The traditional greeting for a happy Passover in Yiddish is hob or hot (depending on whether the addressee is singular or plural) a kosher'n Peysekh (have a kosher Passover)--since proper observance of Passover bupkes Not a word for polite company. Bubkes or bobkes may be related to the Polish word for "beans", but it really means "goat droppings" or "horse droppings." Schmooze Even if you didn't know the Yiddish word for it at the time, you've probably schmoozed your way through quite a few networking events. Nisht araynton keyn finger in kalt vaser - Loaf, not … Nishkosheh - Not so bad, satisfactory. Milchik (dairy) and fleshik (meat) cannot be eaten together. Antonyms for not kosher include trustworthy, dependable, honest, truthful, trusty, trustable, veracious, ethical, honorable and honourable. The answer for clue: Not kosher The Collaborative International Dictionary Word definitions in The Collaborative International Dictionary Tref \Tref\ (tr[e^]f), [Yiddish, fr. Halaal is ARABIC and refers to the dietary restrictions found in the Quran and followed by Muslims. It’s actually a misnomer. Why there are a few Look it up now! Serious Eats Woody Allen called treyf (unkosher) on American Apparel for appropriating his image in an ad. Brachah means a blessing. Mavens of Yiddish language raised controversy over the spelling of this word, when it was the winning word of the Scripps National Spelling Bee in 2013. treyf: Not kosher. Its pronunciation, as " kōsher ", is another distinguishing factor, as in true Yiddish it is pronounced " kūsher " or " kösher " For example, if a business practice is “not kosher,” it means that it is not acceptable, or possibly illegal. I note that all those tree words are taken straight from Slavic. Mar 15, 2017 - Explore Barbara Strickland's board "Great Yiddish expressions!" The Spelling contest relies not on YIVO linguists but on Webster’s Third New International Dictionary, which spells an Americanized version of the word… Ceremonially Jews began dubbing this sort of dish "safe treyf" - treyf being the Yiddish word for "unclean." Example sentences from the Web for trefTref, having been put upon the scent, followed the trail through several streets until he came to a night-shelter. From Yiddish beygel baleboste An efficient housewife or hostess beheyme cow, a big dummy (used of women) blintz A sweet The literal meaning of … Pareve Refers to “neutral” - a status of Kosher food which is not considered either meat, poultry, or dairy, and is prepared on or with “neutral” equipment. Trayf (or traif): Yiddish* for “not Kosher”. Tref definition, unfit to be eaten or used, according to religious laws; not kosher. Kosher Terminology Kosher is the Hebrew word meaning fit or proper, designating foods whose ingredients and manufacturing procedures comply with Jewish dietary laws. Bubkes or bobkes may be related to the Polish word for “beans”, but it really means “goat droppings” or “horse Let's celebrate this years Hanukkah in Yiddish! on Pinterest. The Yiddish word for tasty is “geshmak.” Jewish deli food is salty and fatty, sour and juicy, chewy and crusty. (This has nothing to do with the word "kosher", but comes from the Hebrew and means "hard, heavy," thus "not bad." It's the Hebrew word used in the Torah to denote meat prohibited for human consumption, as in Exodus 32:30. Rabbi Kniaz said that some families opt to follow up the curriculum with a “kosher week,” during which they might eat out at a kosher restaurant, buy kosher meat, or separate meat and dairy. Foods that are pareve (neutral) such as fruits, vegetables, grains, eggs, and fish can be eaten with either dairy or meat dishes (but be careful about the health risks of margarine, since margarine was likely invented to create "kosher" butter). Pork, seafood, certain birds (like crows), fish that do not have both fins and scales, and rodents are all “trayf”. All For kosher purposes, fish are not considered meat. “Although we do not keep kosher at home, this program was wonderful in that it taught our children a great deal about the practice of keeping kosher and what it entails,” Ms. Reifman said. Frequently described with the Yiddish word milchig, these are foods, such as cheese, milk, yogurt, ice cream, and so on Meat Usually referred to with the Yiddish word fleischig, this consists of all kosher pets and also fowl slaughtered in the recommended manner, and also their acquired products. Not a word for polite company. Learning & Values Essentials Yiddish Yiddish Lists and Quizzes Yiddish Words for 15 Body Parts to Use With Your Kids Even among Jews who exchanged Yiddish for English generations ago, certain Yiddish words have remained—notably the Yiddish … This Yiddish word, popularized in the 1970s by the sitcom Welcome Back Kotter, is used to call someone a jerk or a stupid person. qu... Don't Be A Schmuck Button From quotNot Ya Bubbe's Buttons Yiddish that sticks!quot, a series of buttons featuring Yiddish words, is this quotDon't Be A Schmuckquot button. The delicat in delicatessen is for delicious, not delicate. 4. bupkes Not a word for polite company. But in today’s American English, kosher can simply mean that something is permissible, such as, “Is it kosher if I use your pen?” Another fun Yiddish word is chutzpah (the ch is pronounced not like the sound in “church”, but like a strong, throaty h like in the German name Bach ). Kosher definition at, a free online dictionary with pronunciation, synonyms and translation. Treif is the Yiddish word for not kosher. Yiddish word for "of milk"; used to identify any dairy product, utensil and equipment.One of the three major Kosher food groups: Meat,dairy and neutral. All our amazing titles, including Harry Potter un der filosofisher shteyn, Shloyml-Boyml, Pinkes Khelem and Vu d... i velt hot nor an ek, will be sold with a 15% discount during our KHANIKE2020 campaign (11.22-12.10). The national spelling bee spelled it wrong. In Yiddish, the adjective for 'non-kosher' is "TRAFE". Yiddish Word English Meaning bagel A ring-shaped bread roll made by boiling, then baking, the dough. I wonder if 17th century Western Yiddish speakers would have seen words like sosneh and klion as evidence of the impoverishment and slavicization of Eastern Yiddish, or that, to paraphrase, “Eastern Yiddish…borrowed so heavily from Slavic, it could barely be called Yiddish at all.” kosher – Yinglish, not in its religious or Yiddish meanings, but only in five slang senses: authentic, trustworthy, legitimate, fair, and approved by a higher source. means a blessing. A little old lady sold pretzels on a street corner for a dollar each. Kosher salt What’s that mean? Tuches is the Yiddish word for bottom or rear-end. The word trafe is used in Hebrew, Yiddish meaning non-kosher,food that is not kosher They are never part of a Kosher recipe or to be eaten in the diet of a Jewish Kosher is HEBREW for the Jewish dietary restrictions found in the Torah and observed by Jews. Or so say mavens of Yiddish about the winning word, “knaidel,” in the Scripps National Spelling Bee Thursday night. Chutzpah is a Yiddish word meaning gall, brazen nerve, effrontery, sheer guts plus arrogance; it's Yiddish and no other word, and no other language, can do it justice. The Yiddish word for “expert,” maven (or mayven), is derived from the Hebrew word mayvin (מבין), which means “understands.” A maven is an expert who understands the skill or subject at hand. He t[e^]r[=e]ph[=a]h an animal torn by wild beasts.] The word kosher clearly comes from the Hebrew כשר kasher (the pronunciation and spelling kosher is from the Ashkenazic and Yiddish influence), but the Hebrew kasher and its associated words have many more meanings. Bubele is a similarly affectionate word, though it isn’t in Yiddish dictionaries. See more. This list of 21 Common Yiddish Words Every Woman Should Memorize offers some of the best and most descriptive Yiddish words. Kosher means fit for ritual use or proper for eating. Bubele is a similarly affectionate word, though it isn’t in Yiddish dictionaries. Mashgiach is the person who supervises the production of kosher food or the slaughtering of animals according to Jewish law. English loves putting words together to make new ones. Kosher Kosher is a 6 letter word, used as a noun or as a adjective satellite, grade 7, a compound word, with Yiddish origins, and has the letters ehkors (ehkors).Starts with k, ends with r, four consonants, two vowels and two syllables. Kashruth (also Kashrut,kashrus, כ ש רו ת) is the set of Jewish religious dietary laws. 1. Learn these common Yiddish words, and you’ll surprise your Yiddish-speaking friends or … To sound like a Yiddish maven, use this word wherever you’d normally say “wiz,” “genius,” “expert,” or “connoisseur.” Despite the small number of speakers, Yiddish words have made their way into other languages, and many Yiddish words and phrases can be found in English and Hebrew. See more ideas about yiddish, jewish humor, yiddish words. 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