0000004142 00000 n Features and Benefits. %%EOF Dimethoate 400 is an organophosphate systemic insecticide/miticide for use on fruit and citrus trees, vineyards, nonbearing and nursery stock, commercial pecan production, certain commercial vegetable crops, certain field and seed crops and ornamental plants grown in … LABEL. 72 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[<18F03996678BDF6E6CF3BFB0FA0F8D7A><21882DB11C5E5B439FA09422077536C0>]/Index[46 56]/Info 45 0 R/Length 124/Prev 109557/Root 47 0 R/Size 102/Type/XRef/W[1 3 1]>>stream The resistant individuals can eventually dominate the insect population if these insecticides are used repeatedly. Adama Dimethoate 400 Insecticide PAGE 2 OF 11 FIELD CROPS - continued CROP PEST STATE RATE WHP (days) CRITICAL COMMENTS Pastures, Pasture Seed and Forage Crops, (inc. Clover, Medics, Cereals, Lucerne, Legumes for animal feed) Blue Oat Mite NSW, WA only 90 mL/ha 14 (G) DO NOT graze or cut for stock feed for 14 days after application. startxref xref k�r�GQ�Xނ�AB�����N"��4&c;�%Uu�]��g��q:�z������W���W�e?��@�8��K�NY��&���؟ؔ ]u�����\N��E3n�{�/:Wչ���3�W����G�p��,��D��"�}���� b�^����G{�-��;AK?ۭ���L����H�|l����m!��'7 {��\a�Z�c}^]��'��C�58�v��~==q��yۿ�֎�egK�x/͒V��~Z��oz ��+� �Z7 1109 27 �����=g��ղ�ξR-��ln��;ne?ؗ��S�Oo�4���Ygy�����H�c�r.�ǜ|[��H��n�sl�[���q57K�%�s�:�����0�*��,3tz�ԃ�GM�aGr�Y�QRtC`���!�����knh>�y���WI�8.�Ea�r�����[=w>�8/�P����vP��2��V4�����]wO��2����؏Ԟr�d�et�d�� � �+cإ�� It is highly soluble in water, has low groundwater leaching potential and is volatile. 0000000016 00000 n DIMETHOATE 400 EC or any other group code 1B insecticide. Systemic Insecticide ACTIVE CONSTITUENT: 400g/L DIMETHOATE (an anti-cholinesterase compound) For the control of certain insects including aphids, thrips, jassids, lucerne flea, redlegged earthmite, Queensland fruit fly, leaf hoppers and wingless grasshopper as specified in the Directions for Use table. Low-VOC formulation designed to meet current environmental compliances 0000001541 00000 n Very toxic; the probable oral lethal dose in humans is between 50-500 mg/kg, or between 1 teaspoon and 1 ounce for a 70 kg (150 lb.) endstream endobj 50 0 obj <>stream For the control of a wide range of insect pests on fruit trees, certain vegetables, citrus, pastures, cotton, lucerne, peanuts and ornamentals as listed in the Directions for Use Table. trailer }D��٪�כ��3;����a�.JZ-�B����x������MIɭ�u�(����sH���:���C��(Տ.�=���^ ��� *���H�-{l��6ߠ��%2�2��D$9j �o�����Հ�}�A�P�p�N�6� �(�v� ° ��� �bo�b� �d?�hvo�u�e�Fp���qiR�19e C�@�ؕ?�e��34;Bc�5�K�" The latest evaluation of dimethoate residues was in 1998 within the CCPR Periodic Review Programme and the toxicology was reviewed in 1996 when an ADI of 0-0.002 mg/kg bw was allocated for the sum of dimethoate and omethoate expressed as dimethoate. It is non-persistent in soil, mobile but does not normally persist in aerobic aquatic systems. d�Qc���ߘ];dŝ��nȞ9–�V��P������y�V�_� ~[��� �[yU�y�\�n�,�^&9�ׁQ���w��s�����L���qʣ!�+�S�h��DE�;� #4E���0�U.�8�d��SB��$s?��`��~k���i�y��=mf������)(��AmT��(����P}Z>�'����H`�f��t�;n��b�,�؀��u A stamped copy is enclosed for your records. USER SAFETY RECOMMENDATIONS Users should: 0000032695 00000 n 0000009265 00000 n You may also contact 1-888-478-0798 for emergency medical treatment information. Download SDS. Contains 400 g/litre (38% w/w) dimethoate as an emulsifiable concentrate A contact and systemic insecticide for the control of aphids and certain other pests on wheat, potatoes and seed crops of sugar beet and mangels FOR PROFESSIONAL USE ONLY SAFETY INFORMATION Product identifier: 3621-04, Dimethoate 400 g/l EC Features: A systemic insecticide/miticide labeled for a variety of pests affecting fruits, vegetables, nuts, citrus, field, and seed crops. 46 0 obj <> endobj x��XiXS�֎'ǪX��:�ګ��me�*bUD�p@Qd �2�8�9�De0�̈�R�(�8�"���V����m���;�|�����O�!��{�����{�܌3bĈQ[�.^�nc��a#B�O�F[�1#���1O�d C��ӧ=� n��u��a���h49uʤ�c&~��oڄ�4�`Ԉ�������fs�Z�'&��pfr6q�9�9s8[8s9[9�8��y'�*�N�3g>Džc�q��pVsl9k889�899�4�x�� g>9njsuD���ٝ���,�s��QܗdǨ��v��:�_c��z���2}ܮ�ǿ���w?x>��įye�>��hr���}h��B7,�|�,W��h$ Dimethoate 400 EC Insecticide; Active ingredient: dimethoate. !H��$�D(�K�$�%"A\�P)V�hA6�fjTJ�27ㄜ�%�c�(����3��� ��L�J�UU��I������¿��#�Ql�P5�PN�O ą7,� �XC�X�3c6�����)�+�/�m��e�%�Ż���HS��;|����R6z�� �\��6�����w��R��~�~��[�����(�U;�k�5�E-����'�0$j���vD�,^��eS�TZ��+�j���y M�Afֶ���l��_�z�^�'���I Nl�fOz{�f �GCͼ{m{�ϡ� M$a'����]vU�gQv+W�tX ��߫��9�s4��~A��uwݭz^�U,��^���;|j]��Ե����к���V�=�r�S���h��t\��y� �+c�ir�z�0 �':e�yW���_*�]|Kw���s.h�4��F�. DIMETHOATE 4EC is a systemic insecticide and miticide. Dimethoate is known to leach through soil into ground water under certain conditions as a result of label use. ��d�9��J��5��s�!���Ё�L������wk�f�拋�E¡v��Y�"R>t�ձ�fsw7O�CS��{h���0�3���]b�7��{�3���m��q6�dgR������0t�տ�gl@?�q �E:+��eyp�?|� �@O'������(��N�[G'�.N?�{4�� �<8)�E6�,g#���#B�. Based on Canadian pesticide labels, dimethoate is the only insecticide currently registered in Canada to control insect pests of Douglas fir (seed tree), Sitka spruce (seed tree) … Dimethoate is an organophosphate insecticide no longer approved for use in the EU and in other parts of the world. Any insect population may contain individuals naturally resistant to DIMETHOATE 400 EC and any other group code 1B insecticides. GHS Product DIMETHOATE Systemic Insecticide Identifier Product Code 1070 Product Type Group 1B Insecticide Company Name NUFARM AUSTRALIA LIMITED. Comparative Product. Store in a locked room or place away from children, animals, food, feedstuffs, seed and fertilisers. See active ingredients, product application, restrictions, and more. The dimethoate content shall be declared (not less than 950 g/kg) and, when determined, the mean measured content shall not be lower than the declared minimum content. 3 Relevant impurities 3.1 Omethoate (CAS No. Have the product container or label with you when calling a poison control center or doctor, or going for treatment. Handle with care. Dimethoate 400 EC delivers effective protection against aphids, thrips, leafminers and other tough pests through locally systemic and broad-spectrum contact activity. 0000005519 00000 n Please submit one (1) final printed copy for the above mentioned label before releasing the product for shipment. 10L, 20L, 110L b;F{whp�R�k��8�~G��Xmލp���3sg���^�6q��7����ޡ����_WKg� ��#�����/̸�W):X�iY!� l�Ǐ����pm�jqWX�? [�����M j� View the product label for Dimethoate 4EC from Drexel Chemical Company. California Registration # n/a. Disclaimer: Always refer to the label on the product before using Helena or any other product. 0000002611 00000 n 0000019908 00000 n #�#���-q�� ���+��+0� `�g����v���:����!-Gq״��;�f�xc&����Jk�j��-�6�>bZ��ը�.�/qzW�'������Ѥ ... Insecticide (1422), Miticide (419), Ovicide (273) EPA# 19713-231. Use of this chemical in areas where soils are permeable, particularly where the water table is shallow, may result in ground-water contamination. SPECIMEN LABEL. 0000001402 00000 n Protect from direct sunlight and temperatures above 40°C. Alternate or tank mix with products from different insecticide group codes, These Dimethoate Insecticides are organophosphate systemic insecticide/miticides for use on fruit and citrus trees, vineyards, nonbearing and nursery stock, commercial pecan production, certain commercial vegetable crops, certain field and seed crops and ornamental plants grown in nurseries. Systemic Insecticide Formulation type Emulsifiable Concentrate EC Adama Dimethoate 400 FIELD CROPS CROP PEST STATE RATE WHP (days) CRITICAL COMMENTS Cereals (Wheat, Barley, Oats, Triticale) Lucerne Flea NSW, Vic, Tas, SA, WA only 55 - 85 mL/ha 4 weeks (H) 14 days (G) DO NOT harvest for 4 weeks after application. DIMETHOATE 400 EC INSECTICIDE IMTRADE DIMETHOATE 400 EC INSECTICIDE Expiry Date: If stored below 30°C Expiry Date: If stored at or above 30°C The Expiry Date of 24 months (2 years) from Date of Manufacture is applicable only if the product is stored below 30°C GROUP 1B INSECTICIDE APVMA Approval No: 69555/RV0317S FLAMMABLE LIQUID, UN 1993 N.O.S. 1135 0 obj<>stream 1113-02-6, CAS name O,O-dimethyl S-[2-(methylamino)-2- 0000019479 00000 n Dimethoate Systemic Insecticide ACTIVE CONSTITUENT: 400g/L DIMETHOATE (an anti-cholinesterase compound) SOLVENT: 255g/L HYDROCARBON LIQUID GROUP 1B INSECTICIDE For the control of a wide range of pests on fruit, vegetables, pastures, cotton, lucerne, peanuts and ornamentals as per the Directions For Use table. DIMETHOATE 400 EC is a group code 1B insecticide. endstream endobj 1134 0 obj<>/Size 1109/Type/XRef>>stream Some naturally occurring insect biotypes resistant to Adama DIMETHOATE 400 and other Group 1B insecticides may exist through normal genetic variability in any insect population. ACTIVE INGREDIENT: Dimethoate (O,O-dimethyl S-(N-methylcarbamoylmethyl) (phosphorodithioate) ...……………………………....44.8%. endstream endobj startxref person. 0000001198 00000 n Dimethoate is a cholinesterase inhibitor, meaning it affects the central nervous system. See active ingredients, product application, restrictions, and more. To delay insecticide resistance: • avoid exclusive repeated use of insecticide sfrom the same insecticide group code. 0000010152 00000 n ��:� �o � 7��T����w�>iͧ��L��Z�*[���˴���^I��NT��,+>֮�U��`g�h1�6uety���$ �^���۪����$r������g۪�r��9#B[`_(�����o�3"����%j�Ȥ�'�'P��E*>"7n����yH��Cv|�4�QyG��ȟ����H�R'�E*�rRqr�췤����D5�\��0�uu�� �sm�+KZĊ���U�F��u�� ��f���kto4���B�D4��u���pt��_� ��D�� �F����>j�>�� This product may contaminate water through drift of … Dimethoate 4EC Systemic Insecticide 5905-493. �^F�����RrD�RR�2 �|����@D���Ƚ$#9����e,�����| |=�>�G�2- ?8Hs��l9��l�Y�澗M�fm�cS|��R���q�ȗ�/ ��0�XB�*8�r�N�m�� SYSTEMIC INSECTICIDE. DIMETHOATE 4 EC. 0000000872 00000 n 45°F. Use of this chemical in areas where soils are permeable, particularly where the water table is shal-low, may result in groundwater contamination. %%EOF 0000004064 00000 n 34704-207 EPA-Initiated Action Concerning Protective Eyewear Revised Label Submitted on July 19, 2013 Dear Dr. Halarnkar: The proposed amended label submitted on July 19, 2013, for this product is accepted under the provisions of the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA), as amended. TEMPERATURE LIMITATIONS . 0 ^%�p�3:8�M\}���8'�ׄ#�����ܶ�ͳڛ砙g?��țхr���L\����u u~��u$�]49q���An� �j��ޅ)�HѼ�V�ƙ'���;�d�(Ir%/Ժ�D�7J1`�`��r��d^ ��!X���)G� ��i ��|g�g`�I�w!d���>�|���1yKL�5j5e��cg�f�|`��Ͳ���_�aw����+�l"� i�4� Subject: DIMETHOATE 400 EPA Registration No. Download Label. 1109 0 obj <> endobj endstream endobj 47 0 obj <> endobj 48 0 obj <>/Rotate 0/Type/Page>> endobj 49 0 obj <>stream Description. Dimethoate 4EC Label Dimethoate 4EC SDS . Dimethoate 4 EC Systemic Incecticide Miticide, a systemic insecticide/miticide labeled for a variety of pests affecting fruits, vegetables, nuts, citrus, field, and seed crops.Active Ingredients: Dimethoate 43.5% Insecticide Mode of Action: 1BInsecticide Class: Organophosphates EPA Signal Word: WARNING / AVISOApplication Rate Range: (see label) %PDF-1.6 %���� Dimethoate LV-4 CLICK HERE TO SEE COMPLETE PRODUCT INFORMATION INCLUDING CROP USAGE, REGISTRATION AND SAFETY DATA. 0000003612 00000 n 0000006385 00000 n Dimethoate is a broad spectrum organophosphate insecticide and acaricide. View the product label for Dimethoate 400 EC from FMC Corporation. Dimethoate is known to leach through soil into ground water under certain conditions as a result of label use. NOTE TO PHYSICIAN This product is an organophosphate insecticide. This product may contaminate water through drift of … Dimethoate is known to leach through soil into ground water under certain condi-tions as a result of label use. ����z�˽�|OG ��!DEF?�쫖 %PDF-1.4 %���� Contains four pounds of active ingredient per gallon. h��X�n����{qQ�DJ�;N�]'���d�w���u,��d�|��R��$vS��@I�43�sf(��'t �@�P�^$t$�(Z?�G�P�/t"�@����D�$�"�—�~�"F3��� i��h)Q������E)O�d м��2 c�H��V"Q��$�@�Z$�B��D"��=-E�0�)F��&�?��&≋_~�;ߣ)�-^J 0000007266 00000 n Packaging. Organophosphate Insecticide SYSTEMIC INSECTICIDE-MITICIDE ACTIVE INGREDIENT: Dimethoate (O,O-dimethyl-S-[(methylcarbamoyl) methyl] phosphorodithioate) ... Have the product container or label with you when calling a poison control center or doctor, or going for treatment. Dimethoate is a systemic insecticide typically applied as an emulsifiable concentrate (EC) at a rate of 0.2-0.9 kg ai/ha. Dimethoate 400 EC is labeled for a variety of crops, including alfalfa, citrus, corn, cotton, pecans, potatoes and soybeans. 0000001833 00000 n 0000002151 00000 n 0000003841 00000 n 101 0 obj <>stream 0000008193 00000 n Dimethoate LV-4 is an improved, low-VOC (Volatile Organic Compound) formulation for use as a systemic insecticide and miticide.. 500 g/L chlorpyrifos 1B insecticide African black beetle, white fringed weevil and wireworms Not required Digger 250 g/L difenoconazole 3 fungicide Early blight Du-Wett for increased spreading, Designer for increased spreading and adhesion Dimethoate 400 g/L dimethoate 1B insecticide Thrips, aphids, jassids and green vegetable bug 0000005219 00000 n The Agency has also reviewed your submission for the revised Confidential Statement of <<9786A5AE65B89B46ADC30E18914AD731>]>> 0 Genfarm Dimethoate 400 Insecticide 80540/101072-160829 Page 2 of 20 STORAGE AND DISPOSAL Store in the closed, original container in a dry, cool, well-ventilated area out of direct sunlight. h�bbd```b``��� ��;�����A$�#��> "���H�m`�KA�L#��,~`�,&}�"I`v��$]���O�� ��� �+H��}�� �½`�10j�?�� '� INSECTICIDE RESISTANCE WARNING For insect resistance management Adama DIMETHOATE 400 INSECTICIDE is a Group 1B insecticide. 0000011268 00000 n h�b```f``�f`e`��dd@ A�(� Dimethoate is an anticholinesterase organophosphate. An emulsifiable concentrate, systemic insecticide, containing 400 g/l (37.4 % w/w) dimethoate, for the control of aphids and certain other pests in wheat, rye, triticale, sugar beet and other beet crops, agricultural herbage (seed crops) and ornamental plant production. It is used to control a broad range of insects and mites on a variety of agricultural sites and contributes to insecticide … x���A 0ð4P�{\Gc���������z�C. 0000002985 00000 n Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act, as amended, is acceptable. Danadim . 0000005083 00000 n 0000019712 00000 n Use of this chemical in areas where soils are per-meable, particularly where the water table is shallow, may result in ground-water contamination. 0000012214 00000 n Calling a poison control center or doctor, or going for treatment and... Control center or doctor, or going for treatment 110L b ; F { whp�R�k��8�~G��Xmލp���3sg���^�6q��7����ޡ����_WKg� �� # �����/̸�W:... 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