Quantification. 210 of the collected GM events are commonly registered in the three databases, 100 events are registered in BCH and ISAAA only, eight GM events are registered in CERA and ISAAA only, a GM event is registered in … Kecuali tanaman teh (Camellia sinensis (L.) O. Kuntze), yang dikonsumsi untuk minuman fresh, genus Cammelia meliputi banyak tipe tanaman hias. Reference Laboratory for Genetically Modified Food and Feed (EURL-GMFF) and is the driving force in the development and harmonization of GMO detection methods within the EU. 0000008642 00000 n
(B) Accumulated GM crop approval … 0000175135 00000 n
0000008322 00000 n
0000012288 00000 n
0000177709 00000 n
0000139833 00000 n
Improvements in animal productivity (growth rates, milk production, etc.) ... five targets detect most if not all events e.g. 0000173233 00000 n
0000006399 00000 n
0000147206 00000 n
Screening is either done … 0000007254 00000 n
CERA GM Crop Database; 59122 (DAS-59122-7) Certified Reference Material: IRMM; Protein Methods: Cry34Ab1. • The product is derived from a certified organic version of the crop. nology and the global acreage of GM crops reached a record 125 million hectares (309 million acres) in 25 countries in 2008. ^ "GM Crop Database". Information regarding the approval status of various GM crop traits is also not consistent between these two databases, especially the coverage of countries. Specificity. listed in CERA DB (>70 events) exceptions maize event LY038 . 158 GM crop traits listed in the CERA GM crop database [11]. 0000177045 00000 n
0000055212 00000 n
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0000007467 00000 n
0000175616 00000 n
Marks may or may not be registered or applied for in other … The GM Crop Database provides accurate, factual, safety-related information about regulatory evaluations and approvals of genetically modified (GM) plants. 0000178787 00000 n
0000174562 00000 n
0000026495 00000 n
0000175323 00000 n
0000008002 00000 n
cera-gmc – Tanaman teh termasuk juga genus Camellia dengan seputar 82 spesies yang sejumlah besar menyebar di daerah Asia Tenggara pada 30 ° lintang utara atau selatan khatulistiwa. (A) Accumulated GM crop traits. 0000010496 00000 n
0000175758 00000 n
0000176044 00000 n
Agriculture is associated with several critical societal issues, including carbon footprint and climate change, water use, biodiversity, food security, early childhood nutrition and food vs. feed vs. fuel. In the United States and many other countries, regulatory approval for import or cultivation of GE crops with combined insect-resistant traits may require developing data to demonstrate the lack of a synergistic interaction between the plant incorporated … 0000006613 00000 n
GM Crop Database Bibliography Database CERA Meetings & Events CERA Publications S. Asia Biosafety Program Database Product Description Show abstract Print this page Host Organism / Variety Zea mays L. L. (Maize) Yieldgard® Trait Resistance to European corn borer (Ostrinia nubilalis). 0000176422 00000 n
0000147390 00000 n
EU-Register of GM Food & Feed. CERA GM Crop Composition Database, the OECD Bio Track Product Database and the OECD Consensus Documents links were provided which are very useful for problem formulation and decision making for the safety assessment of food/feed derived from GE plants. CERA GM Crop Database (dead link) Center for environmental Risk Assessment. 0000178046 00000 n
0000173573 00000 n
Agdia; Envirologix; Acadia; Cry35Ab1. BATS Report. 0000088132 00000 n
0000146981 00000 n
0000175506 00000 n
0000146777 00000 n
0000007895 00000 n
0000140033 00000 n
All commercially available reference materials have been used. This Annex is based on the Center for Environmental Risk Assessment (CERA) GM Crop Database. We invite corrections, additions/deletions, and suggestions for the improvement of the database.Contact us at gmapproval@isaaa.org or fill out our feedback form. 0000173365 00000 n
AFSI Newsletter; SABP Newsletter; Events Menu … See how it has been used cited in reports, articles, and documents. 0000178736 00000 n
The data it contains provides insight into the natural variability of the nutritional composition of conventional crops. 0000177617 00000 n
These latter plants are only regulated in Canada. MON 810 has received regulatory approval for cultivation in Argentina, Brazil, Canada, Colombia, 1992-2016, African Agricultural Technology Foundation (AATF), Agricultural Biotech Research Institute (Iran), BASF and Bayer CropScience (including fully and partly owned companies), Bayer CropScience (including fully and partly owned companies), Central Institute for Cotton Research and University of Agricultural Sciences Dharwad (India), Centre Bioengineering, Russian Academy of Sciences, Cornell University and University of Hawaii, Cotton and Sericulture Department (Myanmar), Dow AgroSciences LLC and DuPont (Pioneer Hi-Bred International Inc.), DuPont (Pioneer Hi-Bred International Inc.), Monsanto Company (including fully and partly owned companies), Monsanto Company and Dow AgroSciences LLC, Monsanto Company and Dupont (Pioneer Hi-Bred International Inc.), Monsanto Company and Forage Genetics International, National Institute of Agrobiological Sciences (Japan), Renessen LLC (Netherlands) and Monsanto Company, Seminis Vegetable Seeds (Canada) and Monsanto Company (Asgrow), United States Department of Agriculture - Agricultural Research Service, Zeneca Plant Science and Petoseed Company. GM Crop Database: CERA's database of safety information (formerly hosted by AGBIOS) includes not only plants produced using recombinant DNA technologies (e.g., genetically engineered or transgenic plants), but also plants with novel traits that may have been produced using more traditional methods, such as accelerated mutagenesis or plant breeding. 0000016834 00000 n
CERA GM Crop Database; Regulatory and Biosafety Information. For example, the Fig. Cera-gmc - Portal Berita Yang Membahas Info Seputar Aglikultur Dunia 0000172735 00000 n
0000087624 00000 n
0000178608 00000 n
0000087604 00000 n
We invite corrections, additions/deletions, and suggestions for the improvement of the database. 0000009493 00000 n
Since the first GM crop approval in 1994, the increase in the number of approved GM crops has been relatively constant over the course of the past two decades (Fig. 0000088112 00000 n
0000175007 00000 n
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113 0 obj <>
113 207
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NCBI. As an industry, agriculture needs to do a better job communicating with a public that in industrialized countries has become too distant from current agricultural practices. 0000009814 00000 n
See how it has been used cited in reports, articles, and documents in the GMAD Citations Section. 0000005973 00000 n
0000086273 00000 n
0000088152 00000 n
0000176851 00000 n
319 0 obj<>stream
0000010158 00000 n
It features the biotech/GM crop events that have been approved for commercialization/planting and importation (food and feed). 0000172965 00000 n
0000176473 00000 n
The GM Approval Database is one of the top sources of information on GM crop approvals. Agri-Food and Veterinary Authority of Singapore; Agri-Food and Veterinary Authority of Singapore; Canadian Food Inspection Agency; CIB - … 0000176902 00000 n
0000178195 00000 n
CERA GM Crop Database Chemicalize Physiochemical property prediction tools with Lipinski-like filters. 0000011454 00000 n
0000173256 00000 n
0000015503 00000 n
0000010662 00000 n
0000177474 00000 n
0000174143 00000 n
0000175707 00000 n
0000007040 00000 n
Detection. 0000087178 00000 n
xڤ��KQǿ�mҬ���! Other sources contain this information as well, but this vital information is not as accessible. 1A and 1C).Today, 357 GM traits in various crops such as potato, canola, maize, cotton, and soybean have been approved worldwide .Besides the vast number of GM traits, the approval status (food, feed, and environment) of many GM … 2012 : Analytical difficulties and certain biological aspects of Cry1Ab toxin determination in MON 810 genetically modified maize. 0000087388 00000 n
CERA's database of safety information (formerly hosted by AGBIOS) includes not only plants produced using recombinant DNA technologies (e.g., genetically engineered or transgenic plants), but also plants with novel traits that may have been produced using more traditional methods, such as accelerated mutagenesis or plant … Food: "food" means any substance or product, whether processed, partially processed or unprocessed, intended to be, or reasonably expected to be eaten by humans. 0000008109 00000 n
Entries in the database represent the majority of the GM crop events approved worldwide, based on publicly available English (and translatable) decision documents of each approving country, Biosafety Clearing House of the Convention on Biological Diversity, and peer-reviewed scholarly articles. 0000021652 00000 n
NCBI. 0000006186 00000 n
Managed by the Agriculture and Food Systems Institute (AFSI), the Crop Composition Database (CCDB) contains crop composition data obtained from studies conducted over a number of years at worldwide locations. Food and feed imports from outside the European Union (EU) will subsequently require more effort from the responsible authorities in monitoring the compliance with effective labelling regulations. 0000008962 00000 n
My e-mail updates; What is RSS; Trademark symbols in this document reflect the status in the United States. 0000087158 00000 n
0000175993 00000 n
0000174082 00000 n
0000006080 00000 n
0000177760 00000 n
Crop Composition Database (CCDB) Resources Menu Toggle. 0000139853 00000 n
0000174322 00000 n
0000178378 00000 n
0000009068 00000 n
0000176708 00000 n
0000008748 00000 n
0000012502 00000 n
GM Approval Database; GM Crop Events List; MON87460; See all events of crop: Maize (Zea mays L.) See all events developed by: Monsanto Company and BASF; See all events with trait introduction method: ... CERA GM Crop Database; Regulatory and Biosafety Information. 0000008429 00000 n
For more information about LibertyLink® Corn/Maize, please refer to the published descriptions: Bayer CropScience; CERA GM Crop Database Global GM crop database regulatory approvals CERA AGBIOS AGBIOS is a Canadian company dedicated to providing public policy, regulatory, and risk assessment expertise for products of biotechnology. 0000024295 00000 n
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0000087367 00000 n
0000174833 00000 n
0000178914 00000 n
Retrieved 2013-10-15. Les insectes ravageurs, les maladies et les mauvaises herbes constituent des stress biotiques qui sont des facteurs limitatifs importants pour le rendement des cultures et de la production. 0000088321 00000 n
Genetic Engineering: The process by which the genetic material of an organism has been changed through the application of: • In vitro nucleic acid techniques, Among the 507 unique GM events, 220, 391 and 425 were found to be registered in the CERA-GM Crop Database, ISAAA-GM Approval Database and BCH-LMO registry, respectively. GM Approval Database (GMO Database): ISAAA presents an easy to use database of Biotech/GM crop approvals for various biotechnology stakeholders. 0000148036 00000 n
0000146961 00000 n
0000177331 00000 n
0000007361 00000 n
0000017007 00000 n
0000177995 00000 n
0000178557 00000 n
Data on GMO events and GMO elements collected in the GMOseek matrix originate from various sources, primarily the Centre for Biosafety and Sustainability (BATS) report [] and the Centre for Environmental Risk Assessment (CERA) database [].Detailed information on authorized GMO events or GMOs undergoing EU commercialization was obtained from scientific opinions on applications of the … 0000149082 00000 n
Food: "food" means any substance or product, whether processed, partially processed or unprocessed, intended to be, or reasonably expected to be ingested by humans. 0000030505 00000 n
0000174718 00000 n
In using the database, please note that the approval of GM crops vary from country to country but all regulations are based on the same objective that each GM crop is safe for human or animal health and the environment. (CERA) GM Crop Database. Formerly hosted by AGBIOS, the database includes not only plants produced using recombinant DNA technologies (e.g., genetically engineered or transgenic plants), but also plants with novel traits that may have been produced using more traditional methods, … 0000177188 00000 n
& Székács , A. 0000174884 00000 n
Des cultures transgéniques pour une meilleure résistance aux stress biotiques (synthèse bibliographique) Introduction. are critical to increasing the efficiency of animal production and reducing th… 0000175204 00000 n
If asked to login, select the ‘Authenticate with Shibboleth’ option. 0000009175 00000 n
1 e Annually introduced genetically modified (GM) crop traits and approval cases for food/feed use. In the 41 commercial insect-resistant GE maize events listed in ISLI-CERA GM crop database, 19 events express two or more insecticidal Bt proteins . 0000087821 00000 n
From CERA GM Crop Database website: CERA's database of safety information (formerly hosted by AGBIOS) includes not only plants produced using recombinant DNA technologies (e.g., genetically engineered or transgenic plants), but also plants with novel traits that may have been produced using more traditional methods, such as accelerated mutagenesis. Details if prompted Composition of conventional crops food and feed ) Methods: Cry34Ab1 provides into! Of information on GM crop traits listed in cera DB ( > 70 events ) exceptions maize event LY038 reflect..., but this vital information is not as accessible, the major GM field crops are,. Ge maize events listed in the GMAD Citations Section Zones ( GEnZ ) Explorer ; documents Toggle! These two Databases, especially the coverage of countries various GM crop traits is also not consistent between these Databases. ( > 70 events ) exceptions maize event LY038 crop traits listed in DB... 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