Already completed most of the campaign so I know about the obvious stuff already. Missiles deal more Stability Damage than the other weapon types do. Mechs are big fighting robots. That ammo can run out or even be damaged by enemy fire and explode, causing additional internal damage to that location on your ‘Mech. Hit location is also rolled for each missile separately, so missile damage tends to be spread over the entire target, rather than concentrated on a single location. They are all named "Weapon_Weaponcategory_Weapontype_Weaponmodel" (for example, the LB20X++ is named Weapon_Autocannon_LB20X_2-Shengli_Arms). Be aware that all mechs have a 300 Meter visual range by default, however weapons with longer range can be fired at any target with has a direct path to its target that is seen by ANY allied mech or sensor lock. The following 22 pages are in this category, out of 22 total. Avoiding disaster means paying attention to the details of a given encounter, and inevitably you're going … The numbers An individual machine gun has low damage potential, but if fired into exposed armour has the potential to cause large quantities of critical damage, and the low weight and size means that when multiples are mounted, or combined into arrays, a mech can fire dozens of rounds in a single turn for massive damage, massive crits, and massive ammunition consumption. The following table shows the effective and max ranges of each of the weapon types (Measured in 30 meter tile increments). Does anyone have some good locations to go looking for lostech stuff in game? So you find no hit locations or complex weapon or heat managment here. The final category of weapons comprises support weapons. Battletech Advanced 3062 currently consists of approximately 243 'Mech chassis, with roughly 1,342 'Mech variants in total. Only standard and light autocannons may make use of specialized ammo beyond LB-X cluster munitions. The heart of the game is the "BattleMech": a giant fighting robot; typical games have each player controlling from 1-4 'Mechs. Requires MechEngineer 1.0.5 and the latest ModTek Changes will not stick and errors must be reported via ticket on Discord for a permanent fix.] The following lists breaks down where weapons can be found. BattleTech Advanced 3062 is a download for the 2018 PC game BattleTech. There are four basic categories, each with its own, distinct traits and features. It’s best to think of SRMs as shotguns: a lot of This rifle is very powerful, can 1 shot medium Mech. This (MOD) introduces new Flashpoints, Weapon Systems like the Ultra Autocannons, LBX, and a lot of new Mech’s by Harebrained Schemes. 3. small laser​, and the flamer​. 4. Medium and large lasers get a bonus to accuracy over other weapons. No color means the weapon cannot be fired at these ranges. The basic energy weapons are the medium lasers ​and The Sarna BattleTechWiki had its second most active year ever, going by new articles created (3,160) - and 2020 is shaping up to be at least as good, with the expected delivery of the Clan Invasion Kickstarter goods and probably also the launch of the IlClan era with its accompanying fiction and goodies. What would you do about the mech designs and armour values to accomondate for htis and not just have everything be a race to kill the center torso or the head. The handbook leads with an FAQ section, then starts with how the campaign works, before introducing mechs and pilots, rules of rounds, turns, movements, ranged and melee attacks, and other combat rules. 1 Introduction 2 Operation 3 Notable ‘Mechs 4 Variants 5 Sources The Gauss Rifle is the premiere ballistic weapon used by the Clan and Inner Sphere. but has very short range. Battletech:Game Mod - experiments in restoring lost functions to weapons, and adding new ones. About this mod Add the (slim) possibility of finding lostech equipment for sale at shops in systems with former Star League presence or with active blackmarkets. weapon in the game!) Can someone please decipher the weapon ranges for me, if i try any longer it's going to make my eyes bleed. Introduced in Technical Readout 2750 the Gauss Rifle is a long range, heavy hitting weapon capable of decapitating a 'Mech in one shot. BATTLETECH\BattleTech_Data\StreamingAssets\data\weapon\-Open the “ Weapon_Laser_SmallLaser_0-STOCK.json ” file with a text editor, find the: “Cost” : 20000,-Entry and change it to a high number, such as making it 10 This category lists all BattleMech-sized handheld physical combat weapons. Individual people remain largely unchanged from those of modern times, due in part to stretches of protracted interplanetary warfare during which … Like mechs, weapon shop locations are determined by spawn lists that check for specific planet attributes and faction allegiance. There are four indicate how powerful the weapon is; the AC/2 does comparatively light damage, but has The simplest weapons are the energy weapons. BattleTech’s latest update adds 10 new ‘Mechs, including the all-new Bull Shark. Did You Know? They have extremely short range and low damage, but they also This includes, the machine gun​, the A detailed timeline stretching from the late 20th century to the mid-32nd describes humanity's technological, social and political development and spread through space both in broad historical terms and through accounts of the lives of individuals who experienced and shaped that history. The larger the size number of a launcher, the faster it chews through ammo. ammunition, but generate a lot of heat and (with the exception of PPCs) inflict very little stability damage. Update 1.2.0 for BattleTech 1.4 contains JK_variants and adds new weapons and upgrades as well as bugfixes. - There Was A BattleTech Card Game, And It Was Great™ October News 2020 - Supplemental Your Non-’Mech units may not divide a single weapon among multiple locations. enemy. This page was last edited on 11 October 2020, at 00:31. I've heard rumors about doing missions on former star league worlds and it possibly coming up as salvage? Anyone found any more caches? BattleTech Guide: Choosing Attack Type Many beginners make the mistake of using their entire weapon payload during each attack. In the scavenger culture of the Succession Wars, the use of a melee weapon (particularly the Hatchet) allowed a MechWarrior to remove whole limbs from an enemy. Ballistic weapons are familiar; they’re similar to modern guns. - There Was A BattleTech Card Game, And It Was Great™ this list of melee weapon wielding BattleMechs, Weapons are the bread-and-butter of the war-torn world of Battletech. Though not purpose built melee weapons, they can inflict significant damage in the proper circumstances and are therefore included on this list. 6. damage delivered up close. Our Battletech Mechwarriors Guide will tell you all there is to know about the Mechwarriors in the game. Annihilator & Assassin AddOns updated for the Redux versions. Machine guns are excellent at dealing critical hits to exposed structure. Please refer to this list of melee weapon wielding BattleMechs for units that employ these weapons. different classes of autocannon: the AC/2​, the AC/5​, the AC/10​ and the AC/20​. 1. LRMs also can fire at targets that you don’t have a direct line-of-sight (LOS) to, which you’ll recognize by the curved arc shape of the red line of fire. Battletech's coding has this quirk where hit chance percentages that the game displays to players is calculated without factoring in to-hit rolls, thus the actual hit chance differs from what is displayed by the game. Elevation (+1 for shooting target lower, -1 for higher). Unlike the impromptu clubs often found on the battlefields, these weapons are purpose built by weapon manufacturers and offer better balance and control to the warrior using them. missiles (SRM​). Please refer to this list of melee weapon wielding BattleMechs for units that employ these weapons. will fire when you use that weapon. They will also use AeroTech weapon ranges. Pages in category "Melee Weapons" The following 22 pages are in this category, out of 22 total. Over 1k … Ballistic weapons incur a small “Refire Penalty” to their to-hit % when fired multiple turns in a row. The Lance shall get all Battletech calcs that make their gear far superior to anything modern, up to and including 1/5th of armor vaporization calcs. Presumably if you've installed the mod with every crazy piece of equipment that Battletech has ever published you know this. The PPC is able to deal a moderate amount of stability damage upon impact. Each missile rolls a separate to-hit chance, so you're more likely to hit with some of the missiles, but not all of them. can fire extremely far. Prior to 2460, these weapons were the machine gun, flamer have a special feature: unlike larger weapons, they can be fired when you melee attack an Last Updated RT Version Treadnought [This page and sub pages are generated by script from live game data. Did you guys know where to find more? large lasers​, but the real king of this type is the Particle Projector Cannon (PPC)​: huge damage 5. Flamers can decrease the performance of opponents by raising their heat levels. 2019 was a great year to be a BattleTech fan. During the Age of War, only a few of the weapon systems seen in BattleTech today were widely available for use on vehicles, fighters and (eventually) BattleMechs. Battletech Wiki is a Fandom Gaming Community. Quotes are not sourced from all markets and may be delayed up to 20 minutes. Weapons are the bread-and-butter of the war-torn world of Battletech. This makes large salvos of lower count missile racks better at inflicting pilot injuries than fewer large count racks. Below, you will find an alphabetically sorted list of 'Mechs, divided by weight class, a list of all variants, and their weight, hardpoints, stock role, as well as Skirmish mode value, for a very rough look at it's power at a glance. Arm-mounted (+1 for weapons mounted on the arm). All ballistic weapons deal some stability damage relative to their class as well. Evasion (-1 for each charge the target has). Your BattleTech News Roundup For December 2020, Your BattleTech News Roundup For November 2020. Indirect fire (-3 when no Line-of-Sight (LoS) is available). Machine guns are rapid fire weapons that inflict low damage per shot at mid to short range. Many of these weapons are usually used by the gladiators participating in the Solaris Games. Content This BattleTech (2018) handbook describes the game's rules, basic tactics, and reference lists of mechs and weapons, based on game version 1.1. Since BattleTech launched, many players have been reporting that the game has been deleting save files, something which has them understandably angry … Energy weapons don’t require any Weapon Company Notes Price Ton Acc Damage Range Ammo Heat Recoil Dmge/Ton Dmg/ Heat Raw Stability Min Long Max 30x AC/2 GM 50K 6 +0% 25 5 120 480 720 25 4 Your BattleTech News Roundup For November 2020 Did You Know? So, as a neat hobby in between, I am experimenting with how to adapt Battletech so that it comes with player-selected hit locations by default, instead of determining hit locations randomy. BattleMechs are robotic war machines central to the BattleTech wargaming and science fiction series. This page was last edited on 27 June 2014, at 08:46. enormous range, while the AC/20 does absolutely crushing damage (it’s the most damaging You can also click each weapon in your list in the lower right corner to add or remove before Sensors disrupted (-1 When attacker has been previously hit by a PPC). LRMs do less damage per-missile, but come in bigger launchers and Gray shows sub-optimal range, while white refers to optimal ranges. Range is one of the most important factors in choosing the weapons to outfit your mech with. LB-X cluster munitions may be used only by LB-X AC types, which may also use … 'Mechs feature prominently in the franchise's board games, computer games and published fiction, and vary considerably in size, power, speed, and armament. The sole exception is Long Range Missiles (LRMs) which can also shoot targets indirectly allowing the attacking mech to hide behind cover. There's no tooltips or any other info provided for the correlation between the 50 different varying shades of grey BattleTech (or "BT") is a science-fiction tactical wargame in which players battle one another with various war machines. and long range, but also massive heat. To determine it, first check which weapon you want to find on the weapon pages (see weapons), then use Ctrl+F to navigate this list. If you’re close enough, they can also be fired as normal ranged weaponry. Weapon Attacks Only Attacker BattleMech Damage Sensor Hit +2 Shoulder Hit +4 for weapons in arm disregard other damaged actuators in arm Upper or Lower Arm Actuator (each) +1 for weapons in arm Heat 0-7 None 8-12 +1 - janxious/BT-WeaponRealizer Weapons will need a tag of form wr-reverse_variance_by_distance or wr-reverse_variance_by_distance-X, where X is the minimmum amount of damage the weapon is allowed to do when near its minimum range. There’s also a eight entirely new weapon systems and additional narrative content. The LRM-10 weapon fires ten long-range missiles; the Information is provided 'as is' and solely for informational purposes, not for trading purposes or advice.Disclaimer SRM-2 fires just two short-range missiles. Ballistic weapons generate less heat, but use ammunition. We will tell you how to get the most out of them and how to … Hey guys, i just have q Gauss Rifle after the Grave Mission, it's from fhs Star league. Missile weapons come in two flavors, long-range missiles (LRM​) and short-range The odds of getting a head hit is rolled once for each missile rack, only allowing one hit per rack. Small lasers deal good raw damage relative to their heat generation. Targeting Enhan… There … BattleTech is a deep and granular tactics game. For BattleTech on the PC, FAQ by sheepy. I know I could easily get this stuff with a notepad edit but that lessens the fun of if for me. 2. Several of these weapons are actually pieces of construction or demolition equipment that are found on IndustrialMechs. Missile batteries have a number next to them; this tells you how many missiles