The triple action insecticide provides long lasting management of cluster flies for up to 12 weeks. Cluster flies are generally just considered a nuisance when they decide to move into your house in the fall. Cluster flies are sluggish during cold weather and go dormant in the winter, which means they do not reproduce when the weather is cold. Flies have a relatively short lifespan, contrary to the popular belief that they live for a mere 24 hours. Appearance What Do They Look Like? The maggot stage in cluster flies lasts in about 13 to 22 days. Cluster flies closely resemble house flies, but they are usually larger and have a yellowish sheen on the thorax. The fly pupa try to find a quiet, dark, place to go through this stage. What they do and what attracts Cluster flies: Cluster flies like to lay their eggs on lawns, areas that have earthworms within the soil. Indoor bug sprays can help but you want to avoid using them too often within your living space. In fact, most other flies live less than three months. These eggs quickly hatch and the larvae are parasitoids on earthworms. Cluster flies have a widespread distribution. How long do Cluster flies live? Spray Big Outside Trash Areas with Insecticide . Cluster flies, however, can live for two years or more. The only thing that attracts them to homes is their need to hibernate during the winter months. Control. The Calliphoridae (commonly known as blow flies, blow-flies, carrion flies, bluebottles, greenbottles, or cluster flies) are a family of insects in the order Diptera, with 1,200 known species.The maggot larvae, often used as fishing bait, are known as gentles. They lay their eggs on animal feces, garbage, and in rotting organic material. At this time, these insects are the most active, as they seek refuge for the winter. Then, continue reading our 4-part guide for cluster fly control options. They move slowly. New Taurus SC is a water-based suspension concentrate of 9.1% Fipronil that is used for pre and post pest control treatments to prevent flies like cluster flies outside. Where there is one fly, it's a pretty safe bet to say that there's going to be a whole group of them just behind. They take shelter in the attic or higher up floors rather than basements and floors closer to the foundation if you have a multiple-story house. Cluster flies, also known as attic flies, are household pests.. Again, the best way to avoid cluster flies is to prevent them from entering your building in the first place. Cluster flies are commonly found in quiet, undisturbed parts of your home, such as attics and wall voids. Cluster flies, however, can live for two years or more. How long do flies live? 6–10mm in length. They enter through cracks and crevices. Cluster flies live outdoors in the warmer months of the year. Overlapped wings. Cluster flies can be recognised by their distinctive stripes behind the head, short golden hairs on their thorax and a mottled light/dark grey abdomen. A Phorid flies’ complete life cycle could take only fourteen days under optimal conditions. Their number in the house will grow and increase if nothing is done. The main goal of the species is to find a food source and breed. When crushed, they give off an odor like buckwheat honey. Eight species are found in Britain and 31 in Europe. It is adviseable to clear up dead flies where practical. Fortunately, cluster flies are not harmful to humans as they do not carry disease or damage household items, and are instead considered a nuisance pest. Cluster Fly Identification. The larvae then pupate in the soil for about two weeks before emerging as flies. Young, newly emerged cluster flies have short light-brown/yellowish hairs on their lower bodies. The life expectancy of a housefly is generally 15 to 30 days and depends upon temperature and living conditions. Eggs are laid on damp soil or beneath dead and rotting leaves. During the summer, cluster flies lay eggs outdoors in cracks in the soil. The fly maggot then enters the pupal stage, which is a lot different from the larval stage. The flies are larger than the common house fly, and generally move in a sluggish way. They gather in cluster or large numbers, particulary around windows. What attracts cluster flies? Their common name refers to their habit of forming clusters when hibernating, often in large numbers in the upper rooms and roof spaces of buildings during the autumn period. The cluster fly averages between 1/4 to 3/8 inch long. The larvae are parasitic on earthworms, in which they live and feed for around 3 weeks before pupating. What Are Cluster Flies? Phorid flies. As a free-living insect the length of the life cycle is weather dependent. Top Answer. Cluster flies generally have a life span of a few days. The typical grass fly Pollenia rudis is about 7 mm long and can be recognised by distinct lines or stripes behind the head, short golden-coloured hairs on the thorax, and irregular light and dark gray areas on the abdomen.Cluster flies are typically slow-moving. Cluster flies appear similar to the common house fly and blow/bottle flies. Sluggish movement. The thorax of an adult cluster fly is covered in short, golden hairs and the wings overlap when at rest. They do not transmit disease. Cluster flies are stout insects about 3⁄8-inch long. 30 Related Question Answers Found Will cluster flies eventually go away? During the summer cluster flies live and breed in these fields, and don’t cause any problems as they feed organic matter, their larvae live in the soil feed on earthworms. Body: Light and dark gray-checkered abdomens. How Did I Get House Flies? They require warm places to hibernate over winter. They get in through cracks, crevices, and other small entry points around your property- especially through window frames, doorways, and wall voids. What attracts cluster flies? What causes a fly infestation? Cluster flies can live for 1-2 years and this is exactly the reason why they are considered as a home pest. Adult cluster flies live longer than most flies and may overwinter in homes. They look very similar to common house flies, except they have patches of bright yellow hair under their wings. A milder pyrethrum based spray is effective and widely available. Fly Life Cycle. In fact, most other flies live less than three months. Cluster flies like the common cluster fly (Pollenia rudis) usually enter homes during the fall. Taurus SC is a non-repellent insecticide and can eliminate and exterminate workers and a colony of cluster flies and other annoying flies and pests in only a few weeks after applying. Life Expectancy of House Flies. Unlike the common housefly, the cluster flies are not attracted towards your garbage. Then they “cluster” together for warmth in wall voids and in your attic, to ride out the long cold winter. Flies don’t appear above ground until they’re fully developed. At rest, the wingtips of a cluster fly overlap. Cluster flies may not be truly eliminated as some may remain hidden, avoiding treatment. Unlike the household fly, cluster flies do exactly as their name suggests – cluster. Key Facts. If you do not see a reduction, repeat step 1 after 30 days. Homeowners often encounter large numbers of cluster flies in late summer and autumn. House flies are about ¼-inch long and gray. Use our guide below to determine if you have cluster flies and not another species of fly. The adult flies feed on the nectar of garden and wild flowers. Adult cluster flies live out of doors in the summer but seek refuge (usually loft spaces) in the autumn to hibernate, sometimes in vast numbers to emerge in the spring. Adult cluster flies are dark grey in colour, 8 to 10 mm long, and have numerous golden or yellowish hairs on thorax. Cluster flies are very similar in appearance to house flies. They are named for their tendency to “cluster” together when they overwinter in the adult stage. Cluster flies are actually a parasite of earthworms and thrive in areas where there is fertile soil. A cluster fly is a bit larger than a house fly and has a black/silvery-black checkered body. Cluster Flies Facts, Identification & Control Latin Name. Pollenia. They are dark gray, never metallic blue or green. Cluster flies are commonly found in quiet, undisturbed parts of your home, such as attics and wall voids. The abdomen of a typical cluster fly features a black and silver chequered pattern. I faced this problem myself and tried to understand how to get rid […] After fall, the best you can do is suck up cluster flies with a small handheld vacuum cleaner. During spring and summer, they reproduce and lay eggs in the soil. The adult fly will emerge from the pupea after a further 2 weeks, to begin feeding on flowers and nectar. Asked by Wiki User. Cluster flies do not reproduce indoors, and home owners bothered by these pests do not need to fear the flies are "hatching" from a dead animal or other unpleasant material within the attic or walls. To endure the harsh winter, they will hibernate. Drain fly ((Psychodidae family) ) Appearance. You’ve been attacked by the “common attic or cluster fly“! Dark grey–olive thorax clothed with crinkled golden–brown hairs. How do cluster flies get in the house? Cluster flies are a nuisance because they live a long time. Cluster fly. This is because the larvae of a Cluster fly are an earthworm parasite that requires earthworms to grow into full adult Cluster flies. Dead cluster flies on the loft floor can lead to infestations of undesirable insects such as carpet beetle, which may subsequently invade the house and feed on fabrics. Some cluster flies may live for up to one year. The occasional buzzing is only a minor annoyance, but when you have dozens or even hundreds of flies living in your attic space or loft areas, it can be a disturbing feeling. Houseflies are found almost everywhere people live. Flies dwelling in warm homes and laboratories develop faster and live longer than their counterparts in the wild. The truth is that flies can live up to a few months, but most live between two weeks and a month. They require warm places to hibernate over winter. Cluster flies are more common in houses close to open spaces, fields, and farmland. Typically, cluster flies are not noticed outdoors in the summer. You may see a large group of cluster flies around a window, as they are attracted to the light on sunny winter days. The female lays her eggs in the soil where they will hatch after a couple of days. See Answer. Cluster Fly image licensed under CC. Fly pupae appear larger, and their skin changes color, often yellow, red, brown or black and no longer look as cylindrical as they do as maggots. CLUSTER FLY LIFE CYCLE ^ Cluster flies are a nuisance because they live a long time. 2014-06-10 20:25:35. 2mm in length. The cluster fly will fly around the home but at a less frantic pace than that of the house fly. They are a dark, non-metallic gray with light and dark splotches on their abdomens. Cluster flies are extremely difficult to control, and often cannot be fully controlled. How long do cluster flies live? Tan coloured body appears as grey. Houseflies pass through four distinct stages: egg, larva, pupa and adult. When night falls and temperatures drop, cluster flies go into hiding. Photo Credit: Wikipedia Unlike common house flies, cluster flies have wings that overlap when at rest. Why do I suddenly see a lot of flies? Pest Expert Formula C+ Advanced Cluster Fly Killer Spray is the newly developed formulation of our top selling ready-to-use insecticide. Cluster flies develop as parasites inside the bodies of earthworms. You may see a large group of cluster flies around a window, as they are attracted to the light on sunny winter days. In the summer cluster flies live and breed in fields and open spaces. How long do cluster flies live? Cluster flies are found throughout the UK, but predominantly in rural areas. They are about 0.31 - 0.39 inches long, are gray and covered with visible yellow, bristle-like hairs. Cluster flies produce three to four generations in a mating season. 2 3 4. around 20-25 days. Wiki User Answered . How long can a fly live in your house? Cluster flies gather together in warm places during daylight hours. Types of Cluster Flies Cluster Fly Identification Commonly described as: large noisy flies. Length: Adults measure 8 to 10 millimeters. Flies get in our homes pretty much anywhere we live.