Revision: Our boss gave many reasons but no logical ones. Close. I find it is funded by corporations, do-gooders, trust funds, individuals, and off shore ghost entities... unfortunately, too many names to pursue each and every one. God, how many deaths are our responsibilities? Many great men were glad to call him their friend, and even kings asked his advice and were amused by his fables. " My wife has many shoes. " We constantly ask questions to find out if a job has been done, to wonder the answer to a question, to obtain information … But I've got to tell you, it looks pretty funny to see this many suits and uniforms in Ouray on the same day. Most of the luxuries, and many of the so-called comforts of life, are not only not indispensable, but positive hindrances to the elevation of mankind. Unlike the fragment, a run-on sentence has a subject and a predicate, but it often has too many joined together without proper punctuation or conjunctions. CK 1 254923 I have many books. 2. c. they have to be long. There were too many things she'd wanted to do before dying; now that someone might kill her, she realized how unready she really was. 3. Do you have any idea what it would be like to adopt that many children? 3. Action verbs, also called dynamic verbs, express an action whether it be physical or mental.An action verb explains what the subject of the sentence is doing or has done. I guess I watched too many movies about spies to know how they really work. There is a nice cheese menu, which is organized by region, and great for pairing with many of the wines from the elaborate list. ". We have reached the point where many items can only be made by robots. Notice that there are some important requirements for a simple sentence: 1. Because I had to catch the train, and as we were short on time, I forgot to pack my toothbrush for our vacation. It has many Immortal comforts we care nothing for. There were many people in his dream, and he thought he should remember them. Ophelia in Hamlet by William Shakespeare "Neither boy spoke." But the peaceful sleep he'd assumed would come eluded him as his mind continued to trip over far too many loose ends in the recent happenings. Examples: She eats a lot of fruit. I never knew there were so many goat breeds. Sentences Menu. "How many are trapped up here?" A lot of young people in their twenties are frustrated because there aren't many jobs for them. Jackson did not feed recklessly like many of his kind. He earns a lot of money. We need to know how many people have this mutation and where they are, Kris ordered. Then I could go to many strange lands and see many wonderful things. How many twenty-six-year-olds planned their own funerals? It seemed unlikely that he would travel so many miles to get her, and then give up. Next morning they all assembled for the final parting, and many of the officials and courtiers came to look upon the impressive ceremonies. She took in the clean car and shook her head, wondering how many hours a week he spent cleaning everything he owned to keep it all so spotless. After that I saw Dr. Holmes many times and learned to love the man as well as the poet. There were too many miles between them to make her secret desires anything more than a dream. While dressing, Petya had prepared many fine things he meant to say to the gentleman-in- waiting. He'd trained her to use many of the weapons and encouraged her to visit the armory, even when she was young and too weak to lift a sword. According to this view the power of historical personages, represented as the product of many forces, can no longer, it would seem, be regarded as a force that itself produces events. He never had to wonder how many men were rotating through her bed or when she was planning to stab him in the back or decipher the riddles she gave him as answers to important questions. I was then for a time the Head of the finest Flying Machine that was ever known to exist, and we did many wonderful things. With so many problems pending, I desperately needed time to think things through. We still need to make use of something called our Foreign Key <>. When have we seen so many fortunes made by so many so quickly? How many 'complete thoughts' are there in this sentence? said many voices, and the men were in such haste to clear out that the prince could hardly stop them. 25 Examples of Simple Present Tense Sentences, Conjunctions: PLACE – Connecting Words: PLACE, Subordinate Clause Examples, Subordinating Conjunctions Examples, English Modals of POSSIBILITY, Definitions and Examples, 27 Figures of Speech, Definition and Example Sentences, Opposite Of Integrity, Antonyms of Integrity, Meaning and Example Sentences, Opposite Of Mean, Antonyms of Mean, Meaning and Example Sentences, Opposite Of Borrow, Antonyms of Borrow, Meaning and Example Sentences, Opposite Of Depression, Antonyms of Depression, Meaning and Example Sentences, Opposite Of Punctual, Antonyms of Punctual, Meaning and Example Sentences. Many people were hurrying through the streets and there were many soldiers, but cabs were still driving about, tradesmen stood at their shops, and service was being held in the churches as usual. It took many days of mountain sunshine and the comforting routine of the bed and breakfast to blur the trauma of the Lucky Pup shooting. (initial) " They had public discussion about road maintenance. Gave many reasons but no logical ones. They own many houses. These are words that learners need to understand. How many miles had he ridden this morning? She returned the computer after she noticed it was damaged. Topic Sentence: There are many reasons why pollution in ABC Town is the worst in the world. He felt the loss already, a pain similar to the loss of his sister so many years ago. I submit the following examples to highlight this: OK He ate as much as 50% of the ice cream in the cups. Ours? Many definition is - consisting of or amounting to a large but indefinite number. – caused the tears. Sentence Fragments Without a Verb. Many years after that, some funny little verses about Mr. Finney's turnip were printed in a newspaper. He was such a wonderful person in so many ways. All the Moscow notabilities, all the Rostovs' acquaintances, were at the Razumovskis' chapel, for, as if expecting something to happen, many wealthy families who usually left town for their country estates had not gone away that summer. Morale was low, and many had lost faith in Gabriel. EnglishClub: Learn English: Grammar: The 4 Types of Sentence Structure The 4 Types of Sentence Structure. Many of them were punished, some sent to Siberia, many died of cold and hunger on the road, many returned of their own accord, and the movement died down of itself just as it had sprung up, without apparent reason. They usually hold meetings on Mondays. Present Simple I often come to this supermarket. Yes. The topic sentence is a crucial part of writing letters, emails, and papers that clearly and concisely tell the reader what you are trying to […] You can't believe how many cold showers I've taken. So it seems that the problem in Ms. Süsli’s question is whether much/many should agree with 50% or 2000 items. No matter how sorry Alex was for what happened, or how many times he apologized or tried to make up for it, he couldn't remove the hurt. CK 1 2789258 Tom has many cats. Sentence Fragment Examples. a sentence with information that supports a main idea or claim Many are the travellers I have spoken concerning them, describing their tracks and what calls they answered to. 3. He was accompanied by Dustin and two other men, one she knew as Sasha, a man who'd struck her with his devotedness to his family, and Levi, a man who'd been present in many of his pre-Schism memories. How many children are in the classroom? Writers have been using simple sentences as long as people have been writing. A Dictionary with Sentence Examples . His questions and many of her own tied her tongue. Don't bother to ask questions because you won't get many answers. Many ships are wrecked and the sailors are drowned. 2. Will, will Will will Will Will's will? is + not = is not / isn’t 1. few. I drank a lot of water. 3. Present … "No," he replied in the smooth, velvety voice that talked her down from hysterics many times. I only ask that you do as much good for as many people for as long as you can. Do not all persons live eighty years--yes, many times eighty years? Crafting a Sentence. she asked. Present Simple Passive . While my townsmen and women are devoted in so many ways to the good of their fellows, I trust that one at least may be spared to other and less humane pursuits. Something as simple as calling her sweetheart or pointing out her many attributes could put her in a romantic mood. Many spoke eloquently and with originality. Archived. How many had she unknowingly killed since being reborn a human? I count it one of the sweetest privileges of my life to have known and conversed with many men of genius. I haven't seen my home in many sun-cycles. Present Progressive I’m playing basketball now. 84. The houses of this city had many corners, being square and six-sided and eight-sided. Simple Sentence Examples. Nero 1 2554528 I … Then I asked many questions about the poem, and read his answers by placing my fingers on his lips. He had no way of knowing how many the demons had claimed during the week his dealers had claimed none. Here are fragment examples along with a possible revision including the verb: A time of wonder and amazement. It was one of the many oddities about her father that she'd accepted over the years. He disappeared, and she stared after him for a long moment before grabbing as many weapons as she could carry and returning to her room. How many different numbers and letters are there? 18+ files of 023 how many sentences are in paragraph for an essay example dr jekyll and mr hyde text wondrous a 5 should be topic college ~ Thatsnotus Present Continuous . I went to the mall yesterday, bought shirts and bags, and ate at the newly-opened restaurant. " I have many balls of yarn. " It was news they-- and the rest of his people!-- had been awaiting for many sun-cycles. I keep records on each goat and how many pounds of milk she gives daily, when she reached peak production and how long she lactated. However, after they graduate, they aren't finding much opportunities. She tried to assess how many there might be. 5. He turned and made his way through the doors he suddenly remembered traversing many times the past few days. He'd almost died many times, and in many cases, for the sake of his brothers. Many kids have borrowed much money to go to college and get a degree. (public, formal, informal) eBay is actually a little like direct trade. Maybe friends didn't let friends drive drunk, but how did they stop them when there were so many? And believe me on my honour that to me personally it would be a pleasure to hand over the supreme command of the army into the hands of a better informed and more skillful general--of whom Austria has so many--and to lay down all this heavy responsibility. Almost as bad, how many others had died from the treachery of a single Guardian? Japanese-Japanese Dictionary with many example sentences? He had no idea how many rules she broke in her time as Death. Important Note: this hasn’t yet defined our One-to-Many relationship! He earns a lot of money. The doctor will be in to talk to you in a few minutes. Simple Past I played basketball yesterday. " There are many cars in the parking lot. " It's as the old men have decided--there's too many of you giving orders. 12 Tenses and Example Sentences in English Grammar Tense Example Simple Present I play basketball every week. → Just two grams. In connection with much / many people often speak of countable nouns and uncountable nouns. He hadn't paid much attention to any woman in many, many years, but couldn't help thinking her one of the most attractive he'd ever met. are + not = are not / aren’t 1. In many languages, we use 'for + infinitive'. Fruits and flowers grew plentifully all about, and there were many of the delicious damas that the people of Voe were so fond of. he asked after a moment. Jackson wanted to ask her so many more personal questions. How many Guardians had he lost this year alone? Although he was wealthy, he was still unhappy. He didn't remember what made the scars, and he didn't realize how many there were. " Why are there so many people at the mall? " I have to admit, I have thought of you many times over the years, probably would have hooked up with you again if it were not for Jackson's threats. 22 Example Sentences with Much, Many, A lot of, Lots of. How many times do you have to be told no? She probably knew many of the same rules Darkyn did about creating terms. "But you ruled it wisely and well for many years," said she, "and made the people proud of your magical art. 7 Common Types of Poetry. Perhaps that's why many of the citizens of the picturesque town decided they might as well enjoy mother nature's offerings rather than remain locked indoors for six or seven months. The most important thing to remember about simple sentences is: a. they never have more than one subject or more than one predicate. There were a great many things she could think of that would be dramatic issues to her. Few sentence examples. He knew he wasn't collecting fast enough, but the amount left him horrified to imagine how many he was missing. Useful examples. At the Berezina they again became disorganized, many were drowned and many surrendered, but those who got across the river fled farther. She'd tried the door many times and determined if it didn't open, it was because he didn't want it to. Facebook. The woman whom I saw at the cinema last week is a dentist. She tugged the heavy door open by its old iron handle and gazed into a large square of grass, a courtyard, around which many similar rooms with heavy doors were arranged. There are not many left of us old friends! In each example, the independent clause is underlined. Brady had conducted many missions in austere conditions in other countries. I wish you many happy returns of your name day, said the visitor. She returned the computer after she noticed it was damaged. A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens "I was the more deceived." 611. Ophelia in Hamlet by William Shakespeare "Neither boy spoke." Many students stopped to talk and personally thank Ms. Sidwell. "We've waited many years for you, ikira," Levi said. Probably for the same reason it had been for him so many years. Consider these examples from literature: "The Spirits of All Three shall strive within me." For example: I don’t have much money. Here, the subjects are orange and the verbs are green. Must have a subject and a verb. We didn't have the ability to gather this many. (detailed, extensive, full, in-depth, thorough, extended, lengthy, long, brief) " Nothing was accomplished during the initial discussion. The way was totally familiar— twice today, three times in as many days. Many of the partygoers had been to Elisabeth's opening, and wanted to convey how much they were enjoying her artwork. While some missing children reports listed a call number, many required a search that took valuable time. Used with adjectives: " She is often alone. The words much and many mean a lot of. They advanced in a great swarm, having been joined by many more of their kind, and they flew straight over Jim's head to where the others were standing. We... actually, I... was thinking about adopting a few wild horses from out west where they have too many. "There are so many bad things in here …" "You'll have to try, Darian.". There were a lot of people there. Last night was different in too many ways for him to count. "As many times as is necessary," was the reply. "And I have known so many cases of a splinter wound" (the Gazette said it was a shell) "either proving fatal at once or being very slight," continued Nicholas. Examples: She eats a lot of fruit. Topic Sentence: There are many reasons why pollution in ABC Town is the worst in the world. " I don't have many books. " His sense of humor wasn't well understood by many. If the writing assignment requires a particular text structure, there are specific transition words that can help students organize their paragraphs. He usually drinks four glasses of water a day. There were lots of jobs. to the new commander-in-chief. Do you realize how many thousands of people tried to find us? That way, when they see how many items they're getting, they'll realize what a bargain I'm giving 'em. Example Sentences Using 'Come' in Each Form . How many do you have now? I repeated the promise I'd made Merrill Cooms when he funded us so generously; "Do as much good for as many people for as long as you can.". This is my brother , whom you met at our house last month. He'd dreamt many times about his sister and his family, but she'd never talked to him directly. I am told that while I was still in long dresses I showed many signs of an eager, self-asserting disposition. You can shorten the sentence in order to create one cohesive and effective sentence. This you will notice for example when you read English news. He led his armies through many countries. There were many things about him she couldn't reconcile. 4. She had many more questions, but the more she asked, the less she could deny the world around her was real. In English and many other languages, the first word of a written sentence has a capital letter. Looking at action verb examples helps make it clear the function of action verbs in sentences and what purpose they serve. She stared into the flames, wondering why none of the windows had curtains, and why so many things were left to gather dust in the attic. For the second time in as many days, he almost felt bad. A lot of means a large number of amount. Punctuation also makes its mark, too. Run-on Sentences: 1. Many other stories are told of this wonderful slave. You were exquisitely beautiful - standing against that wall looking so innocent – not posed like so many women do who have half as much to show off. Many of it requires negotiations with headstrong warriors like A'Ran. c. both a & b. d. it is a simple sentence! The demon closed the door—one of the Immortal comforts, for there were no doors in Hell—and left him to wonder how many men and women Sasha had in the bed before him. Related Posts. He made his way through the castle with the black stones as he had many times during his long stay. The next chapter will explore how far this can go, how many of our daily tasks machines could assume. We should at least recognize that the part after the comma introduces two additional points about Newton's book: (1) that it is a fundamental work for the whole of modern science, and (2) that it was a key influence on the philosophy of the European Enlightenment. Let's take a look at some common complex sentence examples pertaining to everyday life. I guess I'd forgotten how many there were. It was one of many messages her micro had decoded. Maria is not a professional singer. Of course, if you wanted to print it out and read it, the stack of paper would be many miles high. Present Continuous. The winter had been exceptionally clear of late snow and the high mountain passes that in many years remained closed until July had been cleared weeks earlier this spring. "Yes, humans eat many vegetables, like lettuce, broccoli and carrots," she read and turned the page. For that reason, some and many are not interchangeable, each meaning something different. How many times have I offered to let you stay with me - free? Writers have been using simple sentences as long as people have been writing. Example Sentences. He had tried to teach her to play the piano many times through the years, but she always became bored within a week or so of practice and gave up. In What is a Sentence? They killed the king and many other people. "Sasha did many things to her, the finality of which was kill her," Darkyn said. There's been so many, you probably don't remember, but I looked him up. Many of his best friends had been killed or captured. You fulfill me in so many ways I never dreamed of, this isn't that big a deal. Many were distant enough to be the size of her fist, while those closer were the size of football stadiums. She went to one of her bookcases, searching the many leather bound volumes. You really let him eat that many marshmallows? Many of the dreams that had delighted my young inexperience became beautifully less and "faded into the light of common day.". Her sister wore maroon, as did many of the other women in masks around her. There was lots of stuff about the 'soiled doves' but not very many full names. But in many areas, scarcity is so profound it has huge societal impact. How much rice is there? 154. But as many times as David Dean considered picking up the telephone, it remained snuggled in its cradle unless Cynthia was answering it. 5. he asked, appearing in her vision. d. they must have an adjective. Connor had been with many women, even lived with one for a year, yet he had never met anyone he had connected with like Sarah. she demanded. How-many sentence examples. This is my student whom I like a lot. Dean couldn't tell, but it was many yards away. 2. Use many if the noun is countable (e.g., oranges, children). A period indicates a declarative or informative sentence. Meetings are usually held on Mondays. That's why he has so many precise numbers. He had climbed many a tree when he was a boy. He was a member of Congress for many years, and was noted for his odd manners and strong self- will. For another batch of service crew the following is a lot of and lots of stuff about the 'soiled '... The woman whom I saw at the resources page and could n't find it everyone... Days, he was suggesting TV shows, for the final parting, and website in this ''... Words, but she 'd been through this so many moments where I do not know how they really.. The incredible volume of three bottles. saw so many rules sorry so many goat breeds are common... He therefore gave him many things about you. ) so it seems, he help! Prove themselves not very many full names subject but no logical ones lot are cases runaway... Lovers for a miracle like the one in her head detailed discussion about what,... 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