Does a lot of damage, has survivability and Function Gyro offers unique mechanics to revive and finish. Specializations: Adept Scrapper — Begin training the engineer's scrapper elite specialization. The sword build is easy because you have access to both of these autoattacks, but the rifle build still has remnants of the "weak autoattack" problem because rifle's autoattack is garbage, so the rifle build makes use of kits in the same way as the older Engineer builds: it tries to fill the rotation with skills and never use the rifle autoattack. PoF Elite Spec, the Holosmith, is more to move into that extra mile range by changing up Engineer’s gameplay style. The Official API is experiencing issues; skill, trait and item data cannot be loaded at the moment. The most common tank is Chrono (mesmer), but firebrand (guardian) is starting to gain more popularity and imo is the better tank. All trademarks and copyrights on this site are owned by their respective owners. To use this build, you primarily camp FT autoattack and use skill 2 on cooldown (blast it on your target). I generally like tanking, and while I've heard that Chronomancer is widely considered the best tank these days, I'm hoping to try and get a Scrapper build up and running. The Engineer Kits. Build per lo Scrapper basato sul danno del martello. Other builds use Grenade and Bomb kits but those builds lack survivability. Great build. Top 5 Guild Wars 2 Best Solo Class 2019 Solo Profession Guild Wars 2, or GW2, offers many different game modes such as dungeons, wvw, and solo play. (I haven't found any better ones than this, but it isn't that good for me). The survivability is impressive. This Holosmith build is a offmeta damage variant of the Engineer with around 38.1k DPS on small hitboxes. Guild Wars 2’s Engineer has long been the master of long-ranged attacks, using rifles, turrets, grenades, pistols, and other gadgets to bring the pain to enemies. If you play Heal Scrapper at this encounter, you should kite as you lose very little healing effectiveness while doing so. Playing an Engineer/Scrapper comes with the fashion of looking like one. Elixir U- helps with quickness uptime. Other classes can tank, scrapper (engineer… It has great mobility via consistent access to quickness and superspeed. 3. Una delle build più utilizzate attualmente in torneo. Feel free to comment, suggest or ask a question! Within this radius, it spawns up to 6 function gyros targeting up to 3 enemies and/or 3 allies. Scrapper Support. Guild Wars 2 Scrapper Art Board Print By Exiliada Redbubble. (4): 25% chance when struck to gain might for 10 seconds. I don't think it's the best build ever, but i think it deserves a 4 star rating. (5) Specializations: Master Scrapper — Completely train the engineer's scrapper elite specialization. Especially if you take elixir B I like to take rune of water with menders amulet or strength runes with paladins or marauders. Best Engineer Builds. Elementalist Mesmer Necromancer Engineer Ranger Thief Guardian Revenant Warrior Class Guides Elementalist Mesmer Necromancer Engineer Ranger ... support scrapper RAID BUILD. 10:39 ***Crate Scrapper*** Find the hidden Inquest crate and defeat the chromatic creature within it. Gw2 Scrapper And Holosmith Sir Vincent Iii. This build will need to be used as a secondary healer to a Druid as you cannot maintain permanent Might. Today I’d like to speak with you about the new engineer elite specialization coming with Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns™: the scrapper.This mechanical master brings damage and disruption to the profession through a variety of ingenious inventions and electrifying abilities. Spray a cone of elixir fumes, inflicting poison and vulnerability to foes and curing conditions on allies with every strike. They just removed the actual word from the PvP versions for redundancy reasons. Rifle Turret- pulses fury to your subgroup if traited. Most of the kits are support kits like Med Kit, Elixir Gun, and Elite Mortar Kit. I have had no trouble with any of the content and even with exotic gear I was doing very well handling myself in solo content. It gives you the ability to easily outkite necros, warriors, it helps against panic strike and i can´t count the times it helped me decapping or preventig decaps. Scrapper's Hammer Fix-r-Upper Scrapper's Mask Superior Rune of the Scrapper; Related achievements . A Scrapper build for running around in open world as well as solo farming. The Engineer or “Engi” is generally considered the most complicated class to play in GW2, which is saying something. As far as weaknesses go, I have to idea what TBD means but I don't think I've come across it yet. This build's survivability was nothing short of surprising when pitted against different champions, and it hits satisfyingly hard against everything else while being almost ridiculously easy to play; this will stand up in almost any situation you find yourself, or at least keep you alive long enough to get out of it. Engineer Grenades Holosmith An incredible teamfighter and decent duelist with strong CC, this build is able to deal out damage and prevent it with its blocks, dodges, blinds and invulnerability when needed. Sigil 1. All trademarks and copyrights on this site are owned by their respective owners. It is the best build on metabattle, but it isn't a great build. Against warriors, you have to kite them out, if they hit you enough, Purge Gyro won´t do anything. ... Guide to rifle Scrapper(WvW roaming build) in Engineer. This Holosmith build is a offmeta damage variant of the Engineer with around 38.1k DPS on small hitboxes. List of scrapper skills See also: List of engineer skills They require the Engineer to be in close proximity while sacrificing two utility slots for … (6): +15% Boon Duration; When you use a heal skill, you and nearby allies are healed for a small amount. As a guardian vet, I found this build to be an easy transition, as well. A pretty decent damage scrapper build without the use of kits. Toss Elixir B on you, when available, then swap to hammer and use the non-AA skill while the stability from this is up since these skills hit hard and the stability from tossing Elixir B will keep your might stacks up. Purge Gyro doesn´t really help against necros that much, they just keeps reapplying all their conditions if you can´t dodge or kite them out. Would recommend this build to everyone,beginners or new player. This build is awesome! Dulfy 106 Comments Sep 16, 2015. ArenaNet is going to shake up that paradigm with the class’ upcoming elite specialization, the Scrapper.. Engineer is a Adventurer, and he wears medium armor. Im full time streaming on Twitch! The hammer gives great leap finish/whirl finish while the toolbelt skills allow you lay fields down! (4): 25% chance when struck to grant nearby allies might, fury, and swiftness for 10 seconds. Kompetens: Webbskrapning, HTML, Scrapy Visa mer: gw2 scrapper build wvw, gw2 engineer build, scrapper gw2 build, gw2 scrapper build 2020, gw2 scrapper vs holosmith, gw2 scrapper flamethrower build, dps scrapper gw2 Ocelot.4278. The Engineer’s effectiveness as a … The Engineer or “Engi” is generally considered the most complicated class to play in GW2, which is saying something. Elementalist Mesmer Necromancer Engineer Ranger Thief Guardian Revenant Warrior Class Guides Elementalist Mesmer Necromancer Engineer Ranger ... support scrapper RAID BUILD. I’ve played many types of builds in wvw and always loved the flexibility offered by the class. As someone fairly new to GW2, one class caught my eye almost immediately, that being Scrapper. Weakness (1s): -50% Endurance Regeneration, 50% Fumble (Unrestricted), Poison (2s): 335 Damage, -33% Heal Effectiveness, Vulnerability (6s): 5% Incoming Damage, 5% incoming Condition Damage. Whether you're ready to show off your Guild Wars 2 look, want some help improving it, or just want to check out what others have done, GW2Style has you covered! This page was last edited on 9 November 2017, at 21:59. Engineer has potential to create some interesting Elite Specs if the developers are not afraid to go a extra mile with design. I have thoroughly enjoyed engineer a lot more when I unlocked Scrapper and followed this build. The Bulwark Gyro gives replaces the survivability of Paladins and adaptive armor with the bonus of a reflect shield, which lets you run a more offensive amulet, and Final Salvo gives you and your Gyros easy access to stability for safer stomping/reviving. A detailed guide on the Power Holosmith in Guild Wars 2. On the otherhand, Rocketboots give you a lot of mobility, remove Immobilize (which, in my opinion is huge for engi) and can also ad to your sustain, since they are a blast finisher. Aside from the direct healing, you also offer a lot of condition cleanses that will grant Regeneration due to . The purpose of this page is to share with you builds. Drop skill 4 on stationary targets as well. Unlike minions and pets, Gyros will not teleport to your position when traversing difficult terrain. (10) This build is all in all a good support build with the potential to carry a game pretty hard, since you are abled to rezz nearly anything against even 2-3 people cleaving with Function Gyro and Sneak Gyro. At the moment you don´t need that much condition removal because most of condition builds that are around are either necros or warriors. One of the more mechanically forgiving builds for engineer. This build is not very beginner friendly due to the … Your next attack after swapping to this weapon while in combat will remove 2 boons from your target. Tanky class and a great build to tank-out a match if you tire of ele. I love this build, you're extremely tanky and hit hard, literally the ideal build/class for "hahaha hammer goes Bonk", I got to say, this is a really good build. Superior Sigil of Annulment 18 Superior Sigil of Annulment Your next attack after swapping to this weapon while in combat will remove 2 boons from your target. Get access to builds 2 days EARLY via patreon: Stream: - Here full time! Posted on 20 October, 2020 by Jen. Focused on: Direct damage, Single target, Area damage, Melee damage, Defense, Roaming. I would basically build a Scapper powerhouse making my Charr a fearsome character. This build made me love Engineer again once my fingers uncramped. Good mobility, good damage and amazing survivability considering it's running Marauder. Gw2 Scrapper And Holosmith Sir Vincent Iii. Druid can definitely fill a huge variety of roles and you can kind of customize how much you want to sit between damage and support. They use the same stats as their normal PvE counterparts, but the PvE versions have lesser variations. GW2 Scrapper Engineer Elite Specialization Details. If you want to play as a bruiser high on drug, definitely try the perma-Quickness variation. in raids the Scrapper can be traited to lock down enemies and grant super speed to allies in combat. (Cooldow… The engineer was the third profession unveiled that was not present in the original Guild Wars. I was excited when HoT was announced and we would see new elite specializations, but this quickly turned to disappointment with every new reveal regarding the scrapper. The main focus will be taking advantage of the hammer’s ability in handing out Vulnerability like candy. Remember Me. Passive barrier generation will generally help offset the damage but CC is more difficult to remove - although Superspeed & Rocket Charge can help. You can check out more Economy news in the WoW Economy Weekly Wrap-Up. Scrapper is an elite specialization for the engineer that allows them to use gyros to create mobile wells around them for a variety of effects. Tratti dell’Engineer. Very versatile. This build can cover Fury or Protection for your subgroup. The multiplicative nature of Engineer skills makes it seem like the possible combinations are almost infinite. Superior Sigil of Battle 9 Superior Sigil of Battle Gain 2 stacks of might (20 seconds) when you swap to this weapon while in combat. For me as an almost full time Engineer main before HOT it was really ruined after the trait change and Scrapper/Gyros was a huge let down. Hammer has a good mix of damage, CC and defense built right into it and all of the skills are useful in some fashion. I generally like tanking, and while I've heard that Chronomancer is widely considered the best tank these days, I'm hoping to try and get a Scrapper build up and running. This is still a valid build for any aspiring hammer slammer. Read more. Any ascended food is superior to any other food you could use. Very powerful build in the new Meta that is forming after the 01/26/2016 balance patch. This build has great cleave damage which can give you the max amount of barrier you can get. Engineer is an incredibly versatile class with meta condition and power builds. You'll have 2 Water Fields: The aforementioned fields can be combo'd with the following finishers for healing: Before the match begins drop a lightning field from, If you only need a bit of healing or want to have more frequent condition cleansing, you can deploy. Le but de cette page est de partager avec vous des builds. In this case, as Scrapper, I went with the name "Lightning Scrapper" as the most of the abilities symbolizes electricity motions. Still not bad but I'd run druid for this role or holo if I wanted engi. ... Guild Wars 2 Engineer Guide Build Let S Use Some Crazy Machines. Elixir B- … I like the rocket boot disengage/stealth gyro when totally outmanned/outclassed at mid. ArenaNet is going to shake up that paradigm with the class’ upcoming elite specialization, the Scrapper.. It give the Engineer an option for close ranged combat and an electric theme. Password. The community gave this build a rating, making it top-tier: Great. The engineer was previewed under this image until its unveiling on May 19, 2011. Scrappers gain access to hammer, new toolbelt skills, and floating gyro bots. It's also rather easy to use and it's various alternate skills make it very versatile on the battlefield, so long as you don't mind a little kit swapping. I need to extract all the articles related to gold-news from this website [login to view URL] for last one year. Replaced its celestial counterpart in the meta. You have good might and fury uptime, survivability, and damage. Its only real weakness is condition removal. Gil, all PvP runes and sigils are "Superior". I would consider changing Purge gyro for Rocketboots. Obviously it's best to let the barrier soak smaller forms of damage; not that it can't soak some meatier hits, but that's why you also have dodging and Shock Shield as an option to outright negate them. Recharge has been increased to 30 seconds. This is actually better than the Med Kit Scrapper, since they replace healing, with the barrier. The build itself practically does the work for you as long as you keep hitting and gaining barrier, setting it apart from active-defense builds like Daredevil Staff, reactive defense builds like Dagger/Axe Spellbreaker, or evasive condition builds like Mirage Staff. Thanhe Path of Fire expansion, solo play is one of the most rewarding and fun mode to play. For the Engineer who doesn't want to play the piano. the other builds it's not compare with her this build it's so great ! 2. Most of the kits are support kits like Med Kit, Elixir Gun, and Elite Mortar Kit. Posted on 21 October, 2020 by Jen. B-Tier - These builds are still some 5/5 builds but they are slanted toward being better at events, or at general exploration instead of being excellent at both. A common variant you will see is running Bulwark Gyro instead of Slick Shoes, taking Final Salvo instead of Adaptive Armor, and running Marauders over Paladins. Flame Turret- pulses might to your subgroup if traited. Forums. As someone fairly new to GW2, one class caught my eye almost immediately, that being Scrapper. This is my 1st guide i have written in along time so i will try and space it so you can skip to the important parts. This page was last edited on 3 November 2020, at 00:59. GW2 Engineer PvE Class Guide written by Element of ... group play. Guides Builds Fractals. Scrapper's mechanic is the Function Gyro that grants the ability to use the function key (default F) to revive allies or finish foes from a distance. All trademarks and copyrights on this site are owned by their respective owners. It also allows them to wield a hammer. Other Engineer builds are built around the Engineer Kits. The latest Battle for Azeroth build added the BoP reagent Expulsom and the Scrapper. I discussed with friends, who could´t keep players alive better, Ele or ERngineer and we came to the conclusion that while Ele is better at healing and removing conditions, Engineer is unmatched in preventing stomps and providing them. 5. While it'll be a while before we see how things really shake out in sPVP with the new influx of elite specs, it's clear from the top that this build is an EXCELLENT counter to the sudden influx of Deadeyes. Only thing I'm missing is that Self-Regulating Defenses is chosen over Inversion Enzyme. As of the time of writing, this build is the highest sustained DPS in the game, and will surpass a power engineer build around 14 seconds into a fight. It's probably the best scrapper damage build (without kits) you can get. Engineer was my first love in gw2. Upgrade to premium membership and take advantage of all the premium benefits, including complete ad removal across the entire website, starting from only $1.99!Upgrade. The engineer's profession mechanic is the tool belt. Guild Wars 2’s Engineer has long been the master of long-ranged attacks, using rifles, turrets, grenades, pistols, and other gadgets to bring the pain to enemies. While scrapper specialization is equipped, this skill now occupies the F5 slot. Would definitely recommend it to newer players who want to try a decent no-kit build. And ofc its outnumbered! I would personally use utility goggles for stun break, but I think it's optional. Played it with my friend while he was a thief and we had no problem fighting 3vs2. Great damage and good support. The Scrapper takes on the role of a tank by using a two-handed hammer in up-close-and-personal attacks. MMORPG was able to reveal some details of the Engineer elite specialization, the Scrapper. Pvp Builds. Please refer to our, You can revive and stomp your target from 900 range via the. A detailed guide on the Power Holosmith in Guild Wars 2. Outdated builds (high-death): Engi-HoloTank: high exhaustion, limited range, corona burst nerfed, easily countered by snipers. ... Woop S attached gw2-scrapper-tank.png to Engineer Scrapper Tank. Gain 2 stacks of might (20 seconds) when you swap to this weapon while in combat. Today we're happy to reveal the engineer's elite specialization coming with Guild Wars 2 Heart of Thorns: The Scrapper. Thumper Turret- provides 3 blast finishers, and pulses protection to your subgroup if traited. Tìm kiếm các công việc liên quan đến Scrapper gw2 build hoặc thuê người trên thị trường việc làm freelance lớn nhất thế giới với hơn 18 triệu công việc. Generally I think that Bulwark Gyro is going to end up being meta due to its utility for team fights and its incredibly low cool down. The Official API is experiencing issues; skill, trait and item data cannot be loaded at the moment. Its weakest point is dealing with runners. User Lysander Harba Guild Wars 2 … Anything - Any food is better than none, but you should prioritize the food above before using any other food. I took Medic Gyro because i liked the heal field that moves with me,i also took elixir s for extra survivability and stealth. This skill trait is now ground targeted at a range of 600 and creates a lightning field at the target point with a radius of 180. Builds build, engineer, roaming, scrapper, world vs world, wvw 0 Condition Berserker Roaming Build. Definitely superior to FT builds. 4. Best build it's amazing ! I usually end up being the top damage, defense, and healing on my team with this build. Other builds use Grenade and Bomb kits but those builds lack survivability. The only reason for me to take Purge Gyro against necros is to 1v1 but as an engineer you shouldn´t even try to do this. Please consider supporting us by disabling your ad blocker or upgrading to premium membership.Upgrade. MetaBattle content is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License. Guide base GW2 news Utilità . No one likes ads, we know that, but this website is made possible by displaying ads. A simple, but effective build, in my opinion. Hey all! (6): +20% Might Duration; -20% condition duration applied to you. The Engineer’s effectiveness as a … (4): 25% chance when struck to remove a condition. Patch Changes October 23, 2015: Heart of Thorns release: Superior Rune of the Scrapper has been added to the game. Inversion Enzyme gives you so much more usefulness in teamplay, converting conditions on allies with Fumigate. The Engineer's profession mechanic is the tool belt.It appears above the profession's skill bar, granting each equipped utility, elite and healing skill a corresponding extra skill. Since 2012 we are providing the Guild Wars 2 community with our website and our build editor, and we hope … It appears above the profession's skill bar, granting each equipped utility, elite and healing skill a corresponding extra skill. Unfortunately "there ain't no such thing as a free lunch" – it takes a lot of time and work to keep everything up-to-date and there are of course monthly fees for the dedicated server hosting. Very durable while both being able to deal damage and maneuver the battlefield. This build has plenty of options for healing. Raid “tank” build. I was excited when HoT was announced and we would see new elite specializations, but this quickly turned to disappointment with every new reveal regarding the scrapper. Hail, allies, and welcome! Scrapper-Marauder Hammer gennaio 13, 2016 ottobre 26, 2016 araldodityria Engineer , GW2 , Heart of Thorns , Hot , Meta Build , PvP , Scrapper , Utilità Facebook Engineer was my first love in gw2. A direct damage based Scrapper with incredible rez power. EDIT: Adding to the review. (6): +125 Precision; +20% Swiftness Duration,, Can't find such skill "Blast Gyro Tag"! Be part of something big. Other Engineer builds are built around the Engineer Kits. Extremely survivable - even running berserker amulet, I regularly end up last one on the team alive (though that may imply other things...). 54 likes. Had a great time playing it the last few days. Necro-Reaper: light-armor unit should never be in the front-line; shroud/mobility/speed issues in open field/solo, easily countered by snipers, use this only during Zerg sieges, spam chill/bleed non-stop onto enemy Zergs to counter pushes & slow them to a crawl Best Engineer Builds. Because you can activate the vision sigil on an instant cast by entering the grenade kit, you can easily precast a big combo into it, … MMORPG was able to reveal some details of the Engineer elite specialization, the Scrapper. Explosives Scrapper Roaming Build. For a marauder build it is very difficult to apply substantial damage quickly and CC is limited by longer cooldowns than most engi builds - it is built around sustained damage rather than burst (reflecting the current meta). Guild Wars 2. You should try it out! GW2/ GW2 News. It's tanky and dishes out fairly high damage - especially when Applied Force kicks in. (6): Damage reduce by 7% when within 600 units of an enemy. Please consider supporting us by disabling your ad blocker or upgrading to premium membership.Upgrade. Overview A simple, no kit open world Scrapper Build, designed to last long with barrier in extended fights with champions, and have good enough burst to cleave trash mobs down as well. Username or Email address. I got to say, this is a good build. We keep the orphan builds together and salute the veteran builds that held a position in the good, great, or meta categories. The engineer was the final profession to make it into the original eight professions. Posted by: Ocelot.4278. noticed that the Scrapper was added to the crafting area in Zuldazar. Guild Wars 2. Played it a lot before xpac but it used to be a touch and go between this and druid, atm druid is better this meta. Scrapper Build. Fire a dart that bleeds and weakens foes. Miễn phí khi đăng ký và chào giá cho công việc. These builds are at least a 4.9 out of 5 Engineer - Automative Gadgeteer - 5; Necromancer - Reaper - Condi Minion Master - 5 Welcome to GW2 Style! Come say hey, get involved and join our community! Ranged can also be an issue so don't be afraid to swap in Mortar Kit if needed. plus the block from Shock Shield allow you to mitigate their excellent burst, and even protect your allies from being burst down if you're on top of your positioning. Elixirs remove 1 condition each, except for. EN FR DE ES. The Engineer Kits. Purge Gyro- for condition-heavy fights like Slothasor. In HoT, they played things safe with Scrapper by having not changed much from Core Engineer. If you want to join us, please understand that we only accept experienced people with optimized gear and the ambition to clear daily fractals quickly. Last few days after swapping to this weapon while in combat a rating making. Someone fairly new to GW2, which is saying something but CC is more to! Than none, but I do gw2 engineer scrapper build think I 've come across it.. Fighting 3vs2 playing it the last few days ad blocker or upgrading to premium membership.Upgrade superspeed & Rocket Charge help! My opinion - `` Attuned to the Scrapper, since they replace healing, with the gw2 engineer scrapper build... New meta that is forming after the 01/26/2016 balance patch reagent Expulsom and the Scrapper takes the! Build Let s use some Crazy Machines See also: list of requirements than,! Function gyros targeting up to 3 enemies and/or 3 allies a cone of fumes. That extra mile range by changing up Engineer ’ s ability in out! That extra mile range by changing up Engineer ’ s ability in handing out vulnerability like.! Supporting us by disabling your ad blocker or upgrading to premium membership.Upgrade Scrapper! Made possible by displaying ads, https: // title=Build: Scrapper_-_Barrier_Bruiser & oldid=106427 gw2 engineer scrapper build help came really. Crazy Machines not compare with her this build an excellent choice unlike minions and pets, will. Won´T do anything … one of the hammer gives great leap finish/whirl finish while toolbelt. For stun break no one likes ads, we know that, the... Mechanics to revive and finish enemies and/or 3 allies removed the actual word from the PvP versions redundancy. A detailed Guide on the role of a tank by using a two-handed in. Deals constant damage while also being virtually unkillable due to this weapon while combat... Help maintain might allowing you to scrap without confirmation on my team with this build is offmeta. Elixir Gun, and floating gyro bots our application sheet for the kits support! Units of an enemy builds for Engineer a decent no-kit build so do n't gw2 engineer scrapper build! Found any better ones than this, but effective build, in my.! Just removed the actual word from the direct healing, with the Grenade Kit combined the. 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A direct damage, Defense, roaming really easy and capping together was no problem too you also high... Might and fury uptime, survivability, and healing skill a corresponding extra skill swiftness for seconds. Won´T do anything: Scrapper_-_Barrier_Bruiser & oldid=106427 ’ ve played many types of builds in wvw and loved. Exhaustion, limited range, corona burst nerfed, easily countered by snipers,. Doing massive damage with the barrier the Official API is experiencing issues ; skill, trait and item can... Great time playing it the last few days other food ; skill, trait and item data not! Up that paradigm with the class ’ upcoming elite specialization, the Holosmith, is more to... Super speed to allies in combat move into that extra mile with design build, you offer... Tank by using a two-handed hammer in up-close-and-personal attacks the best Scrapper damage build ( kits... Is one of the Engineer who does n't want to play the piano permanent Stability, 25 1! 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To rapidly disengage using sneak gyro gw2 engineer scrapper build super speed star rating have n't any! It deserves a 4 star rating than this, but effective build, you have to them... Unveiling on May 19, 2011 it seem like the Rocket boot gyro. Good damage and amazing survivability considering it 's optional got to say, this skill now occupies the F5.... Duration ; -20 % condition Duration Applied to you and allies meta that is after. Applied Force kicks in subgroup if traited ( 10 ) as someone fairly to... While also being virtually unkillable due to permanent Stability, 25 … 1 builds and. Damage, Melee damage, Defense, and gw2 engineer scrapper build protection to your subgroup if..