Original 74-page MS dated 1984, 1985, 1996. ( … Those who supported attachment theory got defensive. We can interview a person and tell if they were securely attached. Mary Main and Erik Hesse are presenters at a 2-day program December 11-12, 2010 in Los Angeles. Mary Main and Erik Hesse in 2010. ... Dr.s Mary Main and Erik Hesse at … Mary Main’s Attachment Research. tion of the AAI, Mary Main and colleagues discovered an important fourth category of response to the Strange Situation, that of disorganization (Main & Solomon, 1990). Described in FN10 op cit Hesse 2008. FN14 George, Carol, Kaplan, Nancy, & Main, Mary, “Adult Attachment Interview,” Unpublished MS, Department of Psychology, University of California at Berkeley, third ed. Beginning in the 1970s and throughout the ’80s, Mary Main, a protégé of Mary Ainsworth and research psychologist at the University of California, Berkeley, began interviewing parents and studying the interactions with their babies. In the mid-1980s, Mary Main and her colleagues created the Adult Attachment Interview, which uses an adults’ memories of their experiences with their parents as children to categorize them into one of four attachment styles similar to those outlined above. In Mary Main’s research, utilizing the Adult Attachment Interview she developed, she found that unresolved trauma and loss in a parent’s life is the best predictor of disorganized attachment … The Adult Attachment Interview. General information about the AAI is available in our On-line Articles section. 1996. This … She received her certification as a "highly qualified" coder of the Adult Attachment Interview from Dr. Mary Main at the University of California, Berkeley, in 2006, and she attended a workshop on advanced AAI coding with Drs. Mary Main at the University of California Berkeley invented the Adult Attachment Interview, and said we don’t have to look at childhood. See especially the article by Crowell & Treboux. Main discovered so many babies were peculiar, she got concerned about the parents. The work was completed by her student Mary Main, and Main’s research led to shocking conclusions. Adult attachment interview was developed by Mary Main and her colleagues, this is a semi-structured interview that takes about one hour to administer. In this workshop I teach The Adult Attachment Interview (c) by Mary Main, Ph.D. Part 3 explores working relationally with individuals and couples and provides real time methods to bring the healing power of therapy into the room. Parts 4 and Part 5 deal with the complexities of treating addictions and navigating the addiction system. Coming to Los Angeles: Dr. Dan Siegel with Drs. The Adult Attachment Interview has been an important contribution to modern attachment study. So in 1982, she created the Adult Attachment Interview (AAI) to study the adults, releasing results 1984-96. My approach is practical, based on my 25 years of … It involves about twenty questions and has extensive research validation to support it.