Unfortunately, the precise age of the formation from which it was obtained is unknown, but it is considered probable that it dates from the later Tertiary. Unfortunately she could not grant my request, but I hope, Count, I shall be more fortunate with you, he said with a smile. Unfortunately, however, it was necessary to enter upon the discussion of the fundamental laws, a subject presenting many opportunities for the display of rhetoric and intellectual subtlety. I heard a lady the other day (I misremember her name unfortunately) who said that she would like to have the husband of, I believe, Anita Hill die of a heart attack. Unfortunately Make a sentence below using the word ‘unfortunately’! The two surviving species of Sequoia afford an illustration of the persistence of an old type, but unfortunately most of the Mesozoic species referred to this genus do not possess sufficiently perfect cones to confirm their identification as examples of Sequoia. Dr Wallich's attribution of this and other specimens subsequently sent in to the genus Camellia, although scientifically defensible, unfortunately diverted attention from the significance of the discovery. used to expresses regret before giving bad news. the treatise on dice (De aleatoribus), have attracted the attention of scholars, who are never weary of the attempt to determine the identity of the author, unfortunately hitherto without much success. The bast fibres of Cannabis are the hemp of commerce, but, unfortunately, the products from many totally different plants are often included under the general name of hemp. Unfortunately nathan had forgotten to pack his bag for school and was late because of it. Unfortunately, with all his gifts, Christian was no statesman, and was incapable of a consistent policy. ‘Money is, unfortunately, rather tight, and at least staying in doesn't cost anything.’ ‘I guess it's just the hand we've been dealt and unfortunately we just have to play it out.’ ‘Well unfortunately this is a fact of life both in business and politics.’ ‘The director unfortunately was not … Unfortunately at this point our best authority ceases; and we cannot well explain the changes which brought about the Christianization of the Normans and their settlement in Normandy as vassals, though recalcitrant ones, of the West Frankish kings. Adverb in the middle of a sentence. CK 318611 Unfortunately, few passengers survived the catastrophe. How to use unfortunately in a sentence. About the same time he composed a comedy on the model of Aristophanes, which is unfortunately lost. Baguet's Chrysippus (Louvain, 1822) is unfortunately very incomplete. Unfortunately, Jackson realized too late that Cassandra was a crazy bitch, and needy as hell. All Free. Unfortunately, director Richard Rush has disappointingly little stylistic daring here. An example of unfortunately is being unhappy about missing a party due to being in court; he unfortunately missed the party. CK 1 2869289 When did Tom go? Unfortunately, it occurred over night and we couldn't fix the time in spite of three attempts to do so. What remains of Walter's building is a rich example of the Christian-Saracen style, disfigured, unfortunately, by the addition of a totally unsuitable dome by Ferinando Fuga in 1781-1801. unfortunately definition: 1. used to say that something is sad, disappointing, or has a bad effect: 2. used to say that…. Unfortunately the removal of the child suited the plans of the comte de Provence (now Louis XVIII. but and unfortunately almost suggest the same thing. Unfortunately, there are no more tickets for the movie we want to see. Unfortunately his firmness developed into obstinacy, and exhibited itself in continued confidence in officers who had proved to be failures, and in dislike of some of his ablest generals. 2 Unfortunately there are no native documents from the pre-Christian Hellenistic period. Unfortunately, Spain indulged in the illusion that America would perhaps respect her rights of sovereignty in the Philippine Islands, or pay a considerable sum for their cession and recognize the debts of Cuba and of the Philippines. Unfortunately, I arrived late. The great library of Nineveh was to a considerable extent his creation, and scribes were kept constantly employed in it copying the older tablets of Babylonia, though unfortunately their patron's tastes inclined rather to omens and astrology than to subjects of more modern interest. It was now intended to re-establish the government on the basis of the old republican institutions, but it was found that sixty years of Medici rule had reduced them to mere shadows, and the condition of the government, largely controlled by a balia of 20 accoppiatori and frequently disturbed by the summoning of the parlamento, was utterly chaotic. Unfortunately, the news was disappointing. Fortunately, no human-made weapon was able to hurt him. Unfortunately almost every anatomist who has written on the muscles of the Brachiopoda has proposed different names for each muscle, and the confusion thence arising is much to be regretted. 113. Unfortunately, the right content can prove frustratingly elusive. Of the Zeus we have unfortunately lost all trace save small copies on coins of Elis, which give us but a general notion of the pose, and the character of the head. Unfortunately they contain practically nothing that is not of Christian origin.4 On the death of Aurelius Hatra aided Niger against Septimius Severus in 194; Osroene rose against Rome, and Nisibis was besieged and other Roman places taken; but Septimius Severus appeared in person (195), and from Nisibis as headquarters subdued the whole country, of which he made Nisibis metropolis, raising it to the rank of a colony, the Sinjar district, where Arabs from Yemen had settled, being incorporated. What does unfortunately mean? Initially placed parentheticals are normally set off by a comma. Unfortunately for him, he fell into the hands of the royalist volunteers, by whom he was carried to the capital. Here are number of sentence examples for UNFORTUNATELY, quoted from best-selling authors and written by best-selling authors. Unfortunately, it is very sparing of details. I think this type of Journalism unfortunately is what we often get here in Brazil. Unfortunately the antagonism between physostigmine and atropine is not perfect, and Sir Thomas Fraser has shown that in such cases there comes a time when, if the action of the two drugs be summated, death results sooner than from either alone. Unfortunately for the Turks many of the "redoubts" were open at the gorge. A very small difference in the constitution often produces a remarkable effect upon the magnetic quality, and it unfortunately happens that those alloys which are hardest magnetically are generally also hardest mechanically and extremely difficult to work; they might however be used rolled or as castings. Communicating Confidence . CK 1 2663212 Unfortunately, there's a problem. Unfortunately far, in the farthest of the Five Galaxies. Unfortunately, life gets in the way a fair amount of the time. Unfortunately, the call wasn't from Daniel Brennan. Unfortunately these reforms, excellent in themselves, suggested the standpoint not of an elected ruler, but of a monarch by right divine. 20. Adverbs: When you construct a sentence, you combine different parts of speech in order to communicate an idea. Unfortunately, two days later, Cardinal Cesarini absolved the king from the oath whereby he had sworn to observe the peace of Szeged, and was thus mainly responsible for the catastrophe of Varna, when four months later (Nov. Unfortunately, it is not clear how many sibilants were distinguished in Greek pronunciation, nor over what areas a particular pronunciation extended. The term unfortunately has been hijacked by those enamored with the so called trendier parts of Eastern religions and new age movements. Unfortunately siege of San a conflagration breaking out near the breaches Sebastian, caused it to be postponed until nightfall, when, the July 10.24, breaches in the interval having been strengthened, 1813' it was delivered unsuccessfully and with heavy loss. Log in. Unfortunately, we know at present practically nothing as to the past history of the group, all the fossil species at present discovered approximating more or less closely to existing types. Unfortunately only the foundation and a few Doric capitals and other architectural fragments remain; they were coated with stucco which was brightly painted. Unfortunately it is rapidly falling into decay. * I remember being thrilled by Salinger's sentences the first time I read them. Unfortunately, the trip to dreamland was short in duration. Log in. Ptolemy knew but of a few latitudes which had been determined by actual observation, while of three longitudes resulting from simultaneous observation of eclipses he unfortunately accepted the least satisfactory, namely, that which placed Arbela 45° to the east of Carthage, while the actual meridian distance only amounts to 34°. Unfortunately she did not know very much about the indigenous aborigines. 376. seems to have been a woman who, with all her brilliant gifts of intelligence and manner, had no principles and no pity. Unfortunately all the warnings and admonitions of the pope fell on deaf ears, though he himself parted with his mitre and plate in order to equip a fleet against the Turks. The extraordinary merits of this book, and the admirable fidelity to his principles which Professor Burmeister showed in the difficult task of editing it, were unfortunately overlooked for many years, and perhaps are not sufficiently recognised now. If you use but and however you are just implying the same thing twice. 1A) If you don't do this within the next 24 hours, unfortunately we will have to remove you from our database as data laws are changing. If you use but and however you are just implying the same thing twice. unfortunately sentence in English. But unfortunately they have all been lost except two - one to Julius Africanus (about the history of Susanna) and one to Gregory Thaumaturgus. 5. I really love shrimp, but unfortunately, I can only buy frozen shrimp in my supermarket. Unfortunately all the rivers are frozen for many months every year. Unfortunately, however, the confusion engendered by a defective organization has long been a byword among the people; there is no printed catalogue, quantities of books are buried in packingcases and unavailable, the collection of foreign books is very poor, hardly any new works being purchased, and the building itself is quite inadequate and far from safe; but the site of a new one has now been purchased and the plans are agreed upon, so that eventually the whole collection will be transferred to more suitable quarters. How far the details of the scheme are Alfreds own, how far they were developed by his son Edward the Elder, it is unfortunately impossible to say. The latter view is unfortunately confirmed by the undoubted fact that Caesar treated with scant respect the historical institutions of Rome, which with their magnificent traditions might still have been the organs of true political life. Unfortunately, Grey's views did not meet with the - approval of the British government.'. 0. It is like saying but however. CK 1 2917303 When's dinner? Another word for unfortunately. Unfortunately the train of events in England favoured the intrigues of the party who wished the annexation cancelled. 2649175 When do we go? It was a noble art, but unfortunately the rivalry of the Buddhist and later native styles permitted it to fall into comparative neglect, and it was left for a few of the faithful, the most famous of whom was a priest of the I 4th century named Kawo, to preserve it from inanition till the great Chinese renaissance that lent its stamp to the next period. Unfortunately the chapters on the Roman period are entirely marred by the author's having accepted as genuine Bertram's forgery De Situ Britanniae; but otherwise his opinions on controverted topics are worthy of much respect, being founded on a laborious investigation of all the original authorities that were accessible to him. Another word for unfortunately. 19 examples: Child benefit was introduced in the wake of the renewed emphasis on child… Fortunately, it is brightened by slivers of sun at midday. St John of the Studium (Emir= Achor Jamissi) is a basilica of the middle of the 5th century, and the oldest ecclesiastical fabric in the city; it is now, unfortunately, almost a complete ruin. The payers of income tax, unfortunately, are not one class but many, and although the rate of duty is the same, the definition of income seems imperfect, so that many pay on a much larger assessment of income than seems fair in comparison with other incomes of nominally the same amount, but really of much greater value when all deductions from the gross sum are fairly reckoned. Unfortunately, Descartes is too lordly a philosopher to explain distinctly what either understanding or will may mean. In adopting verse instead of prose as a medium of expression, Schiller showed that he was prepared to challenge comparison with the great dramatic poets of other times and other lands; but in seeking a model for this higher type of tragedy he unfortunately turned rather to the classic theatre of France than to the English drama which Lessing, a little earlier, had pronounced more congenial to the German temperament. There are 50 example sentences for unfortunately, and this page shows no. High quality example sentences with “Unfortunately no” in context from reliable sources - Ludwig is the linguistic search engine that helps you to write better in English Unfortunately, the Hungarian constitution stood in the way of this political paradise, so Joseph resolved that the Hungarian constitution must be sacrificed. The courage and resourcefulness of their youthful leader inspired the people to make heroic sacrifices for their independ- of the ence, but unfortunately such was the revulsion of feeling against the grand pensionary, that he himself and his brother Cornelius were torn in pieces by an infuriated mob at the Hague (loth of August). Source null; This, unfortunately, is the way things work inside the beltway. His largest and most ambitious work, Old and New Astronomy, unfortunately left unfinished at his death, was completed by A. We figured that Willie would help us move, but unfortunately he was out of town for the weekend. use "unfortunately" in a sentence Scott wanted to challenge a course, so he wrote the exam for it, but unfortunately he failed. Unfortunately, we didn't learn of the murder until a week after it occurred, making it impossible for Howie to "witness" the scene. At first vacillating, but by no means indifferent, Innocent was spurred to action when a number of princes met at Spires in May 1200, declared Philip to be the lawful king, and denied the right of the pope to interfere, lie was also annoyed by Philips attitude with regard to a vacancy in the archbishopric of Cologne, and in March 1201 he declared definitely for Otto. The outcome depended on Bill Rice who unfortunately succumbed to defeat. Here he was on new ground, but unfortunately he gives little or no description of his route thither, or of his journey northwards by the Persian pilgrim road, already traversed by Huber in 1881. 4. Rhymes Lyrics and poems Near rhymes Synonyms / Related Phrases … synonyms. Examples of how to use the word 'unfortunately' in a sentence. Unfortunately the intrigues against him drove him from office in 1702, and soon afterwards he died. Unfortunately, however, the method of agreement is liable to be baffled by " plurality of causes.". Maybe this is not exactly how it all started but, unfortunately, that is where it is today. Information and translations of unfortunately in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web. Unfortunately, Dr Jamesons original plans had been framed at the instance of Cecil Rhodes, the prime minister at the Cape, and many persons thought that they ought to have been suspected by the colonial office in London. Vegetable plankton in sunlight can reverse this process, assimilating the carbon of the carbonic acid and restoring the oxygen to solution, as was proved by Martin Knudsen and Ostenfeld in the case of diatoms. It's all in Swedish unfortunately but I'll post the link for anyone who's interested. Learn more. The health of the city, unfortunately, does not correspond with its favourable climatic conditions. Acacius, the pupil of Eusebius and his successor in the see of Caesarea, wrote a life of him which is unfortunately lost. and Glaucia, in order to secure the consulship for the sixth time (100). Unfortunately, she couldn't think of an explanation that would be true and make him feel better. Unfortunately, his health was so treacherous that, on the dissolution of July 1698, he was obliged to retire from parliamentary life. The police admitted that unfortunately, they have no leads or motive for the killing. The police admitted that unfortunately, they have no leads or motive for the killing. But unfortunately it has not been found possible to get from these accounts any clear picture of the ritual of any certainty as to the technical terms used. CK 1 70178 When do you run? Unfortunately the names are all otherwise unknown; but we learn from the inscriptions that they are for the most part those of local magistrates and municipal dignitaries of Pompeii. Unfortunately, the skull is incomplete, and the rest of the skeleton very imperfectly known; but sufficient of the former remains to show that the socket of the eye was open behind, and of the latter to indicate that in the hind-foot, at any rate, the upper bones of the two functional toes had not coalesced into a cannon-bone. of Barnabas and the Shepherd of Hermas, unfortunately incomplete, and there was probably originally some other document between these two. This was a great step forward, but unfortunately it was accompanied by a retrogression to the pre-Griesbachian (or rather pre-Bengelian) days; for Lachmann rejected the idea of grouping MSS., and having selected a small number of the oldest authorities undertook always to follow the reading of the majority. Fuldensis) translations, in both of which the text has unfortunately been almost entirely conformed to the ordinary type. The language of the public press and of Englishmen visiting Denmark confirmed theimpression which the words of the prime minister had produced; and there is unfortunately no doubt that Denmark was encouraged to resist her powerful opponents by the belief, which she was thus almost authorized in entertaining, that she could reckon in the hour of her danger on the active assistance of the United Kingdom. But unfortunately all he says is that with regard' to the certain things the two bishops speedily came to an understanding, while as to the time of Easter, each adhered to his own custom, without breaking off communion with the other. If you're playing it for laughs, the two sentence structure is how a nightly talk show host would deliver the joke in an opening monologue. Recent Examples on the Web At the same time, gift giving requires presents, boxes and bags that unfortunately often find themselves in the landfill come New Year's Day. I find it is funded by corporations, do-gooders, trust funds, individuals, and off shore ghost entities... unfortunately, too many names to pursue each and every one. The conflict that arose over this question in the Christian Church was prolonged and bitter - in part because it unfortunately became inflamed by the contending interests of Roman Catholic and Protestant. Unfortunately for us, all three were killed by " lone assassins. The position of assembly was excellently chosen, but unfortunately the Austrians took the initiative. Unfortunately the original Guiteclin is lost, but the legend is preserved in Les Saisnes (c. 1300) of Jehan Bodel, which is largely occupied by the loves of Baudouin and Sibille, the wife of Guiteclin. His Menippeae Saturae, miscellanies in prose and verse, of which unfortunately only fragments are left, was a work of singular literary interest. Unfortunately, most of the day was consumed with similar thoughts. Unfortunately, there is no record of the transaction. To the latter part of the century belongs the activity of Edessa's bishop Jacob, whose chronicle is unfortunately lost. Unfortunately, however, these merits are usually connected with a less admirable characteristic - contempt for tradition. Example sentences from Collins dictionaries Unfortunately these drugs are quite toxic and hinder the body's ability to fight off infection. The regent had great qualities, both brilliant and solid, which were unfortunately spoilt by an excessive taste for pleasure. Unfortunately, my attorney thinks they have a pretty good case. and has fourteen stories and seven tiers of windows, but has unfortunately been stripped of its galleries and otherwise damaged. Unfortunately, there was nothing to quicken the healing of his neck. Man-o-war unfortunately is rigid and will crack and flake off. For other and older Coptic-Gnostic texts, in one of which is contained the source of Irenaeus's treatises on the Barbelognostics, but which have unfortunately not yet been made completely accessible, see C. Schmidt in Sitzungsberichte der Berl. 33. Lagarde's projected edition of the Lucianic recension was unfortunately never completed; the existing volume contains Genesis - 2 Esdras, Esther. Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary: Unfortunately, monogamy is hard to sustain given our species' naturally polygamous bent. This is the pivot date of St Paul's later life, but unfortunately two schools of critics date it as differently as A.D. 44-64 can thus be fixed with a fair approximation to certainty, it is unfortunately otherwise with the events of A.D. when they rose against Austria, his hope being to form out of the Habsburg dominions a Mussulman empire of the West, of which he should be the sultan. The climate indeed which favours tropical profusion of jungle growth - still steaming heat - is that most favourable for the cultivation of tea, and such climate, unfortunately, is often trying to the health of Europeans. Unfortunately, however, the modifications 1 For a popular account of the reasons given in support of the canonical objections to usury, and of the modifications and exceptions admitted in some quarters, see W. The portrait, which was unfortunately adopted by Carlyle, has neither pedigree nor probability. Source null; ENDO: Well, yes, unfortunately, that is what happened yesterday. Unfortunately, even he had not all the courage of his creed, and while he would paint a bird or a fish with perfect realism, he no more dared to trust his eyes in larger motives than did the most devout follower of ShUbun or Motonobu. Definition of unfortunately in the Definitions.net dictionary. Unfortunately, before its terms reached Greece, the British minister at Athens had ordered the resumption of hostilities, and had compelled the Greek government to submit to more humiliating conditions. Unfortunately, this movement was too often connected with political reaction, and the working classes were inclined to believe that the growth of religion was valued because it afforded an additional support to the social and political order. Unfortunately Buckle either could not define, or cared not to define, the general conceptions with which he worked, such as those denoted by the terms "civilization," "history," "science," "law," "scepticism," and "protective spirit"; the consequence is that his arguments are often fallacies. Unfortunately the statistics of population thus collected were subordinated to the fiscal interests of the inquiry, and no record has been handed down relating to the population of the city and its neighbourhood. Unfortunately, he adopted the French ideas of excise, and the French methods of imposing and collecting taxes - a system known as the Regie. Which would read better do you think? Unfortunately today, there are too many possessors of nuclear material. Meaning of unfortunately. Unfortunately, the … Can you start a sentence with 'unfortunately?' 3. AlanF_US 1 449057 When's it over? "Bebo, unfortunately, is a business that has been declining and, as a result, would require significant investment in order to compete in the competitive social-networking space," reads an excerpt from the memo. Unfortunately this crude solution of the problem proved too much; for conditions were no worse immediately before the revolt than they had been for centuries, and German complaints of papal tyranny go back to Hildegard of Bingen and Walther von der Vogeiweide, who antedated Luther by more than three centuries. Leading from the fine cloisters, also the work of Bramante, is the former refectory, on the walls of which Leonardo da Vinci painted his celebrated "Last Supper," a work which is unfortunately in a bad state of preservation. But unfortunately the facts of the case are otherwise. Unfortunately it is only in his capacity as a prisoner that we can trace it. Unfortunately, the painting was currently in the basement of the house that was now solely in Ari’s name, where it had sat for years, unrecognized and unappreciated. antonyms. Which is what -- unfortunately, which is what happened to a lot of people. Unfortunately, most matters could be viewed from both a secular and religious standpoint; and even in purely secular affairs the claims of the pope to at least indirect control were practically unlimited. A parenthetical phrase adding detail to the main clause. We figured that Willie would help us move, but unfortunately he was out of town for the weekend. The use of bronze was perhaps introduced about 1450 B.C. Unfortunately the method cannot be applied to good conductors, like the metals, because the difference of temperature between the surfaces may be five or ten times less than that between the water and steam in contact with them, even if the water is ener-, TABLE I. unfortunately, strikingly displayed in the transactions connected with the Spanish marriages, which led to the king's downfall, and ruined him in the eyes of all Europe" (Letters, pop.