So in a deck of 40 cards, try to make it 20/20, or you could have 21/19, 22/18... anywhere within 23/17 - 20/20. However, If your Deck is LOADED with searching cards, then MAYBE I would consider putting it at 45 AT MOST, just in order to include only the most important stuff. All this information is from the official Yugioh/Upper Deck website so this is all 100% true. With making a deck people always go strait to the draw power. How many cards are in a Yu-Gi-Oh! How many cards maximum can I use in speed duel deck? It's still small, and the odds of drawing is negiable, and I can get that little extra bit of powrer...BassNettoHikari2...Chat Page... 05:38, October 16, 2010 (UTC), I rarely have a deck of 40, I prefer to have 41-43 cards. Fallensilence (talk ⢠contribs) 04:10, October 16, 2010 (UTC), I keep mine at 40, though when confused over what to take out, sometimes I loosen the limits a little, up to a personal maximum of 42. but are now seen as mediocre at best. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Some cards can only be special summoned by factors like card effects. And with all these options they can counter almost every stratagys the opponent can throw at them. With more than 50, it just doesn't work as well anymore. Beat him anyway. 1: Neo-spacian grandmole. Depends if the extra cards are worth the lesser ratios for the other cards. How many eligible voters are registered to vote in the United States? : 10 Cards Banned For Crazy Reasons. "Zoodiac" is a series of monsters with an interesting gimmick where any "Zoodiac" monster could be used as the entire… that's not the idea of yugioh. Sure, you see each individual card less often, but if you build your deck carefully making sure you have plenty of combo starter cards (e.g. A Deck must have between 40 – 60 cards. This is good but it is also slightly wrong. I'm still not convinced why they would limit a deck to 60 cards though.--Xsamuraizx 06:22, 22 June 2009 (UTC). Can i target my double cyclone the moment i activate it or i must target another spell/trap card of mine? Though 60 card decks need a lot more thought in the deck creation then the 40 card deck. Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Here is also the usual structure of a Yu-gi-oh deck. Certain cards are not going to see an appearance outside of the OCG version of the game. "the minimum number is 40 cards after that as many as you want" Actually, now since the 5D era is now upon us, the new stradegy guide that comes with the Yusei mini tin (Contains 3 Yusei duelist … Actually, now since the 5D era is now upon us, the new stradegy guide that comes with the Yusei mini tin (Contains 3 Yusei duelist packs, 1 Duelist Genesis pack, 3 Holofoil cards from the new Raging battle packs and I Ultra Rare card, in this case Stardust Dragon/Assualt Mode, ($14.92 at Walmart=Canadian Money) the new rules are a Minimum of 40 Cards and a Maximum of 60 Cards.To simplify what this guy just said 40-60 main deck 0-15 in a extra deck main deck has monsters, ritual monsters,spells and traps but side deck has XYZ,synchro and fusion cards, A Yugioh deck is 40 cards minimum and 60 cards maximum. Originally, as I recall, the limit was as many cards as you wanted so long as they were 40 or more. How long do you think it would take before Deck Out is achieved? During Deck construction, the Extra Deck has a maximum size of 15 cards (including all … what should be the maximum in your mind? Normallly a 40 cards deck contain 20 monster (15 lv4 or - and 5 lv 5 and +) and 20 spell/trap cards. Some very powerful Spell Cards have been banned from tournament play, like "Raigeki". I personely have always tried to make decks that go up to the max limit of cards that you can have in a deck. Yu-Gi-Oh! My current deck (which i have only used in friendly duels) is 80 cards. Aim to keep your Deck closer to the 40 cards minimum, making the chances of … 40-45 for me, the less cards, the quicker the deck in most situations. When it comes to Pokémon, the cards are pretty easy to use on the field, especially for the Pokémon themselves.In contrast, many Yu-Gi-Oh! The older Decks always included at least one single new card, printed as an Ultra Rare; after the Curse of Darkness Structure Deck, they always introduce 5 new cards, 1 or 2 of them being Ultra Rare, 2 of them Super Rares, and the remaining 2 as Commons (usually Spells or Traps). With so many decks out there, some Yu-Gi-Oh! 10 Summoned Skull Then, the limit became 40 to 80, and recently (when Synchros were released I think) the limit became 40 to 60. But then the rules were changed to 60 and I made 3 decks of 60 cards each. but when used right can almost become unbeatable. In the same fashion as Blackwings, the Lightsworn archetype isn’t really the force to … Another popular wa… Think about it. Not only that but I also have menu different effects that get cards from my grave or banished to my hand. !--Spirit deck for life!!!! i use a 60 card deck the cards are 1 protector of sanctuary 1 zure, knight of the dark world 1 yami 2 trap hole 1 threating roar 1 dragon capture jar 1 giga gagagigo 1 shapesnatch 1 judge man 1 jar of greed 1 … Anyway you can vary the different amount of cards for each type(e.g monster spell or trap) but that all depends on what type of deck you are using.The fusion deck is separate from your original deck and can contain as many fusion cards as you want.The most recent number/estimate is 5400 cards. So I will at least get a draw or a search card every 5 draws. Kordeleski (talk ⢠contribs) 06:54, October 23, 2012 (UTC). All Rights Reserved. You’ll know a monster belongs in the Extra Deck if it has “Fusion”, “Synchro”, “Xyz” or “Link” in bold on its card text. Hope i helped! You will need between 40 to 60 cards to make a full deck. Then again, I know plenty of people where I live that will not play a deck unless its a perfect 40, no more and no less. 20 Yu-Gi-Oh! Yu-Gi-Oh! I admit that 99 percent of all 60 card decks are not good decks. My Monarch deck is 42 atm, but not sure what to remove and I got more I want to add (like Dark Armed Dragon). I agree with Ryu, it all depends on what type of deck you are building. I limit myself to a maximum of 47 cards in a deck. By Callum Archer Nov 08, 2020 Of all the decks from the original Yu-Gi-Oh! Pit that against a milling deck. So if you can see the 1 main stratagys that deck has it is very easy to bring it down. Stronger monsters can be harder to Summon. They won’t affect how the game is played, but some of them are useable. How long will the footprints on the moon last? Yu-Gi-Oh! I feel that NO Deck should exceed 40 cards, as it kills the potential draw, & thus it makes it harder to win. You’ll bring to the table a Main Deck of 40 to 60 cards, and an Extra Deck of zero to 15 special monsters. cast, Yugi's deck may have some of the most memorable and recognizable in the entire series history. This also means that your Deck has about 20 Spell or Trap Cards, and you can play as many of them as you want per turn to protect your monsters. What kind of graphic organizer should you use on a article about video-game addictions? Beatdown: 40-41 This article describes the methods and habits needed to build a strong Yu-Gi-Oh TCG Deck. for each type(e.g monster spell or trap) but that all depends on what type of deck you are using.The fusion deck is separate from your original deck and can contain as many fusion cards as you want. The best decks focus around an archetype - a group of cards with similar names and mechanics who support each other. Otherwise, no. You want to have the lesser of the cards in your deck becuase then you can draw the cards you want easier. Copyright © 2021 Multiply Media, LLC., You can't go over 60, the legal limit is 60. Jens (talk ⢠contribs) 09:43, October 18, 2010 (UTC), I have 4 decks and all of them doesn't even exceed 45 cards. The Side Deck, however, was required to contain either exactly 15 or exactly 0 cards. My Hero Deck had SEVEN searching cards (including Stratos), prior to the banlist. The Best Hairstyles In The Original Series, Ranked. Here is also the usual structure of a Yu-gi-oh, Anyway you can vary the different amount of cards. What travels faster in air sound or light and how do you know this? The original staple card, "Enemy Controller" has been in the game since the … So I know the gold standard is 40 cards, but also statistically speaking, adding a few extra to your deck doesn't completely ruin consistency... up to a point. Besides I like to keep a limit of 20 monsters and 10 spells and traps. But thatâs not the deck that Iâm upgrading atm. I didn't even know that a deck had been limited to just 60 cards. Enemy Controller. Both times. I have to tell my friend who owns a 100+ card deck lol. My friend even almost beat me when we traded decks for 1 duel. Here are some crazy reasons cards … actually the Maximum wasn't raised from 50 to 60, it was lowered from 80 (or whatever the maximum was... i don't remember there ever being a maximum before) down to 60. My minimum is 40 and my maximum is 45 (excluding the extra deck, of course). --Gadjiltron 10:43, 16 June 2009 (UTC), That would be a counter for a mill deck then (To Gadjiltron). After years of playing the game I have come to the conclusion that the best decks have a lot of options, the ability to have easy access to all of their main cards in their decks, and extra decks. : Brilliant Fusion, Predaplants, Zoodiacs, etc) you can still play way more than 40 cards efficiently. In my opinion 60 card deck requir a lot more skill to both make and too use then a 40 card deck. Really you want more fast search cards then draw cards. It's time to duel! That's all. Also I have never lost a duel with this deck. Trading Card Game is a Japanese collectible card game developed and published by Konami.It is based on the fictional game of Duel Monsters created by manga artist Kazuki Takahashi, which appears in portions of the manga franchise Yu-Gi-Oh! For example: you're in the red with a 50 card Deck. --Gadjiltron 01:30, 15 June 2009 (UTC), Like what some of the others said, I would personally stick with 40 cards in all my deck. To others, 80 cards is far too many but for me it is perfect because my deck is filled with useful cards and the Destiny Board/Spirit Message set. How do you diagnose the solenoid on a 2003 Ford Focus? Synchro: 40-45 I believe that there should be 40 cards in a deck, or close to the 40 minimum, not going over 50. --Darphwisdom (talk ⢠contribs) 12:50, October 27, 2012 (UTC). "the minimum number is 40 cards after that as many as you want", Actually, now since the 5D era is now upon us, the new stradegy guide that comes with the Yusei mini tin (Contains 3 Yusei duelist packs, 1 Duelist Genesis pack, 3 Holofoil cards from the new Raging battle packs and I Ultra Rare card, in this case Stardust Dragon/Assualt Mode, ($14.92 at Walmart=Canadian Money) the new rules are a Minimum of 40 Cards and a Maximum of 60 Cards.To simplify what this guy just said 40-60 main deck 0-15 in a extra deck main deck has monsters, ritual monsters,spells and traps but side deck has XYZ,synchro and fusion cardsA Yugioh deck is 40 cards minimum and 60 cards maximum. You will have a huge advantage against a non banish 40 card deck. The main deck and the side deck. Its also better to keep close to the 40 minimum so you can draw your best cards earlier on in the game. Per the "Maximum of 3 Rule", during Deck construction there can be at most 3 cards with the same name in a player's Main Deck, Extra Deck and Side Deck (combined). If your going with a chaos deck like Twilight I recommend 45 --Veriteo (talk ⢠contribs) 15:00, October 27, 2012 (UTC), *Disclosure: Some of the links above are affiliate links, meaning, at no additional cost to you, Fandom will earn a commission if you click through and make a purchase. People had problem with a deck that big since it'll be time consuming to look for a card in the deck if you use ROTA or something? --Xsamuraizx 19:15, 15 June 2009 (UTC), Suppose there exists some deck with a HUGE amount of cards. But is that really the only way to play your deck? Per the " Maximum of 3 Rule ", during Deck construction there can be at most 3 cards with the same name in a player's Main Deck, Extra Deck and Side Deck (combined). 40 card decks really only have so many combos and stratagys. Also, some cards are Forbidden, Limited or Semi-Limited in … I have really been getting a lot of s**t on dueling network about my 60 card deck. I find that if i go for the max that i usualy make a deck that has a better chance of winning. (under the name of "Magic and Wizards"), and is the central plot device throughout its various anime adaptations and spinoff series. The reason is simple. Who is the longest reigning WWE Champion of all time? What does contingent mean in real estate? Not much. You want to have the lesser of the cards in your deck becuase then you can draw the cards you want easier. The Yu-Gi-Oh! How quickly did help arrive in the christchurch earthquake 2011? Magic Deck? On average, you should have an equal or close-enough balance of Monster cards to Spell & Trap cards. Since its introduction in the Yu-Gi-Oh! Others, like any monsters from the extra deck, either require the player to have a card like polymerization in their … Anything with searches:40 Fallensilence (talk ⢠contribs) 04:24, October 16, 2010 (UTC), from my point of view , more cards just make deck go slower, i keep mine around 40 - 43, because my deck focused on OTK , i need the right card as soon as possible Nagareboshi-kun (talk ⢠contribs) 04:30, October 16, 2010 (UTC), I find a magic number at 43. SO, it all depends on the Deck and Duelist Play Style~MEOW~ Might of the BIRD Empire~~ 01:56, 3 July 2009 (UTC), Stall: 40-45 Yu-Gi-Oh is the best strategy card game ever made. Community content is available under. When did organ music become associated with baseball? Pot of Greed. Maybe the max limit was to control the games and prevent it from being too slow, should a lockdown be achieved by the bigger deck. Another thing to watch out for when you’ve selected what monsters you want to add to your Deck is how many of them require Tributes to be Normal Summoned. The extra and side decks don't count toward the minimum 40/maximum 60 cards in your main deck. I’m sure a player who isn’t … This article intends to discuss a number of cards that will stay OCG only. 40 vs 60 card decks. All my decks are 40-43 usually. What are the odds that you will draw something totally game-breaking out of those 50 cards as opposed to having 40 cards? Most people would still use a 40 card deck still so I'm not seeing a problem having a 100 card deck in a duel (couldn't think of a good reason for a problem anyway). The minimum amount of cards allowed in your deck is 40 cards and the maximum is 60 cards. Well, I prefer to set 50 as my personal max cap, but I would go with saying that anything over 60 is pushing it too far. Put simply, Pot of Greed is the best card ever created. I used to use 1 80 card deck that could beat just about anyone that I ran into. And if anyone out there is making an exodia deck, stay at 40. same reason. Your opponent has field & hand advantage. my friend has a destiny hero deck that is 60 cards and he never draws what he needs and i do so i just like the bare minimum is best for me! But I am also running around 6 search cards. --Gadjiltron (talk ⢠contribs) 04:18, October 16, 2010 (UTC), Yeah it's pretty difficult. --Gadjiltron (talk ⢠contribs) 01:10, October 22, 2012 (UTC), I stick with 40, but If I recall there was originally no limit right? Lightsworns. Also what I have notice is that if you run a few cards that will banish your opponent cards, and a few that help cards you have banished. Exodia: 40 deck? Why don't libraries smell like bookstores? If you didn’t know, Upstart Goblin is limited to 1 copy per deck, which seems crazy … How do you what a fish looks like if come a cross one? The most you should have is 42 even though the maximum is 60 cards. Don't get me wrong about 40 card decks though. I have 44 cards in my main Harpie/Amazoness deck (Mai Valentine deck) It's just common knowledge, IMO. How much money do you start with in monopoly revolution? It's no use adding cards if you can't use it in a duel -SilentHero26 (talk ⢠contribs) 11:11, October 18, 2010 (UTC). After a Structure Deck is released, the Booster Packsthat follow it typically include cards that support the Structure Deck's themes. 60 cards is not good for a Yugioh deck, for a good deck stuck in 40 cards. The reason is that 60 card decks have a lot more options, and if made properly can search most of their multi combo cards, and summon their extra deck easily. Chaos: 43-45, Leave a message on my page for info on other types...-- Murtagh4 (Talk) 02:14, 3 July 2009 (UTC). Just as the title says. Creature deck? Really I have been playin with a 60 card deck forever, and what I noticed is that I will almost always win against a deck that is running 40 cards. Alternatively you may construct and test a deck with an online simulator, such as on the Dueling Book website (Dueling Network is down), before deciding to buy some cards. The extra deck consists of Fusions and/or Synchros, you can have up to 15 cards in it. Upstart Goblin. And also the spell card "Double cyclone says that i can target one of my spell/ trap card and one of my opponent's. Thanks I can feel the effects of having too many cards because it slows me down even if I only added 2 in my deck. What is the WPS button on a wireless router? Clearly his 60 cards were to prevent him from running out of resources while making him resistant to Deck Out by his own conditions. 20 monsters and 20 magic/trap cards. As a result of this evolution and the natural power creep any game requires to stay relevant, there are many cards in the enormous library of playable options that were once some of the best in Yu-Gi-Oh! Assemble your favorite cards into a Deck that follows these rules: lThe Deck must be 40 to 60 cards. He had a 60 card stalling Deck, but plays with modified settings of a 7-card opening hand and drawing 3 cards per Draw Phase. I personally put my limits at 42-45. How's that for a lot of searchers. Now it has five (including Stratos). Never knew there was a maximum. plus i always keep it in the back of my mind that if it comes straight down to it, i win when you have no cards to draw. Most of my decks are 40, with the exception of my dark paladin deck which i traded with my friend, and he called tradebacks. --. I would say that 40 cards in a deck is best cause it makes it to where you can sometimes draw what you need faster then bigger decks! lYou can only have up to 3 copies of the same card in your Deck, Extra Deck and Side Deck combined. Some are very good. And if anyone out there is making an exodia deck, stay at 40. same reason. I have made some deck lists that go to around 50 because the yare meant to mill very fast (Neddlebug nest and such). --. I only run 6 drawing cards. All others fail in compassion in how complex it is. 20 of those slots belong to Monsters, 10 to Spells, 10 to Trap cards, and any beyond 40 should maintain the 2:1:1 ratio. But if you have an exetremely flexible deck, like yugi's, go ahead and do 50, or even 60. What will happen if money collected by the government is lower than spending? Don't know why though XD. Always have as close to 40 cards as possible to lessen the chance of getting bad draws. During Deck construction, the Extra Deck has a maximum size of 15 cards (including all … ... A Yugioh deck contains more than 40 cards. It's the Player's problem of not drawing the right cards they wanted and it's the Player's choice to have more than 40 cards or not. The traditional belief in competitive Yu-Gi-Oh deck building is that a Duelist should always run 40 cards! Reason is that I will averagely get 1 draw card every 10 cards. The material on this site can not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, cached or otherwise used, except with prior written permission of Multiply. I always try build to a ratio of monsters:20, spells:10, traps:10, but they may vary. so I'd say 55 card maximum. But I love to see their reaction when I kick their a$$ lol. : 10 Most Used Cards In Yugi's Deck Yugi had plenty of powerful cards in his deck, but these 10 were the ones he relied on most. Cards That Are Useful In Every Deck. The main deck can be anywhere between 40 and 60 cards.