scholars will review and respond to your questions. Frequent lecture programs by known Islamic Scholars, frequent gaming and other events. We thank the Ulema for their tireless efforts to serve the people and spare their precious time answering your queries. May Allah bless you all. (Qur'an 16: 43), وَما أَرسَلنا مِن قَبلِكَ إِلّا رِجالًا نوحي إِلَيهِم ۚ, فَاسأَلوا أَهلَ الذِّكرِ إِن كُنتُم لا تَعلَمونَ, We did not send [any apostles] before you except as men to whom We revealed —, ask the People of the Reminder if you do not know. Where the current society is becoming more ignorant because of the free flowing information without any authencity this medium safeguards the Imaan of the shia. Category. Arabic, English, Gujrati, Persian, Swedish, Urdu. JazakAllah, Mashaallah This app is so good. This app is perfect for learning Islamic Sciences by conferencing directly with the scholars. Whether you're a Muslim, a New Convert or a non-Muslim, all questions about any topic are welcomed. Brilliant Initiative Loved the idea of the developers. Our Imams are experts in Sharia and will provide guidance and support to you on your Nikkah rights. Please keep updating. Superb application. Forward your Islamic Question and receive your reply via Email. The Authenticity and Preservation of the Holy Quran 21 articles 5. May well End up being You actually Can easily Discover imam online right now online Islamic question and also answer chat within Muslim Chat Room On the internet Inside Pakistan. With out authenticity confirmed by trusted qualifies scholars, we can not call any amulet as Islamic amulet. However some minor changes are required. Largest community. Title. Islamic Chat. i like this app so much. Scroll down to know more. Blazing speed and accuracy. MashaAllah excellent effort Good to have someone answer your questions at your fingertips. 4. Answers are not screened by moderator. Multiple Jummah prayers from the same Mimbar ; My son wants to marry a girl from the Bohra sect; Is it necessary to observe the Iddah prior to Khalwah? I hope more countries like pakistan bangladesh etc are coming so that this app can be downloaded more, There is always scope for better app but still it is good. Keep … May Allah bless your efforts! It's a good way to connect with people who will share their knowledge about islam and it will be a good medium to enhance your Islamic knowledge. 1. eShaykh allows users to ask questions across the vast spectrum of Islamic topics. In the event that you actually Would like To be able to Request Something Regarding Islam You actually May possibly ask Islamic scholars online within awamichat. Be respectful of others and try to be humble. Tag. We want to portray our beautiful religion to as many people as we can. A unique concept to enable you to connect the Ulema at just a tap away. It has been established to resolve any research-orientated, educational and cultural queries that one may have. The Ask a Muslim App is a quick resource that’s simple and easy to navigate with quick tap access to The Holy Qur’an, a Resource knowledge base, the Ask a Muslim YouTube channel, and a … A Christian woman who wants to become Muslim, but her husband is a kaafir and an alcoholic, and she has a relationship with a Muslim man Show Answer Question 93545 : I have been studing Islam for a few months now, I have a Quran and am busy reading it and I must admit I am comparing it with the bible. Just Ask Islam; You are here: Home / Ask a Scholar. Assalamo alalikum I thanks to all the team members who are part of this. Follow Us. A first social messaging app that adheres to the teachings of Ahlulbayt (as) which enables you to ask religious questions to the Scholars directly while maintaining your privacy. Choose scholar of your choice. WhatsApp Broadcasts. Category. Imam-e-Zamana (atfs) In Sha Allah. Seyed Ali Shobayri is of mixed Iranian and Scottish descent who found the path of the Ahlul Bayt (a) by his own research. Reach out to or open the app and use the Feedback Button. May Allah (SWT) bless them with prayers of the Ahlulbayt(as). Facebook 23,520 Fans. 3. It's a good way to connect with people who will share their knowledge about islam and it will be a good medium to enhance your Islamic knowledge. this method of transaction is it permissible? How much ever i thank the entire team (development + alim) its not enough. we will receiving our answer very soon. And the new version is a charm. Ask the scholar, Islamic question and answer website of shaikh Ahmad kutty Ask Islamic Scholars online & get an answer! The Qur’an refers to this as a ‘serious contract’ were both parties have been allocated certain responsibilities. In the event that you actually Would like To be able to Request Something Regarding Islam You actually May possibly ask Islamic scholars online within awamichat. excellent app which provides anonymity for hard situations to get wise religious advice. Pls, I need Duas to supplicate to Allah to help me grant my heart desires that I've been chasing for more than 3 years. well, this app already has! Islamic Chat in English. The arrangement of scholars are based on their last seen online, the scholar with most recent online will be on top and indicated as green LED. Your Name. Would it be halal to earn profit from this website using the Islamic account? Islamic Chat in English. We have a directory of websites that allow you to speak to a knowledgeable Muslim live, in a one-to-one chat, in multiple languages. Al Falah Islamic Foundation is a Non-Profit working towards a better Ummah. Questions and answers on this site have been prepared, approved, revised, edited, amended or annotated by dedicated Muslim scholars and volunteers from different parts of the globe. I really appreciate individuals efforts n sure they have great rewards frm Ahlel Bait(as) n Allah(swt). The developers try to improve the app regularly and slowly more and more scholars are becoming available for questions on this app. I not giving 5 becoz.the app need to be set up properly otherwise the app is a master piece. The Scientific Miracles of the Holy Quran 15 articles 2. ISLAMIC GUIDANCE PERTH (IGP), a QnA educational platform is also hosted on Safwah Online and guided by Perth’s Islamic Scholars. Please use it. Ask the Scholar is the fatwa service provided by AboutIslam. With reliable sources, find accurate answers to your common questions and more. In order to ask a question, please follow the simple steps to login below. Your Email. Follow Us. MashaAllah beautiful aap . Excellent concept, we can contact Alim of our choice and clarify any religious doubt. Matnu-l-Aqeedatu tahawiyat (number 68 - 70). 2. Some people make their own fabricated amulets and claim it Islamic… You can submit your questions too. Islamic Chat in Spanish. The Scientific Miracles of the Prophet Muhammad Sayings 2 articles 3. Recently, our district local Muslim community where I live, established an Islamic center and a mosque. You can be sure that you’ll always get timely, fair support for all end-user features. Muslim scholars and scientists then added their own creative ideas, discoveries and inventions, and finally transmitted this new knowledge to Europe, leading directly to the Rennaissance .