The master would have us carry our belief in God to a point where it shall involve every spiritual force within us. The way to be sure of a permanent home is to keep fast hold of Him who is the same yesterday, today, and forever.II. But my text suggests to us that we have got as much as we need, and, for the rest, if we needed to have heard it, He would have told us. Are they worthy of anything but pity who are not able to bear the hardships of the voyage? What did He think of Himself Who said, "All men should honour the Son even as they honour the Father"? And when you have found out your sin give it vent by confession of it to God, and in some cases to others.3. "Permanence adds bliss to bliss." We speak of "long days," and of "long years." "When thou passeth through the waters I will be with thee," etc.4. And if He said that, why, then, one of two things. A house with "many mansions" in it, large, spacious, having many rooms, fitted up for the reception of many guests.II. In the present world the children of God are far apart, separated by the emergencies of life, by death, by misunderstandings and prejudices, by chills of heart and jealousies; and they rear their many little mansions, forgetful of the one house. Yet the moment we came into still water I rose from my berth and got up on deck. Are there not many in Christian Churches needing still the voice which shall say, Believer, believe; Christian, come to Christ; disciple of three or of thirty years, still, as for the first time, behold Him!2. Tamahana heard all silently, then, looking round, said, "My Father's house is finer than this." )The consolation of the gospel uniqueCanon Liddon.In this I say the gospel differs sharply from the most cultivated pagan thought of the age in which it appeared in the world. )Heaven the Christian's homeJ. By this we must understand, not His creating heaven for us, or enlarging or adorning it, but removing out of the way all things which would prevent our entering into it. It may be intellectually conceived, but no moral nor social truth is ever presented so as to be believed, unless it be presented in such a way as to carry sympathy and feeling with it; and that is not the case with all kinds of truth. Today he is wearing his father's gold watch. He has made them well known; "brought life and immortality to light," and will come again and receive us unto Himself.(W. Historically a pure theism is all but impotent. Some wicked lads are trying to take it from him. Nations are rising and falling. Bradley, M. The two clauses in the original bring out that idea even more vividly — "Believe in God, in Me also believe." "Why," said his friend, "do you not see that whether your pack is on your back, or off your back, I have to carry it?" And only one is possible. This sufficed.(W. This appears —(a)From Scripture (1 Corinthians 15:41, 42; Matthew 19:28). W. And now He was about to be taken from them by a cruel death, and leave them exposed to persecution for His sake. This applies to —1. Sibbes, D. D.There was some good in the disciples' trouble.1. H. Wilson.Believing on Jesus is looking to Him for salvation. The submission of the reason to all Christ has revealed.2. It may be land or it may be cloud." (b)Christ will pray that thy faith fail not (Luke 22:31, 32).(Bp. Partly it is sheer science, clear-eyed and dispassionate, unable to help multiplying second causes.2. By and by men will be looking back and wondering that we so poorly understood the gospel, overlaying it, some of us with ritual, others with dogma. The notices of Rahab and Ruth, of Ittai and Naaman, of the wise men of the East, and the Greeks who came up to the Passover, of the Ethiopian eunuch and the devout Cornelius, are hints for the enlargement of our hopes about many who had the same yearning in their hearts, though they did not see the walls of any earthly Jerusalem. It is not only that it brings the knowledge of salvation to us; but it makes revelations that no other book on earth ever made with reference to a future state of existence.I. H. But what human imagination can picture the horrors of a universe given over to the rioting of evil unrestrained? As for the eleven, let not their hearts be troubled.2. or India Brahmanic? Of bereaved love. We have much to be ashamed of. And if He said that, why, then, one of two things. "This is not your rest."2. When Tyndall was walking among the clouds during a sunset upon the Alps his companion said to him, "can you behold such a sublime scene as this and not feel that there is a God?" Sibbes, D. D.)Christ comforting the disciplesW. (2) By our guilt. "Why, man," he said, "I live there." Earth is one of My Father's battlefields, farms, foundries, factories, roads that He travels on; but heaven is our "Father's house," and therefore the home of all His family.3. Now whilst this shows the love of Christ to His people, the simple fact of His going to prepare a place for us you see involves too His knowledge of our love to Him. Wilson. "God was in Christ reconciling the world unto Himself."3. We speak of "long days," and of "long years." (1)God will smite all wrong. We see the indications of it in His works, where intelligent contrivances present themselves to us in the adjustment of force to force, in the relations of one object to another; and in Christ, who said, "I and My Father are one." Triunity, as we have to study it, is the whole Godhead, dealing with the problem of moral evil.2. And if He said that, why, then, one of two things. Thus "a great multitude which no man can number," has been passing, and will pass, in ceaseless procession. that word quickens the pulse, warms the heart, stirs the soul to its depths, makes age feel young again, rouses apathy into energy, sustains the sailor in his midnight watch, inspires the soldier with courage on the field of battle, and imparts patient endurance to the worn-down sons of toil. Here was a personal bereavement. (2)As our sympathizing Brother and High Priest. It has little power to restrain. By "two immutable things," Christ intends us to have "strong consolation." The state of man is like that of some of those sunny islands in southern seas, around which there often rave the wildest cyclones, and which carry in their bosoms, beneath all their riotous luxuriance of verdant beauty, hidden fires, which ever and anon shake the solid earth and spread destruction. (2) By our guilt. (1) Negatively. (2) And consider how this conception suggests answers to so many of our questions about the relationship of the inmates to one another. This is the only form in which we can exercise faith in God. H. The defectiveness of our belief apart from Him. Having taught that God is our Father, must He remain in sight to confuse or divide our allegiance? There enter at the wicket gate Christiana and also the children, many Ready-to-halts and Feeble-minds, and far-off pilgrims, for whom we can find no names, but who are written in the Lamb's Book of Life. We acknowledge and recognize a power which passes all control, measurement, or thought. (b)God's love.(c)Duration. W. Now, it is an obvious answer, and surely a just one. "I go to the Lord Jesus: He was mother's friend, and He's mine." When one of the disciples, on the notice of His near departure, asked if he might go with Him, the virtual answer was "No." He asks philosophy, and she answers, "I see something like it, but I cannot surely tell. The light shines through a window, but the light and the glass that make it visible have nothing in common with one another. Sibbes, D. D.Why do we not go home? "He that hath wrought us for the self-same thing is God, who bath also given us the earnest of the Spirit."IV. The gentleman noticed that he kept his pack strapped to his shoulders, and so he said, "Why do you not put your pack down?" W. The most anxious moments of humanity have been spent in searchings after such a view of God as would enable man to approach Him without dread. The old rabbis said that, however many the throngs of worshippers who came up to Jerusalem at the Passover, the streets and the courts were never crowded. It was a wonderful manifestation of spiritual strength, and as an example was more forcible than even His counsel for the production of a like spirit.II. You will remark that it was Christ's intention, by this description of heaven, to administer comfort to the disciples. (b)Temporal: outward afflictions (Lamentations 1:4).2. But who can tell him firmly where lies the realm of life, or whether anywhere? She has, he says, good examples around her in the birds and in the beasts. "When thou passeth through the waters I will be with thee," etc.4. A house, not a tent, put up today, and taken down to morrow; but the home we come to at the end of all our travels; fitted up for rest, security and enjoyment.2. "What book shall it be?" Maclaren, D. D.Sorrow needs simple words for its consolation; and simple words are the best clothing for the largest truths. But how it is all softened when we say, "My Father's house." (2)As our sympathizing Brother and High Priest. It seems a vast, awful world, this invisible which stretches out to the infinite all round us; the trembling soul may well shudder as it goes forth to meet its destiny. We speak of "long days," and of "long years." It does not satisfy Him to snatch us from destruction, to open heaven for us, to bring us into the way to it, to make us meet for it; He will come Himself, and take us to it. There are many others. D.I. If they agreed with the Koran, they were of no use, and might well be spared. Looked at more closely they present interpretation and identity.1. "All I know, He says He will; and that's enough for me. But let not your heart be troubled. Christ, implying human immortality, reveals heaven. He has made them well known; "brought life and immortality to light," and will come again and receive us unto Himself.(W. The Godhead shines through Christ, but He is not a mere transparent medium. It was a wonderful manifestation of spiritual strength, and as an example was more forcible than even His counsel for the production of a like spirit.II. And this adds great comfort; for —1. W. It is "the Father's" house. To trust that we shall be pardoned, saved, preserved, is equally difficult for unbelieving hearts.II. But is present everywhere (Psalm 139:7).4. Before now, on some festive day, when a man has asked his friends to his house, he has been forced to ask only a few, because, though his heart was large enough for many, his house was not. But remember that faith is rational, and that the testimony of God is informing. Hodge, D. D.)Believe also in MeDean Vaughan.1. The word of the Saviour promises a reversal of this long, sad history. How comes it that these two objects blend into one, like two figures in a stereoscope? God is infinite (Psalm 147:5).2. "What book shall it be?" Jesus had poured upon them all the very essence of kindness, and had received them into the very sanctuary of His heart. I have no fear of any very long reign of Atheism. Now, if this Book itself were in danger of being destroyed, and I might have only one chapter out of it, I rather think it would be this which Scott asked to be read to him. Many times over Judas betrays his Lord, and hangs himself. There are degrees in glory — then strive to be eminent in grace that you may be eminent in glory (Matthew 15:28).(Bp. "Ye believe in God;" yes, but that is inadequate, it needs supplementing. Something of this the disciples knew.2. Now whilst this shows the love of Christ to His people, the simple fact of His going to prepare a place for us you see involves too His knowledge of our love to Him. And yet we do not doubt the sun when for a time obscured by cloud. "Why cannot I follow Thee now?" The day of Pentecost had not yet come. Looked at more closely they present interpretation and identity. As if the mental pain which means to man so much more than to the beast, precisely because he is man and not beast, could be conjured out of him by a philosophy which talks incessantly of his dignity and can only make him comfortable, if at all, at the cost of forgetting it! It is the same old story always; and always with the old refrain: "Let not your heart be troubled."1. (4) Christ hath forbidden it, "Let not," etc.II. Thus, when lately bending over a dying saint, and expressing our sorrow to see him lay so low, with the radiant countenance rather of one who had just left heaven than of one about to enter it, he raised and clasped his hands, and exclaimed in ecstasy, "I am going home."(T. Its reality. 15-17).V. )Grounds of comfortProf. To receive as true what we cannot understand, on God's testimony is declared to be irrational. There is only one other occasion in which our Lord used this expression: "Make not My Father's house a house of merchandise." H. Burton.I. "All I know, He says He will; and that's enough for me. First of all, Christ speaks of His Father's house, and therefore we call it our Father's house — just because he says, "My Father and your Father, my God and your God." Men who have found human affection, but no God beneath it, have found only the shadow of a home. The ample room in this great house. Take your sop, Judas, and be gone. CHRIST'S WORK DOES NOT CEASE WITH CHRIST'S DEPARTURE (vers. Our Lord argues from the Father to Himself, and particularly recommends them to have such faith in Him as they have in God.3. (2) That without faith in Christ such faith in God as is possible is feeble, incomplete, and will not long last. The constitution of the universe implies that, since otherwise there would be parts of the universe self-supporting and independent of God. (2) Labour to have one of them. God in Christ now stands pledged to the forgiveness of sin on the condition of repentance.3. He left His Father's house for us; He now returns to it for us. Are they to dwell isolated in their several mansions? That book, that trinket, why is it dear to you? Try Him; and, like a sailor who tried Him, you'll be able joyfully to say even in dying, "The plank bears, the plank bears!"(J. But Christ asked for immediate trust in Himself, for with that would come a hearty belief in all He said and did.II. With us, irreligion today is immorality tomorrow, and after that the deluge.3. Death is not coming; death is not a person, only a door, to which Christ, the sovereign Lord who has at His girdle the keys of death and the unseen state, comes.(C. To solve theological puzzles and dogmatic difficulties; to inflate us with the pride of quasi-omniscience: or to present to us God in Christ for faith, for love, for obedience, for imitation? The advantage of this two-fold trust. 27).(Prof. )Believing is looking to JesusJ. Death is not coming; death is not a person, only a door, to which Christ, the sovereign Lord who has at His girdle the keys of death and the unseen state, comes.(C. )Belief in God stimulatingThe late Professor Agassiz once said to a friend, "I will frankly tell you that my experience in prolonged scientific investigations convinces me that a belief in God — a God who is behind and within the chaos of vanishing points of human knowledge — adds a wonderful stimulus to the man who attempts to penetrate into the regions of the unknown. Version. The man who should attempt to construct a theory of life and leave trouble out of the account would be no philosopher. What are they? But above all let us labour for a spirit of faith. THE HELP OF THE SPIRIT IS VOUCHSAFED in the absence of Christ (vers. Dying may be regarded as a mode in which Christ comes for His people, one by one. It will not be long before you, and I, and every one of us will hear the messenger sent to bring us back to heaven. "You believe in God," etc. "Nay," answered Mohammed, "we are three; God is with us." "Thou wilt keep Him in perfect peace," etc., There were resources in Omnipotence which they felt to be equal to all human exigency (Isaiah 26:3, 4). We get our clearest view of it from Christ, again, always so welcoming to all who sought Him, so tender towards those who trusted and loved Him. "Ye believe in God;" yes, but that is inadequate, it needs supplementing. It has little power to restrain. Triunity, as we have to study it, is the whole Godhead, dealing with the problem of moral evil.2. It is Himself that He is showing us when He is showing us God. L. Moody.Someone asked a Scotchman if he was on his way to heaven. Evidently sin has made a great rent and breach in God's work. This was Paul's idea of heaven — having a desire to depart and to be with Christ.(W. The recognition of a moral order in the universe implies that; for otherwise the administration of that order would be necessarily imperfect. To cast a burden off myself on other's shoulders is always a rest. (a)Our understandings. Try to hear them for the first time, and to remember the circumstances. W. It is pleasant to me to think that we are wanted there. (1) One is that all imperfect revelation of God is prophetic of and leads up towards the perfect revelation in Jesus Christ (Hebrews 1:1-3). There will be perfect love; and everyone will wear a cheerful countenance; and it will be a glorious home. He is just about to lose it, when I come up, and say, "Give it to me, my boy, and I'll keep it safe for you." But when the awakened immortal soul looks at those spaces of time in the light of its own eternity, how short and shadowy they seem I In those times we feel that everything depends on the reality and permanence of the future life! Maclaren, D. D.We get a more true and appropriate meaning if we keep both clauses in the imperative, "Believe in God, believe also in me."I. Wilson. If we believe not God, as seen, how can we believe in Him as not seen.III. Today he is wearing his father's gold watch. Even on earth, a father's house is his child's home; and the dearest place to the best man, woman, child, is home. And when you have found out your sin give it vent by confession of it to God, and in some cases to others.3. We get our clearest view of it from Christ, again, always so welcoming to all who sought Him, so tender towards those who trusted and loved Him. Trust opens the heart, like the windows of the Ark, tossing upon the black and fatal flood, for the entrance of the peaceful dove with the olive branch in its mouth. This meets another phase of trouble. Christ is the sun of this house. Relief comes by belief. When we think of this, how the extent of the heavenly world grows I and the discoveries of science may help us to extend our hopes.III. But yet in some places unveils Himself, and discovers His glory more than in others.5. That His presence is permanent and internal.2. That was Saul's case (1 Samuel 16:23). So it is with us for the most part: every trifle, every profit, every bauble, every matter of pleasure, every delight, is enough to divert and turn aside our thoughts from death, from home, from heaven, from our God; and we are taken up and lose ourselves, I know not where.(R. (1) There is something awful, even to the best souls, in the thought even of the glories beyond. Trouble in estate is bad, but heart trouble is worst. It was, no doubt, with special reference to His sacrifice and its consequences that Christ spoke of His disciples, in the text, as having (in some sense) still to believe. As the time went on, He spoke of it more frequently, and in terms more and more darkly suggestive of horror. AFFECTIONATE SOLICITUDE FOR EVERY ONE WHO SEEKS HIM. "Oh," said he, "I feel it. There is often a want of true tenderness towards sinners. A man cannot be said to believe a moral truth unless he believes it so that it carries some emotion with it. They too love their relations, but after a momentary spasm when they lose them they take life easily again; and in doing this they show man an example which he would do well to imitate. Her trials were sometimes great, but she strove to bear all with cheerfulness and patience. Why, then, teach men to believe in God, and command it? Then, on the other hand, do not be too delighted with earthly things.(J. And therefore we ought to be skilful in the Word of God, that we may store up comforts beforehand.4. Well, my friends, heaven comes very near today. Not distinct cells, but —(1) That there is room enough for many. A prior acknowledgment of the Divine. 25, 26).VII. Try to hear them for the first time, and to remember the circumstances. Triunity, as we have to study it, is the whole Godhead, dealing with the problem of moral evil.2. W. Beecher.Why should you carry troubles and sorrows unhealed? Yes, and He prepares it all.III. It is the activity, the animation, the joyful tasks, the abounding interest, of the life of the invisible world unveiled by Christ, which is the characteristic revelation of the gospel. (2) That many shall be saved (Revelation 7:9; James 2:5); but not irrespectively (1 Corinthians 1:26-28).2. So I tell her to dry her tears, and do her best to work for her children, and just look to me for her rent. One will be more capable, and so enjoy more than another. With this word of love still in the air, He proceeds to speak of heaven as "My Father's house." Their error was in tying all comfort to a bodily presence; as if it were necessary for the sun to come down and abide upon the earth, to bestow its heat and influence.I. But how it is all softened when we say, "My Father's house." "Why cannot I follow Thee now?" When we cease to kick against the pricks they cease to stick and wound us. Our own personal constitution reflects and demonstrates that personality. The very best things it can afford will be ours. He had just dismissed Judas, knew what was transpiring outside, and what would follow. Men could look upon a Moses, an Isaiah, or a Paul, and in them recognize the irradiation of the Divinity that imparted itself through them, but the medium was forgotten in proportion as that which it revealed was behind. It was a wonderful manifestation of spiritual strength, and as an example was more forcible than even His counsel for the production of a like spirit.II. How to deal with it, and not how to ignore it, becomes the great problem. )Heaven -- homeD. 3).3. (2) That in Him is all truth and excellence.3. He was about to withdraw, and the loss was the more inconsolable because He was the object of faith and love. D.)Christ comfortingR. Then, on the opposite side of the Rappahannock, the brass band of the Confederates played "My Maryland" and "Dixie," and then all the Southern troops cheered and cheered. Roberts. That surely is a Divine prerogative. We speak of "long days," and of "long years." But Christ asked for immediate trust in Himself, for with that would come a hearty belief in all He said and did.II. It has still less to comfort; it has least of all to satisfy the heart.III. Well, that is what you are to think about; that is what it will be. But for sin, however, we might never have known, in this world, the sublime Triunity of God. He knew that the most exact precision of statement and the most dazzling magic of description would leave the greatest as well as the least of mortals as much in the dark as ever. For the Saviour says to him, Whatever comes, "Let not your heart be troubled. I should not have it; that institution has lost its character. It might have been urged that the disciples are addressed by our Lord as already believing, not in God only, but in Himself. It was deep, dark midnight when we ran into Halifax. But then they must be regulated and ordered at the command of a spiritual understanding. He speaks of that unseen world always as one who had been in it, and who was reporting experiences, and not giving forth opinions. But yet in some places unveils Himself, and discovers His glory more than in others.5. (P) The words I say to you I do not speak on my own authority. Sibbes, D. D.)Christ comforting the disciplesW. THE HELP OF THE SPIRIT IS VOUCHSAFED in the absence of Christ (vers. )Diverted from thoughts of homeR. But Christ says death is not a closing so much as an opening — not a going away so much as a coming home. 2, 3).II. Human history is God's judgment day. To cast a burden off myself on other's shoulders is always a rest. Lay hold of Him, rest yourself upon Him. There is only one example of it on a large scale in the world, and that is a kind of bastard Christianity — Mohammedanism; and we all know what good that is as a religion. Of agonized ignorance and blank bewilderment. THE END OF OUR LORD'S DEPARTURE TO THE HEAVEN HE HAS BEEN DESCRIBING. Then —1. Human history is God's judgment day. There are degrees in glory — then strive to be eminent in grace that you may be eminent in glory (Matthew 15:28).(Bp. And yet He sat amongst His disciples perfectly composed, and was able to counsel deliberate composure in the prospect of affliction. THE "FATHER'S HOUSE," AND ITS AMPLE ROOM. There is a reflection of that tenderness in our own hearts. Faith and Hope directed to their proper objects. So I tell her to dry her tears, and do her best to work for her children, and just look to me for her rent. Benevolence there may be; but the discovery of unworthiness in the object of the philanthropy is often the death blow of charity. That He is going "to prepare a place" for them. But the Bible, and He who speaks therein, is truer to nature and experience than many who profess to interpret it. You immediately catch the idea of home here. (1)As the great atoning Substitute. Sibbes, D. D.There was some good in the disciples' trouble.1. )Heaven -- homeD. AN ASSURANCE OF ITS TRUTH.1. Tamahana heard all silently, then, looking round, said, "My Father's house is finer than this." The trust of the heart in all He has promised. (2) For our bodies (Philippians 3:21), robes (Revelation 6:11), crowns (James 1:12; 2 Timothy 4:8), thrones (Luke 22:30), banquets (Isaiah 25:6; Romans 14:17; Revelation 7:17), the most pleasing objects (1 Corinthians 13:12), the most celestial melodies (Revelation 4:8-11).3. By this we must understand, not His creating heaven for us, or enlarging or adorning it, but removing out of the way all things which would prevent our entering into it. Faith includes two things.1. These two clauses on the surface present juxtaposition. then for the first time men dared to think of death as a going home. It is only our familiarity with these words that blinds us to their wonderfulness. At last the thought occurred to me, "Am I watched?" He left His Father's house for us; He now returns to it for us. How cheerfully she works! HIS ABSOLUTE ORIGINAL PERSONALITY OF EXISTENCE. H. One day her difficulty was greater than she could bear, and she sat down with a feeling of hopelessness, and allowed her tears to flow unchecked. Therefore Christ, aiming at our spiritual profit rather than at our scientific enlightenment, leaves for future solution all problems that have only to do with place.2. And yet our Lord counsels calmness. "Why," said his friend, "do you not see that whether your pack is on your back, or off your back, I have to carry it?" 15-17).V. Even on earth, a father's house is his child's home; and the dearest place to the best man, woman, child, is home. Yet the moment we came into still water I rose from my berth and got up on deck. She has, he says, good examples around her in the birds and in the beasts. Which sent forth the disciples to all Christ has set before you ''! Be kept with john chapter 14:1 trust in Jesus is something like this. it.2., “ anyone who would for a time obscured by cloud. are! 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