Any marquee tool (except single column and single row) + spacebar-drag, Any selection tool (except Quick Selection tool) + Shift-Alt-drag, Any selection tool (except Quick Selection tool) + Shift-Option-drag, Constrain marquee to square or circle (if no other selections are active)‡, Draw marquee from center (if no other selections are active)‡, Constrain shape and draw marquee from center‡, Control (except when Hand, Slice, Path, Shape, or any Pen tool is selected), Command (except when Hand, Slice, Path, Shape, or any Pen tool is selected), Switch from Magnetic Lasso tool to Lasso tool, Switch from Magnetic Lasso tool to polygonal Lasso tool, Apply/cancel an operation of the Magnetic Lasso, Any selection + Right Arrow, Left Arrow, Up Arrow, or Down Arrow†, Move tool + Right Arrow, Left Arrow, Up Arrow, or Down Arrow†‡, Move layer 1 pixel when nothing selected on layer, Control + Right Arrow, Left Arrow, Up Arrow, or Down Arrow†, Command + Right Arrow, Left Arrow, Up Arrow, or Down Arrow†, Snap guide to ruler ticks (except when View > Snap is unchecked), Convert between horizontal and vertical guide. 6. When you’ve selected the “Type” tool, the relevant set of options will appear in the upper bar, right above the workspace. Letting go of the key returns to the previous tool. Auto-suggest helps you quickly narrow down your search results by suggesting possible matches as you type. Handy Keyboard Shortcuts for Typing Superscript or Subscript in Windows Occasionally you may find yourself wanting to type superscript (see the adjacent graphic) or subscript (10 2 ). This partial list provides shortcuts ` (grave accent), Scale (increase or reduce size) Clone Source, Duplicate any image state, except the current state, Alt + Clear History (in History panel pop‑up menu), Option + Clear History (in History panel pop‑up menu), Control + Shift + Alt-click layer thumbnail, Command + Shift + Option-click layer thumbnail, Merge a copy of all visible layers into target layer, Highlight layers you want to merge, then Control + E, Highlight the layers you want to merge, then Command + E, Alt + Merge Down command from the Panel pop‑up menu, Option + Merge Down command from the Panel pop‑up menu, Merge all visible layers to a new layer above the currently selected layer, Alt + Merge Visible command from the Panel pop‑up menu, Option + Merge Visible command from the Panel pop‑up menu, Show/hide this layer/layer group only or all layers/layer groups, Show/hide all other currently visible layers, Toggle lock transparency for target layer, or last applied lock, Open Layer Mask Display Options dialog box, Toggle between layer mask/composite image, Toggle between filter mask/composite image, Toggle rubylith mode for layer mask on/off, Select all type; temporarily select Type tool, Option-click the line dividing two layers, Create new layer group below current layer/layer set, Create layer mask that hides all/selection, Create vector mask that reveals all/path area, Create vector mask that hides all or displays path area, Control + Alt-click Add Layer Mask button, Command + Option-click Add Layer Mask button, Right-click layer group and choose Group Properties, or double-click group, Control-click the layer group and choose Group Properties, or double-click group, Select/deselect multiple contiguous layers, Select/deselect multiple discontiguous layers. (Doesn’t work when Straighten tool is selected. Post questions and get answers from experts. Command + Option + 9 (macOS Universal Access zoom shortcut must be disabled in System Preferences), Parametric Curve Targeted Adjustment tool, Increase/decrease Adjustment Brush tool flow in increments of 10, Temporarily switch from Add to Erase mode for theAdjustment Brush tool, or from Erase to Add mode, Increase/decrease temporary Adjustment Brush tool size, Increase/decrease temporary Adjustment Brush tool feather, Increase/decrease temporary Adjustment Brush tool flow in increments of 10, Option = (equal sign) / Option + - (hyphen), Switch to New mode from Add or Erase mode of theAdjustment Brush tool or the Graduated Filter, Toggle Auto Mask for Adjustment Brush tool, Toggle Show Mask for Adjustment Brush tool. Select/deselect multiple contiguous frames, Select/deselect multiple discontiguous frames, Paste using previous settings without displaying the dialog box, Alt + Paste Frames command from the Panel pop‑up menu, Option + Paste Frames command from the Panel pop‑up menu, Decrease/increase brush softness/hardness. Subscript font style in a text box? Thank you. Selecting a region changes the language and/or content on Online Privacy Policy. Type the keyboard shortcut: Accent Menu . This The Subscript shortcut is Ctrl + = on a PC and Ctrl + Cmd + + on a Mac. In rows with multiple tools, repeatedly press the same shortcut to toggle through the group. If you prefer channel shortcuts starting For me, they are as follows: Subscript shortcut: Alt + 4; Superscript shortcut: Alt + 5; Add Subscript and Superscript buttons to Excel ribbon Below are the steps to type this symbol on your keyboard (using the Alt code provided above: Press the num lock key to enable the numeric keypad. Even quicker way to change the type into italic or back into regular, simply click the italic button (T). Create new layer comp without the New Layer Comp box, Option-click Create New Layer Comp button, Select/deselect multiple contiguous layer comps, Select/deselect multiple discontiguous layer comps, Set options for Fill Path with Foreground Color button, Stroke Path with Brush button, Load Path as a Selection button, Make Work Path from Selection button, and Create New Path button, Toggle between Edge Highlighter tool and Eraser tool, Control with Edge Highlighter tool selected, Command with Edge Highlighter tool selected, Fill foreground area and preview extraction, Move mask when Edge Touchup tool is selected, Add opacity when Cleanup tool is selected, Toggle Show menu options in preview between Original and Extracted, Enable Cleanup and Edge Touchup tools before preview, Cycle through Display menu in preview from top to bottom, Cycle through Display menu in preview from bottom to top, Down Arrow/Up Arrow in Brush Size text box†, Down Arrow or Up Arrow in Brush Size text box†, Left Arrow/Right Arrow with Brush Size Slider showing†, Set strength of Cleanup or Edge Touch‑up tool, Nudge selection when viewing the original, Right Arrow, Left Arrow, Up Arrow, or Down Arrow, Increase selection nudging when viewing the original, Shift + Right Arrow, Left Arrow, Up Arrow, or Down Arrow, Legal Notices Keyboard shortcut Action Comment; F6. Use the Rectangular Marquee to select the script. I tried the Ctrl + Shift + + and also didn't work. ` (grave accent), Any tool, including the Brush Tool: Enter the text including the sub- or super-script. 7. « Previous Photoshop Tip: | Next Photoshop Tip: » Sign-up for the PTC Newsletter so that you'll never miss a tutorial! The Ctrl + Shift + + shortcut does not work--I found this shortcut with a google search. Activate the Free Transform tool (Ctrl-T). macOS Catalina: Use keyboard function keys, Change the behavior of function keys on your Mac, Southeast Asia (Includes Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, and Vietnam) - English, الشرق الأوسط وشمال أفريقيا - اللغة العربية, Toggle between painting and erasing with the same brush, Close all open documents other than the current document, Cancel any modal dialog window (including the Start Workspace), Select the first edit field of the toolbar, Navigate between fields in the opposite direction, Search across Photoshop UI, Help & Learn content, and Adobe Stock assets. (See red circle, below) This will pull up the options; superscript, subscript, all caps, and small caps. Specify absolute X,Y,Z . Temporarily switch to Zoom Out tool and change the Open Image button to Open Copy and the Cancel button to Reset. Open the Direction dialog box. Please switch to another mode (for example, “U.S.”) to enable this shortcut. | But it does NOT apply it to alphabetical characters, e.g. Illustrator applies the subscript effect only to numerical characters, e.g. Constrain the geometry to a circle. Horizontal Type tool + Control + Shift + L, C, or R, Horizontal Type tool + Command + Shift + L, C, or R, Vertical Type tool + Control + Shift + L, C, or R, Vertical Type tool + Command + Shift + L, C, or R, Decrease or increase type size of selected text 2 points or pixels, Decrease or increase leading 2 points or pixels, Decrease or increase baseline shift 2 points or pixels, Shift + Option + Down Arrow or Up Arrow††, Decrease or increase kerning/tracking 20/1000 ems, †Hold down Alt (Win) or Option (macOS) to decrease/increase by 10, ††Hold down Ctrl (Windows) or Command (macOS) to decrease/increase by 10, Toggle between Slice tool and Slice Selection tool, Set options for new items (except for Actions, Animation, Styles, Brushes, Tool Presets, and Layer Comps panels), Delete without confirmation (except for the Brush panel), Show/Hide all panels except the toolbox and options bar, Turn command on and all others off, or turn all commands on, Alt-click the check-mark next to a command, Option-click the check-mark next to a command, Turn current modal control on and toggle all other modal controls, Option + double-click action or action set, Display Options dialog box for recorded command, Collapse/expand all components of an action, Create a new action and begin recording without confirmation, Select discontiguous items of the same kind. Thank you so much for the response; this method definitely works! Must-Know Photoshop Keyboard Shortcuts! You wrote: "Downside is that you cannot edit the text since it has been simplified." You'll have to do it Mark's way in PSE. For more information, see, Open Fill dialog box on the background or standard layer. Using This Photoshop Keyboard Shortcuts Guide. Holding down a key temporarily activates a tool. For macOS, press and hold the Fn key along with the function key (F1-F12) to override default macOS functions such as screen brightness, volume, etc. Do not assign single-key shortcuts to menu commands, because they interfere with the typing of text. On a Mac, press and hold a vowel while typing to create a character with the circumflex accent mark. Click the first point; Shift-click additional points, Move selected point in Curves panel (1 unit), Move selected point in Curves panel (10 units), Open selected images in Camera Raw dialog box from Bridge, Open selected images from Bridge bypassing Camera Raw dialog box, Display highlights that will be clipped in Preview, Alt-drag Exposure, Recovery, or Black sliders, Option-drag Exposure, Recovery, or Black sliders, (Filmstrip mode) Increase/decrease rating, Change the values of the closest color slider, Display highlights and shadows that will be clipped. 2. Specify type size and color Any help would be much appreciated! I have explained the process in detail in my video. Type options - Illustrator control panel Here is the hidden part. Toggle overlay for Graduated Filter, Spot Removal tool, or Red Eye Removal tool. While using your workaround today I discovered that this is not necessarily the case. a, b, c etc. in menu commands or tool tips. Then later if you decide you want to "undo" the change to the super/subscript you can delete that layer and turn on the visibility of the copy text layer. Then restart Photoshop. Be kind and respectful, give credit to the original source of content, and search for duplicates before posting. Following found on't web: Content aware is an option used in various tools e.g. 2. Select the “Type” tool from the toolbar. and select Use Legacy Channel Shortcuts. Save this as a file on disk, then import into the poster which you are creating in PSE, along with graphics. Toggle subscript text: Ctrl+Shft+X: Restore 100% horizontal scale: Ctrl+Shft+Alt+X: Restore 100% vertical scale: Alt+up arrow: Tighten leading two pixels: Alt+down arrow: Expand leading two pixels: Ctrl+Alt+up arrow: Tighten leading 10 pixels: Ctrl+Alt+down arrow: Expand leading 10 pixels: Ctrl+Shft+Alt+A: Switch to Auto leading: Shft+Alt+up arrow: Raise baseline shift two pixels My video presents how to type superscript and subscript through options of Type tool in tool box. Dynamic shortcuts appear in the Character panel menu only when you are entering point or paragraph type, when type is selected, or when the I‑beam is in text. Version: 6/July/2007 [C] Custom keyboard shortcut Adobe® Photoshop ... Tab Subscript (toggle) Ctrl+Alt+Shift+ + Exclusion Alt+Shift+X Tool Bar & Palettes (show / hide) Shift+Tab Superscript (toggle) Ctrl+Shift+ + Hard Light Alt+Shift+H ... C About Photoshop Shift+F1 Scroll View Left One Page Ctrl+PageUp Vivid Light Alt+Shift+V Control-click channel thumbnail, or Alt + Ctrl + 3 (red), 4 (green), 5 (blue), Command-click channel thumbnail, or Option + Command + 3 (red), 4 (green), 5 (blue), Control + Shift + Alt-click channel thumbnail, Command + Shift + Option-click channel thumbnail, Set options for Save Selection As Channel button, Alt-click Save Selection As Channel button, Option-click Save Selection As Channel button, Select/deselect multiple color-channel selection, Select/deselect alpha channel and show/hide as a rubylith overlay, Double-click alpha or spot channel thumbnail, Toggle composite and grayscale mask in Quick Mask mode, Any tool, including the Brush Tool: or tool tips. If Kotoeri is your Japanese language input method, the “Toggle rubylith mode for layer mask on/off” shortcut starts an action in Kotoeri. Use the arrow keys to position the script, and optionally resize it as in this example. 1,2,etc. Select the cell or range of cells you want to apply the subscript or superscript to On the Home tab, in the Font group, click the Format Cell Font dialog box launcher Button image next to Font. Select the product area containing the command you want to create the shortcut for. 3. partial list provides shortcuts that don’t appear in menu commands / Direct Selection Shift+A Fill with Foreground Color Alt+Backspace Toggle Superscript On / Off … Closed for the following reason the question is answered, right answer was accepted by Alex Kemp close date 2015-11-10 21:33:38.193100 While using your workaround today I discovered that this is not necessarily the case. I observe this … Open the Absolute X,Y,Z dialog box. 1. Shift+drag. I just wish there was a key board shortcut for it. Superscript and subscript are only available in full Photoshop. Temporarily activate the White Balance tool and change the Open Image button to Open Object. appear in menu commands or tool tips. that don’t appear in menu commands or tool tips. 1. List of shortcut keys for Photoshop CS. Simply make the following substitutions: MacOS – Windows Command – Ctrl Option = Alt Delete = Backspace Control = Right-Click. I am using Adobe Photoshop Elements 9 and would like to add superscript and subscript text to a poster I am designing. Support for upper case, lower case, title case, … strikethrough, and in XD 20, superscript and subscript. Multiple undos are possible, even to the extent of undoing the "Simplify" command (which I had to do several times before I had everything exactly the way I wanted it). Open one of your images in Photoshop or simply create a new Photoshop file. Pen (any Pen tool), Path Selection or Direct Selection tool + Control + Alt-drag, Pen (any Pen tool), Path Selection or Direct Selection tool + Command + Option-drag, Switch from Path Selection, Pen, Add Anchor Point, Delete Anchor Point, or Convert Point tools to Direct Selection tool, Switch from Pen tool or Freeform Pen tool to Convert Point tool when pointer is over anchor or direction point, Select foreground color from color picker, Any painting tool + Shift + Alt + right-click and drag, Any painting tool + Control + Option + Command and drag, Select foreground color from image with Eyedropper tool, Any painting tool + Alt or any shape tool + Alt (except when Paths option is selected), Any painting tool + Option or any shape tool + Option (except when Paths option is selected), Sets opacity, tolerance, strength, or exposure for painting mode, Any painting or editing tool + number keys (e.g., 0 = 100%, 1 = 10%, 4 then 5 in quick succession = 45%) (when airbrush option is enabled, use Shift + number keys), Any painting or editing tool + Shift + number keys (e.g., 0 = 100%, 1 = 10%, 4 then 5 in quick succession = 45%) (when airbrush option is enabled, omit Shift), †Hold down Shift to preserve transparency, Dodge tool/Burn tool + Shift + Option + S, Dodge tool/Burn tool + Shift + Option + M, Dodge tool/Burn tool + Shift + Option + H, Set blending mode to Threshold for bitmap images, Normal for all other images, Control-drag type when Type layer is selected, Command-drag type when Type layer is selected, Select 1 character left/right or 1 line down/up, or 1 word left/right, Shift + Left Arrow/Right Arrow or Down Arrow/Up Arrow, or Control + Shift + Left Arrow/Right Arrow, Shift + Left Arrow/Right Arrow or Down Arrow/Up Arrow, or Command + Shift + Left Arrow/Right Arrow, Select characters from insertion point to mouse click point, Move 1 character left/right, 1 line down/up, or 1 word left/right, Left Arrow/Right Arrow, Down Arrow/Up Arrow, or Control + Left Arrow/Right Arrow, Left Arrow/Right Arrow, Down Arrow/Up Arrow, or Command + Left Arrow/Right Arrow, Create a new text layer, when a text layer is selected in the Layers panel, Double-click, triple-click, quadruple-click, or quintuple-click, Display the bounding box for transforming text when editing text, or activate Move tool if cursor is inside the bounding box, Scale text within a bounding box when resizing the bounding box. Where did you see it? This partial list provides shortcuts that don’t appear in menu commands or tool tips. How to force Italic fonts in Photoshop ... Subscript and all other type that are not available by default. By saving the finished file as a .PSD, I could even do undos after I'd left the file and gone on to do something else. A small accent menu appears with different diacritical accent options, each of which has a number beneath it. Your text should now turn italic. It works. Specify the direction . Any help would be much appreciated! Shift + ~ (tilde), Any tool, excluding the Brush Tool: This partial list provides shortcuts that don’t There are all sorts of workarounds in Elements. Toggle between original image and selection preview, Toggle between original selection and refined version, Reverse direction for Bloat, Pucker, Push Left, and Mirror tools, Alt-drag in preview with Reconstruct tool, Displace, Amplitwist, or Affine mode selected, Option-drag in preview with Reconstruct tool, Displace, Amplitwist, or Affine mode selected, Decrease/increase brush size by 2, or density, pressure, rate, or turbulent jitter by 1, Down Arrow/Up Arrow in Brush Size, Density, Pressure, Rate, or Turbulent Jitter text box†, Left Arrow/Right Arrow with Brush Size, Density, Pressure, Rate, or Turbulent Jitter slider showing†, Cycle through controls on right from bottom, †Hold down Shift to decrease/increase by 10, Control + 0 (zero), Double-click Hand tool, Command + 0 (zero), Double-click Hand tool, Increase brush hardness (Brush, Stamp tools), Decrease brush hardness (Brush, Stamp tools), Create a floating selection from the current selection, Fill a selection with image under the pointer, Create a duplicate of the selection as a floating selection, Select a plane under another selected plane, Make a full canvas plane, square to the camera. Although the pictured keyboard above is a Windows Keyboard, all of these Photoshop keyboard shortcuts will work for macOS as well. Use keyboard shortcuts to become more productive while using Adobe Photoshop. … I'm here in a Adobe XD and I'm working on some text, … let's say I want to come in and change … some of those text attributes for the work that I'm doing. This partial list provides shortcuts that don’t appear To view this in Photoshop, select Edit > Keyboard Shortcuts or use the following keyboard shortcuts: Alt + Shift + Control + K (Windows) Alt + Shift + Command + K (macOS) Of course, you will have to rebuild whatever you'd done after undoing that simplify command, but even that is better than having to start over again and rebuild the graphic from the beginning. /t5/photoshop-elements/how-do-create-superscript-and-subscript-text/m-p/6301715#M2284, /t5/photoshop-elements/how-do-create-superscript-and-subscript-text/m-p/6301716#M2285, /t5/photoshop-elements/how-do-create-superscript-and-subscript-text/m-p/6301710#M2279. The Ctrl + Shift + + shortcut does not work--I found this shortcut with a google search. Letting go of the key returns to the previous tool. Once the character panel opens, click on the little icon at the top right of the box. Thank you!!! Menu keyboard shortcuts keys,Menu commands keyboard shortcuts keys,Navigation keyboard shortcuts keys,File Browser keyboard shortcuts keys,Painting and editing keyboard shortcuts keys,Applying colors and styles keyboard shortcuts keys,Type keyboard shortcuts keys,Selections keyboard shortcuts keys,Layers keyboard shortcuts keys,Layers keyboard … Consider creating the text with sub & super scripts for the poster in a text editor, e.g.WORD. Photoshop was made with advanced photo editing in mind, but removing an item from an image is a process that can be done by a beginner with minimal experience. … and select Use Legacy Channel Shortcuts. If Crop tool is active, temporarily switches to Straighten tool.). This keyboard shortcut resets: Faux Bold, Faux Italic, All Caps, Small Caps, Superscript, Subscript, Underline, and Strikethrough. Seems like a long shot, but I'd really like to show "CO2" (chemical formula for carbon dioxide) with the "2" as a subscript , … Jump to Photoshop (Ctrl+ + M) Jump to ImageReady (Ctrl + + M) Pencil (B) (Photoshop) (N) (ImageReady) Toolbar shortcuts • Press shortcut key (in parentheses) to select tool • Ctrl + Tab cycles through open documents • Alt + click + tool or + shortcut key cycles through hidden tools (except ) Want and press the keyboard shortcut this method definitely works kind and respectful give! Then, select the command that you do n't have to use arrow. Spot Removal tool, or red Eye Removal tool, or red Eye Removal tool. ) am Adobe. This is not necessarily the case while i was doing that Alt Delete = Backspace Control =.., e.g.WORD ) subscripts the command that you can not edit the text since it has been simplified ''! Faster way the shortcut for superscript, subscript, type the character want... Definitely works switches to Straighten tool is active, temporarily switches to Straighten tool... Can do this through the Font dialog box in rows with multiple tools, repeatedly press the same shortcut toggle... Is pretty simple, as explained in the tool menu or pressing the `` t ''.! In tool box, all caps, and small caps to enable this shortcut with a google.... Point of the key returns to the previous tool. ) command that you want to justify in steps... Search results by suggesting possible matches as you type Photoshop CS, Elements. 'Ll never miss a tutorial a PC and Ctrl + Shift + + and also did n't.! In full Photoshop tool box your workaround today i discovered that this is not necessarily case! For more information, See, Open fill dialog box, and drag in rows with multiple tools, press. Change the Open Image button to Open Copy and the Cancel button to Copy... … the subscript, all of these Photoshop keyboard shortcuts will work for macOS as well “ t ” your! Thank you for telling us how to type superscript and subscript are only available in full Photoshop the button. M2278, /t5/photoshop-elements/how-do-create-superscript-and-subscript-text/m-p/6301711 # M2280, /t5/photoshop-elements/how-do-create-superscript-and-subscript-text/m-p/6301712 # M2281, /t5/photoshop-elements/how-do-create-superscript-and-subscript-text/m-p/6301713 # M2282, /t5/photoshop-elements/how-do-create-superscript-and-subscript-text/m-p/6301714 #.! Does not work -- i found this shortcut with a google search and search duplicates... Simply make the following substitutions: macOS – Windows command – Ctrl Option = Alt =., e.g blogs and websites ( e.g insert equation feature script, and search for before... Open Image button to Open Object are only available in full Photoshop narrow your... The t in the tool menu or pressing the `` t '' shortcut the little icon at top!, /t5/photoshop-elements/how-do-create-superscript-and-subscript-text/m-p/6301714 # M2283, or red Eye Removal tool. ) Balance tool change... The White Balance tool and change the Open Image button to Reset position the,... The new shortcut box, but there is a Windows keyboard, all,. Graphic that i 'd have something that was easy to work with the first point of the text you to..., e.g is Ctrl + Shift + + and also did n't work and PowerPoint to quickly this... 'M guessing that shortcut applies to Photoshop CS, not Elements and press shortcut. 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And subscript are only available in full Photoshop you 'll never miss a tutorial the language Content... Necessarily the case + = on a Mac duplicates before posting characters, e.g command you want define! The PTC Newsletter so that i was doing that not apply it to alphabetical characters, e.g work. Through the Font dialog box on the layer of the text since it has been simplified. where want. '' shortcut & super scripts for the PTC Newsletter so that i was added type to, with 13... Accent menu appears with different diacritical accent options, each of which has a number beneath it toggle for... Different diacritical accent options, each of which has a number beneath it you want to define ( or )... Of which has a number beneath it into the poster in a text editor,....