Doc.msds.polipol.english.ver03 July 2004 1/4 MSDS Material Safety Data Sheet POLIPOL UNSATURATED POLYESTER RESIN 1. product stewardship n. kansas city mo 64116 10.3 Possibility of hazardous reactions ⢠Hazardous polymerization will not occur. 15 mg/m. POR001, POR002, POR005, BLR005, BLR020, BLR010 1.2. This MSDS complies with 29 CFR 1910.1200 (Hazard Communication).-----SECTION I - PRODUCT IDENTIFICATION-----Product Name: SIL65BQ-249A ORTHO LAMINATING RESIN General or Generic ID: Unsaturated Polyester Resin Hazard Classification: Flammable Liquid Shipping Name: Resin Solution (Styrene Monomer), 3, UN1866, PG III, Marine Pollutant ⦠3MAGNESIUM SILICATE 014807-96-6 17 - 27 5 mg/m. Remove victim to fresh air and keep at rest in a position comfortable for breathing. POLYESTER PLYWOOD MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET 1 PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATION T RADE N AME Polyester Plywood S YNONYMS Specially Processed Decorative Plywood D ESCRIPTION This panel product contains a mixed light hardwood (MLH) veneer bonded each other using Urea glue resin with very low emission of formaldehyde, laminated with paper on TITANIA 013463-67-7 7 - 17 10 mg/m. STYRENE MONOMER [1] 000100-42-5 26 50 ppm 20 ppm . The final mixture is obtained by dissolving the resulting resin (a solid polymer at room temperature) in an Standard PET, DSP ®, 1X30, 1X40, 1X50,1X90, 1X98, 1W60, 1W70, 1W72, 1W76, 1W77, 1W78, 1Y85, 1Y86, 1Y87, 1Q72S, 1Q86 (Non Adhesion Activated) Polyester Fiber and Resin Industrial fiber and resin. Unsaturated Polyester (UP) Resins Unsaturated polyester resins are thermosetting produced by the reaction of polyesterification between dicarboxylic acids (saturated and unsaturated) and glycols. Handling and storage 1) Precautions for safe handling:-Wash thoroughly after handling. Disclaimer: This MSDS summarises at the date of issue, our best knowledge of the health and safety information of the product, and in particular how to safely handle and use the product in the workplace. Vapors are uninhibited and may form MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET 3M⢠Bondo® Fiberglass Resin, P.N. Relevant identified uses of the substance or mixture and uses advised against Identified uses Resin. S10010488 Date of Issue: 24 Oct 2001 Rev. Polyester resin Mixture 7.0-14.5 Other material2 NA <4.5 Titanium dioxide 13463-67-7 <4 Inorganic pigment mixture3 NA <1 Percentage refers to maximum possible per slab; presence and percentage depend on specific slab model. Polyester Resin PERFORMANCE GUIDELINES A. L:\Product Introduction (PDCT)\PDCT-MSDS\MSDS Working Docs\MSDS Word Docs\PDCT-MSDS-00026.doc Acute Dermal Toxicity POLYESTER RESIN No Data STYRENE No Data SECTION 12 â ECOLOGICAL INFORMATION AQUATIC TOXICITY Acute and Prolonged Toxicity to Fish No Data Acute Toxicity to Aquatic Inverterates No Data Environmental fate and pathways No Data Product identifier Product name Product number Polyester Injection Resin JF380P 1.2. 10.2 Chemical stability ⢠Stable under normal temperatures and pressures. Details of the supplier of the safety data sheet Supplier Web JCP Construction Products Unit 14, Teddington Industrial Estate Teddington, Middlesex. Flash Points 73 to 100 deg. Resin Supplier Material Safety Data Sheet. ARALDITE® 2014-2 RESIN Versie 1.0 Herzieningsdatum: 03.06.2016 Veiligheidsinformati ebladnummer: 400001015910 Datum laatste uitgave: - Datum van eerste uitgifte: 03.06.2016 SDS_NL-AM â â 400001015910 9 / 28 Bodem 0,0305 mg/kg Evenwichtsmethode 8.2 Maatregelen ter ⦠Product name CDR Polyester and/or Vinyl Ester Resin in Styrene Monomer Chemical Name Unsaturated polyester resin solution in styrene monomer and / or Unsaturated vinyl ester resin solution in styrene monomer Synonyms Product Code: M90, 100,109, 235, 240, 251, 280, 303, 33282, 360, 380, 400, 411, 450, F. = UN1866, RESIN SOLUTION, 3, PG III EXTINGUISHING MEDIA: Foam, carbon dioxide, dry chemical, water fog. Relevant identified uses of the substance or mixture and uses advised against Identified uses Resin. This fiber is not inte nded for uses other than industrial, e.g., in the food handling industry, or in the medical or surgical sector. POLYESTER RESIN Product name J-FIX Polyester Resin Part A Product number JF380P 1.2. 10.4 Conditions to avoid MSDS MSDS_All_Resin.doc Print Date: 12/12/2008 Page 4 of 5 For Ocean Transport: With hardener UN3269, Polyester Resin Kit, 3, PGIII, F/P 31.7°C Marine Pollutant (Contains Styrene Monomer, stabilized) EMS # F-E, S-D, In limited quantity For Ocean Transport: Without hardener LMK 656MV Polyester Resin CIPP ISO RESIN Section 4. polyester resin 1 identification of the substance/preparation and of the company/undertaking product name polyester resin product no. Relevant identified uses of the substance or mixture and uses advised against Identified uses Polyester resin. description: unsaturated polyester resin product code identity: 0408085b1 revision: 03 npca hmis rating: h 2* f 3 r 1 last revised : 08/06/2003 date of issue: 06/05/2006 company name: cook composites and polymers co. address: 820 e. 14th avenue prepared by: TW11 9BQ 1.3. Disclaimer This information relates only to the specific material designated and may not be valid for such material used in combination with any other material or in any process. Polyester Products Section 10: Stability and Reactivity 10.1 Reactivity ⢠No dangerous reaction known under conditions of normal use. use in industry Refer to product technical bulletin for more information 06 Page 6 of 10 3odvwljodvv 3ro\hvwhu /dplqdwlqj 5hvlq 5hylvlrq 'dwh 2fw 8vh shuvrqdo surwhfwlyh htxlsphqw dv uhtxluhg :dvk idfh kdqgv dqg dq\ h[srvhg vnlq wkrurxjko\ diwhu kdqgolqj POLYESTER RESIN SECTION 1: IDENTIFICATION OF THE SUBSTANCE/MIXTURE AND OF THE COMPANY/UNDERTAKING 1.1. First aid measures Wash out mouth with water. 453/2010 Date of issue: 29/05/2015 Revision date: : Version: 1.0 04/06/2015 EN (English) 1/7 SECTION 1: Identification of the substance/mixture and of the company/undertaking 1.1. Give victim two glasses of water. -Use general dilution ventilation and/or local exhaust ventilation to control airborne exposures.-Remove contaminated clothing and wash before reuse. 2 mg/m . B. Keep full strength catalyst levels between 1.0% - 2.0% of the total resin weight. L:\Product Introduction (PDCT)\PDCT-MSDS\MSDS Working Docs\MSDS Word Docs\PDCT-MSDS-00026.doc PDCT-MSDS-00026-12/15-AM GHS SAFETY DATA SHEET (SDS) SECTION 1 - PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATION PRODUCT: Part #90 â Isophthalic Polyester Resin FIBRE GLAST DEVELOPMENTS CORP. 385 CARR DRIVE BROOKVILLE, OH 45309 TELEPHONE: (937) 833-5200 Download 148.17 KB 296 downloads June 2, 2016 Leave a comment By reactiongg. 401, 401C, 402, 402C, 402ES, 402T, 402Z, 404, 404C, 404Z 08/04/11 _____ Page 3 of 8 If Swallowed: Do not induce vomiting unless instructed to do so by medical personnel. UNUSUAL FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARDS: If polymerization takes place in a container, there is possibility of violent rupture of the container. POLYCAST RESIN Page 2 H317- May cause an allergic skin reaction H318- Causes serious eye damage H332- Harmful if inhaled H334- May cause allergy or asthma symptoms or breathing difficulties if inhaled H336- May cause drowsiness or dizziness H351- Suspected of causing cancer H373- Causes damage to organs through prolonged or repeated exposure Hazards Identification Risk phrases: Irritating to eyes and skin. description: unsaturated polyester resin in monomer product code identity: 0406097b1 npca hmis rating: h 2* f 3 r 1 last revised: 10/03/2011 print date: 06/08/2012 company name: ccp composites us. 3 Consistent shop conditions contribute to consistent gel times and will help the fabricator make a high quality part. MSDS for MEK-P Methyl Ethyl Ketone Peroxide Catalyst / Hardener for Polyester Resin 11/8/09 12:35 PM ... ® MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET MSDS EP4920 MEK-P Polyester Catalyst 01/09/08EP4920 Print Date Back to our homepage at: SECTION 1 - IDENTIFICATION OF THE PRODUCT AND THE COMPANY Product identifier Product name Product number Polyester Injection Resin, Styrene Free JF150P and JFEA300SFand JF380PSF 1.2. Chemical Product and Company Identification Product name: POLIPOL POLYESTER RESIN Intended use: UPR (Unsaturated Polyester Resin) for GRP, casting, etc. The contents and format of this MSDS are in accordance with EEC Commission Directive 2001/58/EC. 1.3. address: 820 e. 14th ave. ccp composites us. Product identifier Product name POLYESTER RESIN Product No. Polyester Resin-Styrene Free Page 5 of 6 28/10/2013. por001, por002, por005 internal id c application polyester resin supplier tetrosyl limited bevis green works walmersley bury bl9 6re 0161 764 5981 0161 797 5899 2 hazards identification If material has been swallowed and the exposed person is conscious, give small quantities of water to drink. 3. 1993 - Rust Check-Liquid Hardener For Polyester Resin Kit. hetron® polyester resin solution msds code g grades HETRON ® VINYL ESTER RESIN SOLUTION MSDS CODE G GRADES MSDS No. epichlorohydrin resin <30% 28064-14-4 R36/38-43-51/53 Aliphatic glycidylether <15% 68081-84-5 Xi,N R36/38-43-51/53 3. Polyester Injection Resin Part A SECTION 1: Identification of the substance/mixture and of the company/undertaking 1.1. Polyester Injection Resin Styrene Free Part A SECTION 1: Identification of the substance/mixture and of the company/undertaking 1.1. Videos; Gallery; Latest News; Publications; Archives: 1993 â Rust Check-Liquid Hardener For Polyester Resin Kit. PVC COPOLYMER RESIN Pages 4/12 7. 3. MSDS; Dealer Locator; Media. THOR POLYESTER RESIN Safety Data Sheet according to Regulation (EC) No. POLYESTER RESIN HAZARDS IDENTIFICATION potential Health Effects Eye POLYESTER RESIN Emergency Telephone Nunber: (1-800-274-5263) 24 hours everyaay Regulatory Number: ON 1-800-325-3751 INGREDIENTS CAS Number Trade Secret 100-42-5 * (by weight) 53.0- 53.0 43.0 Can cause eye irritation. Safety Data Sheets or Chemical Safety Reports according to ⦠1.3. Stop if the Unsaturated Polyester Resin 713-2332-18 Version: 2.1 Print Date: 06/04/2006 Revision Date: 08/30/2005 ANSI/EN/150000065034 6/6 This product has been classified in accordance with the hazard criteria of the Controlled Products Regulations and the MSDS contains all the information required by the Controlled Products Regulations. Recron® Polyester Textured Yarn is an article made of man made fibres and is not subject to European Regulation (EC) 1907/2006 on registration, evaluation and authorization of chemical substances (REACH). 3UNSATURATED POLYESTER RESIN MIXTURE 26 - 36 100 ppm 85 mg/m . Reason for re-issue: First Issue. Remove dentures if any. Maintain shop temperatures between 65°F/18°C and 90°F/32°C and humidity between 40% and 90%. product class: clear epoxy resin product number part description 33008 easy cast 8 oz 33016 easy cast 16 oz 33032 easy cast 32 oz 33128 easy cast 128 oz section i - manufacturer identification eti department of transportation information: environmental technology, inc. Victim to fresh air and keep at rest in a container, there is Possibility of violent of! F. = UN1866, Resin SOLUTION, 3, PG III EXTINGUISHING MEDIA: Foam, carbon dioxide, Chemical. 3, PG III EXTINGUISHING MEDIA: Foam, carbon dioxide, dry Chemical, water.. 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