You can also find links for accessing the courts' orders and cause lists. Case Status Search online in District, Taluka Courts, High Court and Supreme Court in India How to Search status of case by Party Name, Case Number Filing Number, Advocate Name, FIR Number, Act and Case Type of Cases in District, Taluka Court, High Curt and Supreme Court to know status and details of case. v. Enter the Captcha (the 5 alphanumeric characters shown on the screen) in the text box provided. Guntur courts case status. iv. PACER allows anyone with an account to search and locate appellate, district, and bankruptcy court case and docket information. To use standard view, enable JavaScript by changing your browser options. All Rights Reserved. used to search by advocate details. Vulnerable Witness Deposition Complex. After filling the details click on "find cases" and you will be redirected to a page where you will have to fill in your "case type", "case number" and "year of filing". In the Year box, enter the Case Registration Year. After filling the details click on "find cases" and you will be redirected to a page where you will have to fill in your "case type", "case number" and "year of filing". iii. Source: This website is published and managed by District Courts. If you don’t know the exact status of the Case, then click on the Both option button. Every effort is made to provide accurate and current information. can be given as the search criteria. Finally, you can see the case status on your screen. v. In the Under Section box, enter the Section which you want to search under the selected Act. h. Enter the Captcha (the 5 digit alphanumeric chararacters shown on the screen) in the text box provided. i. Ecourts Services Case Orders. HOME; Case Status. 5. Check online case status of all the district courts of India. OES is the administrative office for Virginia's Court System. Select the period (From Date and To Date), for searching the Order/Judgement of the Cases which are delivered in the given period. In such instances an appeal can be taken to the High Court. sex discrimination, disability, race and family status discrimination cases; matrimonial cases including divorce, maintenance, custody and adoption of children (the Court which handles these types of cases is also known as the Family Court) Claims for Contract, Quasi-contract and Tort. However, due to updating cycles and resources, you may encounter some inaccurate or outdated information. v. Click on either the Pending or Disposed option button, according to the status of the Case (only in case the Advocate Name or Bar Registration Number options have been chosen - refer to step iii and iv above). Muzaffarnagar courts case status. used to search sick-leave note. Now always stay updated with your cases through LawStar, the free mobile app that would notify you on any update on your cases instantly. - High Court or District Court). ix. vi. This site is designed, hosted and maintained by National Informatics Centre (NIC) External website that opens a new window Ministry of Electronics & Information Technology, If you don’t know the exact status of the Case, then click on the Both option button. Case Search online by FIR Number in District and Taluka Courts. e. Soundex - In this option, the system will display the Caveat when you enter a part of the Caveatee or Caveator Name, which sounds like or phonetically matches with the search criteria. Get notifications for hearing date, new order or judgement for your case in Thane District and Sessions Court, Thane. - High Court or District Court). Click on the adjacent View button, to see the Case History of the respective Case. free text search. Search Case Status in District, Taluka Court by Case number. After filling the details click on "find cases" and you will be redirected to a page where you will have to fill in your "case type", "case number" and "year of filing". Now the following Menu will Open . ii. iv. c. Select the entry from the Court Name Select box, which shows the court number, the judge name and the designation of the judge for displaying the Cause list. After filling the details click on "find cases" and you will be redirected to a page where you will have to fill in your "case type", "case number" and "year of filing". No matter where your case is from, LawStar tracks High Courts, Consumer Courts, e-Courts, District courts and various Tribunals across Guntur. PACER provides access to case information on all non-sealed and non-restricted civil and criminal cases in the US District Court in the District of Utah since approximately 1992.) viii. vi. Electronic Case Files Federal case files are maintained electronically and are available through the internet-based Public Access to Court Electronic Records (PACER) service. iv. Finally, you can see the case status on your screen. MAH/XXXX/1982 (where MAH is the State Code, XXXX is the Bar Registration Number and 1982 is the Year) and select the Cause List Date from the calendar control. They may also preside in certain other cities and towns specifically authorized by the General Assembly. Select the Police Station from the select box. Click on the Order on Exhibit or Copy of Judgement to view the Orders/Judgement in PDF format. advocate. v. Click on either the Pending or Disposed option button, according to the status of the Case. They are Party Name, Case Number, Filling Number,Advocate Name, FIR Number, Act type & Case Type. viii. f. Subordinate Court - In this option, you can search the Caveat using Subordinate Court Name as search criteria. Party Name maybe the name of the Petitioner, Plaintiff, Complainant, Respondent, Defendant, Appellant, Accused or Extra Party. viii. Step 10: Type Case Number and Year of Case. District courts hear cases involving civil, criminal, juvenile, and magistrate matters. Click on the Go button, to get the Case satisfying the given Case Number condition, vii. In case of Advocate’s Cause List option, Click on Go button, to get the Advocate’s Cause List on the selected date. INAUGURATION OF ONLINE e-FILING (High Court) ... First e-Court in India. Facility to search the Acts from the Act list is also provided, since the Act List is very long. Click on either the Pending or Disposed option button, according to the status of the Case. YOUR CASE STATUS: Case No. General district courts have exclusive authority to hear civil cases with claims of $4,500 or less and share authority with the circuit courts to hear cases with claims between $4,500 and $25,000. No matter where your case is from, LawStar tracks High Courts, Consumer Courts, e-Courts, District courts and various Tribunals across Muzaffarnagar. NJDG works as a monitoring tool to identify, manage and reduce pendency of cases. ii. ii. No, the FRC will only accept requests from the Court. There are various options used to check the status of case. Select the Police Station from the select box. iii. Note : If you don't have CNR Number then use other options from 'Search Menu section'. Click on the Go button, to get the cases satisfying the above Order Date search criteria. vii. On clicking the Advocate’s Cause List option button, enter the Bar Registration Number in the box, for e.g. Now always stay updated with your cases through LawStar, the free mobile app that would notify you on any update on your cases instantly. With UniCourt, you can access cases online in Montana District, view case summary, check case status, download court documents, as well as track cases and get alerts on new case updates and access U.S. District Courts - Montana District cases with Legal Data APIs. Select State, District and Court Complex of the Cause list to be displayed. Track your District/Sessions Court cases with just a click! Electronic Case Files Federal case files are maintained electronically and are available through the internet-based Public Access to Court Electronic Records (PACER) service. Source: This website is published and managed by District Courts. Enter a few letters of the Act Description in the Search Act box and press the Search button. used to search caveat. sick-leave note. High Court of Andhra Pradesh ROC No.192/SO/2019 dated:21.04.2020. For example: If the user makes a search using the keyword Ram as search criteria for the Caveator or Cacveatee Name , then the system should display all the matching Caveats like Ramakant or Ganesh Ram Joshi or JaiRam Pant.". Case Type District Status ... High Court of Madhya Pradesh Jabalpur, India - 482001 0761-2620380, 2622674, 2626734 IVRS Number - 0761-2637400 email - mphc[at]nic[dot]in. Enter the Captcha (the 5 alphanumeric characters shown on the screen) in the text box provided. We welcome your use of this informational system. PACER allows anyone with an account to search and locate appellate, district, and bankruptcy court case and docket information. District Courts of India. ii. Log on to LawStar.Select Allahabad as your city and the court in which your case is going on (for eg. Step 8: Click on Case Number. Thane District and Sessions Court, Thane Case Status: Get upto date case status for District and Sessions Court, Thane in Thane. caveat. Select Thane as your city and the court in which your case is going on (for eg. You can search cases with District and Taluka Court online by using FIR Number of the case. Kansas state courts—including district courts, the Court of Appeals, and the Supreme Court—provide the people of Kansas a venue to resolve disputes through a legal process by interpreting and applying the law and by determining which laws are unconstitutional. - High Court or District Court). This facility can be accessed through mobile phone also. Mysore courts case status. c. On Clicking the search button, the current status and entire history of the case will be shown. In case of Advocate and Bar Registration Number option, Click on the Go button, to get Cases satisfying the given Advocate’s Name or Bar Registration Number condition. United States District Court Eastern District of New York Honorable Roslynn R. Mauskopf, Chief Judge • Douglas C. Palmer, Clerk of Court Courts complexes in Delhi have especially designed Vulnerable Witness Deposition Complex. v. Click on the Go button, to get Case satisfying the given Filing Number condition. In the Year box, enter the Case Registration Year. All the Acts matching the search criteria are displayed in the Act Type select box. ii. vii.Click on the Go button, to get the Case satisfying the FIR Number search criteria. vi. c. Select the criteria on which you want to search the Case, from the tabs provided on the screen. and Year, If any of the active Caveats match the search criteria then the relevant details are displayed on the screen. causelist. | आमच्याशी संपर्क साधा Prince William General District Court Clerk Ms Rhonda Ann Daley Phone/Fax Phone: (703) 792-6141 Phone: (703) 792-6149 (Civil Division) Fax: (703) 792-6121 … for searching the Party Name “Ramesh Narayan Yadav” either Ramesh, Narayan, Yadav, Ram, Nar etc. District Court NJDG. * Court Complex Court Complex Compulsory Field * Petitioner/Respondent Enter Petitioner or Respondent Name Compulsory Field * Year Please Enter Year in 4 digit Compulsory Field Enter the SMS ECOURTS To 9766899899, Annexure to the Objective Accomplishment Report -2019, Innovations in Phase II of eCourts Project, New Bluejeans Ids and Passcodes for Courts, NOTIFICATION FOR THE POST OF FRONT OFFICE, Notifications for the post of Head Clerk, Stenographer, Junior Assistants, Typist, Attender, Information of all PP's and APP's of Sessions courts of Visakhapatnam, Proceedings of 164 statement crime no 440/2020, 25.05.2020-eFiling of Cases during Lockdown w.e.f 26.05.2020-The Hon'ble High Court letter copy Communication-Reg, 11.04.2020 Circular- Guidelines for hearing of cases through video conferencing during the lockdown period, 09.04.2020 - Guidelines for hearing cases through video conferencing during lockdown period in the subordinate courts, 08-04-2020 Circular Regarding Contribution of an amount for the benefit of the COVID-19 Victims, 30.03.2020 - NOMINATION OF MAGISTRATES TO VISIT CENTRAL JAIL, 30.03.2020 - NOMINATION OF VII MM TO VISIT CENTRAL JAIL, Modifidied notification of Hon'ble High court for court sittings, Modified Proceedings of the Principal District & Sessions Judge, Proceedings of the District Legal services Authority visakhapatnam, Suspension of work in the High Court of Andhra Pradesh and Subordinate Courts and Tribunals under the Control of the High Court in the State of Andhra Pradesh, A.P. Abhivyakti. Click on the adjacent View button from the list, to see the Case History of the respective Case. d.Starting With - In this option, the system will display the Caveat when the search string matches the Caveatee or Caveator Name starting with the search criteria. No matter where your case is from, LawStar tracks High Courts, Consumer Courts, e-Courts, District courts and various Tribunals across Mysore. d. If you don’t know the CNR number of the Case then it can be searched by other options like Case Registration Number, Party Name, Advocate Name etc. can be given in the Petitioner/Respondent box. vii. e-filing District Court e-filing Manual in Hindi e-Filling for Commercial Court e-Feedback/Suggestion eCourtIS e-Book eCourts Services App eCourts Services iOs User Manual for App. Enter the Party Name, in part (minimum 3 characters) or full - e.g. - High Court or District Court). On clicking the Advocate Name option button, enter the Name of the Advocate in the box, in part (minimum 3 characters) or full - e.g. District Courts,Maharashtra: Text Size: Change Contrast: Skip to Main Content | Skip to Navigation | Screen Reader Access | Site Map | मराठी: lc-case. Indore Bench - hc-indore[at]nic[dot]in . Now always stay updated with your cases through LawStar, the free mobile app that would notify you on any update on your cases instantly. MAH/XXXX/1982 (where MAH is the state code, XXXX is the bar registration number and 1982 is the year). Click on the adjacent View button, to see the Case History of the respective Case. Emergency Orders Appeals. In the Year box, enter the FIR Year. The District Court is known as a court of ‘local and summary jurisdiction’. मुख्यपृष्ठ | आमच्याशी संपर्क साधा | अस्वीकृती संकेतस्थळ सादरीकरण राष्ट्रीय सूचना-विज्ञान केंद्र, पुणे. Register for a PACER account. for searching the name of the advocate as “Suresh Mahohar Singh” either Suresh, Manohar, Singh, Sur, Sin etc., can be given. Contact Us Registrar General High Court of Madhya Pradesh Jabalpur, India - 482001 0761-2620380, 2622674, 2626734 IVRS Number - 0761-2637400 email - For more information on the procedures of the court and initiating a case, click here for civil cases … Click on the Go button, to get the Cases satisfying the given Act and Under Section condition. Enter the Party Name, in part (minimum 3 characters) or full - For e.g. hc-judge. g. Caveat No. Directions issued to use bluejeans app for web haring cases. i. Click on the Go button, to get list of all the Cases satisfying the given Caveat Search condition. ii. Please visit COVID-19 Impacts to King County District Court to learn how these changes affect you, or call (206) 205-9200. You can also find links for accessing the courts' orders and cause lists. After filling all the details click on "Search Your Case", your District Court, Allahabad at Allahabad case status will be displayed. Then, you have to select the State, District, and Court Complex. Gwalior Bench - hc-gwalior[at]nic[dot]in . iv. Case may be searched using name, case number, or hearing date. c. " AnyWhere - In this option, the system will display the Caveat when you enter a part of the Caveator or Caveatee name as the search criteria. ix. The general district court handles traffic violations, hears minor criminal cases known as misdemeanors, and conducts preliminary hearings for more serious criminal cases called felonies. After that, you have to enter the party name or Case Number or FIR Number. iii. In the FIR Number box, enter the FIR Number of the case. In the FIR Number box, enter the FIR Number of the case. Click on the Go button, to get the Case satisfying the Case Number search criteria. Official website of District Courts, Delhi, India. Click here for District Courts of India. vi. Click on the Go button, to get the list of Cases satisfying the given Party Name condition. In the Filing Number box, enter the Filing Number of the Case. Click on the adjacent View button, to see the Case History of the respective Case. Enter the Captcha (the 5 alphanumeric characters shown on the screen) in the text box provided. vii. Last Reviewed and Updated on : 05 February 2020, S2 © 2016 eCommittee Supreme Court of India. How do I conduct a criminal case myself; How do I apply for court records; How do I appeal against the Registrar's discontinuance order to the Referee (Small Claims Tribunals)? Select the Case Type from the select box. Modified SOP DISTRICT JUDICIARY 16.12.2020; SOP- District Judiciary dated 12.11.2020 ; Notification - Regarding curtailment of Winter Vacation; Notification No ADM-i(B)/191/2020 regarding calling for odjection (Notary) Order dated 04.11.2020 passed in Criminal Appeal No.730 of 2020(arising out of SLP(Crl).No.9503 of 2018) Notification-Posting of Civil cases posted from 27-10-2020 to 29-10 … b. Enter the Captcha (the 5 alphanumeric characters shown on the screen) in the text box provided. Notice - XII ADJ Court- Pronouncement of Judgments - Consolidated List. e. Enter the Captcha (the 5 alphanumeric characters shown on the screen) in the text box provided. Page Last Updated: 28 Dec 2020. In the Year box, enter the Case Filing Year. - High Court or District Court). ii. Government of India. Click on the Go button, to get the Case satisfying the FIR Number search criteria. if you want to check case judgment, then … District Court Complex, Visakhapatnam        District Map, Visakhapatnam, Date : 24.12.2020 New Bluejeans ids and Passcodes for Courts in Visakhapatnam District, Notice issued by IV ASCJ, VSKP in the Cases received by transfer from PSCJ, VSKP, Legal Services-Nyaya Bandu (Pro bono Legal Services ) Programme - Registration of interested Advocates, Bluejeans ID : 3300318755 and Passcode : 2784 of Principal Junior Civil Judge, Narisipatnam, Revised proceedings for technical staff, e-filing,designated staff and Bluejean ids, Notice-Revised Instructions for Judicial and Administrative work, eFiling of Cases during Lockdown w.e.f 26.05.2020-The Hon'ble High Court letter copy Communication-Reg, Notice-Senior Civil Judge Court, Chodavaram, Notification-Lockdown extension from 04.05.2020, Notice – Notice in MOP 283/2017 in X ADJ COURT, ANKAPALLE, Notice - XII ADJ Court- Pronouncement of Judgments - Consolidated List, Directions issued to use bluejeans app for web haring cases, High Court of Andhra Pradesh ROC No.192/SO/2019 dated:21.04.2020, Notification Dated: 15.04.2020 by Hon'ble High Court. iii. Name and Case Index 1992 to the Present (within the Central District of California only) A non-refundable fee of $32.00 will be charged for any name index searched. मुख्यपृष्ठ | आमच्याशी संपर्क साधा | अस्वीकृती संकेतस्थळ सादरीकरण राष्ट्रीय सूचना-विज्ञान केंद्र, पुणे. vi. Click on the Go button, to get list of all the Cases satisfying the given Case Type condition. Step 6: Click on Case Status. Online payments are made using this system. Select Khurda as your city and the court in which your case is going on (for eg. v. Click on the Go button, to get the Oders/Judgements of the cases satisfying the search criteria. E-COURTS Official website of District Courts: Case Status : Search by Case Number Court Complex Court Establishment * * Court Complex Court Complex Compulsory Field Old Case Number New Case Number. (PACER is available to anyone in the general public desiring to view case information online. For searching the party name “Ramesh Narayan Yadav” either Ramesh, Narayan, Yadav, Ram, Nar etc. vii. Step 7: Select State, District and Court Complex. This information is made available for public use by the Office of the Executive Secretary (OES) of the Supreme Court of Virginia. Party Name maybe the name of the Petitioner, Plaintiff, Complainant, Respondent, Defendant, Appellant, Accused or Extra Party. The following Menu will open . E-mail ids for Courts How to view case details and status online by FIR No for cases pending in District and Taluka courts through ecourt. v. Click on the Order on Exhibit or Copy of Judgement to view the Orders/Judgement in PDF format. Correspondence The Registrar, Supreme Court of India, Tilak Marg, New Delhi-110001 011-23388922-24,23388942 FAX : 011-23381508,23381584 e-mail : supremecourt[at]nic[dot]in In civil matters, the District Court hears cases in which the damages are not likely to be more than $50,000, and small claims cases up to $7,000. iii. In the Case Number box, enter the Case Registration Number. Case may be searched using name, case number, or hearing date. Select the required Act Type from the select box. Ecourts Services Case Orders. used to search by lower case details. vi. In criminal cases, a District Court can try offences where the maximum imprisonment term does not exceed 10 years or which are punishable with a fine only. Notice – Notice in MOP 283/2017 in X ADJ COURT, ANKAPALLE. The district court is located in 62 courts across the Commonwealth. Case Year Status Pet./Res. Follow Step 1 to 5 explained at the beginning. Click on the adjacent View button from the list, to see the Case History of the respective Case. If no search criteria are specified then, all the Acts are displayed in the Act Type select box. Get personalized cause list of all your District Court cases.. | आमच्याशी संपर्क साधा Click here for District Court NJDG. State Legal Services Authority, Mediation and Arbitration Centre and High Court Legal Serv, Circular - Suspension of work in the Courts in the district of Visakhapatnam up to 01-04-2020, SUPREME COURT ORDER - COGNIZANCE FOR EXTENSION OF LIMITATION. Contact Registrar General High Court of Madhya Pradesh Jabalpur, India - 482001 0761-2620380, 2622674, 2626734 IVRS Number - 0761-2637400 email - mphc[at]nic[dot]in used to search causelist. If you don’t know the exact status of the Case, then click on the Both option button. Related / Similar Service: Speed Post Status Tracking. Know current status of your case by Return SMS SMS ECOURTS To 9766899899 Notification Dated: 15.04.2020 by Hon'ble High Court. iii. King County District Court operations are substantially curtailed to help keep the public and our employees safe during the COVID-19 pandemic. Click on the Go button, to get the Cases satisfying the above Court Number search criteria. The District Court has a limited jurisdiction in respect of decisions made by statutory bodies and in these appeals, the decision of the District Court is final except where a point of law is at issue. Select State, District and Court Complex of the Caveat Search to be displayed. Home Tenders & Bids Orders during Lockdown Calendar Notices ... Case Status Orders During Lockdown . vi. f. Click on the Civil or Criminal button, to accordingly display the Civil or Criminal Cause list of the selected Court and Date. The Cases can be searched by either clicking on the Advocate Name, Bar Registration Number or Advocate’s Cause List (to view the date wise cause list of Advocate) option buttons. District/Sessions Court Case Status. iv. Official website of the District Courts of New Zealand. Select the entry from the Court Number select box, which shows the court number, the judge name, the designation of the judge and the judge period for searching the Order/Judgement of the case. General District Court Case Information Online access by locality to civil, criminal, and traffic cases in the general district courts. e-Filing. After that, you have to enter the party name or Case Number or FIR Number. if you want to check case judgment, then … After filling the details click on "find cases" and you will be redirected to a page where you will have to fill in your "case type", "case number" and "year of filing". Pay Traffic Tickets and Other Offenses in a General District Court General District Court. Step 9: Select Case list from the Menu. notice. Users can search the information by the state and district name, case type, case number, FIR number, party name, advocate name, year and court establishment etc. Users can search the information by the state and district name, case type, case number, FIR number, party name, advocate name, year and court establishment etc. District Courts, Delhi has first model e-Court in India at Karkardooma Courts Complex . Click on either the Pending or Disposed option button, according to the status of the Case. It also considers abuse, neglect, and dependency cases involving children younger than 18. Court Cases Information System JavaScript must be enabled in order for you to use the Site in standard view. b. After filling all the details click on "Search Your Case", your Guntur case status will be displayed. Filing Date : Filed In : Complainant : Respondent : Next Hearing : Case Stage: Attached or Lower Court Case(s) Application(s) Filed : Date Of Destruction : RBT Details : Advance Search: If you don't know the exact Case No. High Court of Judicature at Allahabad. There is a $.10 per page fee for viewed dockets, docket entries and documents. This tab is displayed only if the user belongs to an Appellate Establishment. Then click on Case status tab. Click on the adjacent View button from the list, to see the Case History. used to search by high court judge details. Get notifications of the next date of hearing and manage your calendar for all your District Court matters effectively. If you know the CNR Number of the Case, enter the 16 alphanumeric CNR Number without any – (hyphen) or space. v. Click on the Order No. In criminal cases, a District Court can try offences where the maximum imprisonment term does not exceed 10 years or which are punishable with a fine only. E-COURTS Official website of District Courts: Case Status : Search by Case Number Court Complex Court Establishment * * Court Complex Court Complex Compulsory Field Old Case Number New Case Number. Welcome to the Official Website of District & Sessions Court Karachi East Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah "I shall always be guided by the principles of justice and fair play without any, as is put in the political language, prejudice or ill-will; in other words, partiality or favoritism. Select Allahabad as your city and the court in which your case is going on (for eg. If any of the active Caveats match the search criteria then the relevant details are displayed on the screen. vi. Every effort is made to provide accurate and current information. We welcome your use of this informational system. 2. Check online case status of all the district courts of India. This site contains information about the District Court and publishes judicial decisions in a searchable database of District Court judgments including decisions on criminal, family, youth and civil matters. Access to Services of e-Courts: Cause lists, Case Status, Orders/Judgments & NJDG. - In this option, the system will display the Caveat when you enter a part of the Caveat No. Case Status Orders During Lockdown . 4. Case Status and Information Supreme Court of Virginia Case Information ... Online access by locality to civil, criminal, and traffic cases in the general district courts. Go to the link of ecourts services to check the status. On clicking the Bar Registration Number option button, enter the Bar Registration Number of the advocate, in the box, for e.g. Click on either the Pending or Disposed option button, according to the status of the Case. viii. History & Constitution; Former Chief Justices ; Former High Court Judges; Former Registrar Generals; High Court Rules; VC Schedule; … With UniCourt, you can access cases online in Puerto Rico District, view case summary, check case status, download court documents, as well as track cases and get alerts on new case updates and access U.S. District Courts - Puerto Rico District cases with Legal Data APIs. Register for a PACER account. If the section is not entered in the Under Section box, then the Cases belonging to all the sections under the selected Act will be listed. Online payments are made using this system. The relevant Caveat is selected, so that it can be tagged with the Case. 3. Juvenile The district court also hears juvenile cases (under age 16) that involve delinquency issues, and it has the authority to hear juvenile undisciplined cases (under age 18). Case Number FIR Number Party Name Advocate Name Case Type Case Code Acts d. Select the Cause list Date from the calendar control. used to search by free text. OES is the administrative office for Virginia's Court System. AOR Number AOR Name ... Supreme Court of India, Tilak Marg, New Delhi-110001 011-23388922-24,23388942 FAX : 011-23381508,23381584 e-mail : supremecourt[at]nic[dot]in . iii. Select Guntur as your city and the court in which your case is going on (for eg. to view the Orders/Judgement in PDF format. To LawStar.Select Allahabad as your city and the Court ’ s Records Department and your! Of all your District Court to learn how these changes affect you, or date... They are Party Name, FIR Number of the Case, then click on Go. Shown on the adjacent View button, to see the Case or Judgement for your Case is on! Court System last Reviewed and Updated on: 05 February 2020, ©! The select box ; Constitution ; jurisdiction ; Former Justices ; Assets of Judges search by FIR for... 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